Monday, March 23, 2020


It's unfortunate for America, and partially for the world, that we are governed by a president who is fundamentally unfit intellectually, temperamentally, morally and psychologically to be president of even a banana republic, and surely not a super power with the economical and military force of the U.S., he is unfit to govern, nor to be a model of any sort to any leader around the world.

Take our present pandemic, our president as well as few other failed leaders of the world who all tried their best to deny reality, and mask it all with misinformation about everything concerning the virus, our president claimed that it was contained in America, when it was and still is spreading at more and more alarming numbers. He claimed that we had shut it down, when we had not and our medical system are far from ready for it now. He claimed that testing was available and plentiful when it proved to be almost totally out of reach.

Testing kits, ventilators, vaccines and curing medicines have to be bought from different sources, mostly European, with very dubious tactics for exclusivity and profit. He claimed that the Corona virus will soon vanish and be wiped out like a miracle, while it seems it won't, at least not before it gets much worse and many innocent pay with their lives and well being.

He claimed that a vaccine would soon be available, with uncontrollable prices set by the pharma industry, while Dr. Fauci a famous immunologist who serve as director of the national institute of allergy and infectious deceases and as a member of the White House Corona task force and many other eminent experts confirmed the contrary, stating that such vaccines would take more than a year to be available and distributed. Mr. Trump is still refusing to use his power of forcing or asking industry to accelerate production of pertinent medical equipment, he's leaving it all to market demand, profitability and big pharma corporate discretion. 

The aim obviously was to bullshit and deceive the population and try to uplift the markets with false propaganda, all to save his reign and reelectability, his oligarchy played even a worse role covering his many daily gaffes, contradictions and panic .

This president and his administration did everything in their power to keep all information of the virus, here and elsewhere contained and artificially low, except China and Iran, who were both labeled as originators of the virus and accused of intentionally diffusing the pandemic. All to benefit strictly his immediate interests and electoral ambitions, and on and on it still goes, under rules of lying, falsification and deceit .

                My usual thanks to all, hoping the world will get together to confront and defeat the virus.


Friday, March 13, 2020


Country after country, in our present times, are falling to a sort of new motto in politics and governance, whereby they are all dominated by rapacious and greedy extortionate elites consumed strictly by looting their states and its resources, using different ideologies, wars, crimes, brutality even lately pandemics and other dangerous ailments hitting humanity.

Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Israel and Saudi Arabia and many others within the tight Middle-Eastern regional sphere are all prime front examples, and they all constitute typical products of these elitist policies, benefiting directly from higher superpowers' hegemony and interests.  Countries like Russia, Turkey, Iran and many other military, or semi military dictatorships are firmly on their way to do the same.

I will give a sort of an example from here in the United States, trying to elucidate this new mentality, Mr. Trump and his administration came up lately with a projected budget, according to them it's great and they're all so proud of it all, they firmly believe that it sets the right priorities to save America, its economics and its malignant long term problems.

Funding the famous wall, supporting blindly our chaotic Pentagon top brass, our military, our wars and nuclear armaments, our new projected adventures on all continents, and our continuous war machine. Cut most wasteful foreign aid, even humanitarian ones, except of course what we generously advance to our closest allies, who happen to have the power to impose their will and scare us politically and electorally.

Cut short all wasteful welfare programs and abandon most of their recipients, no mention of social security improvement , or student learning expenses or infrastructure creation or maintenance, no mention of medicare for all, not even for some. On the contrary, Mr. Trump is doubling down on his plans to cut and kill social security and medicare while doubling the national deficit since taking office and further enriching the very rich and corporations by cutting their taxes, even now with our fast growing pandemic he's mostly concerned by further cutting rich taxes.

Mr. Trump and his administration are, and openly so, on the good path of destroying the middle-classes, and turning them into a proletarian type of cheap hard working robots, even animals for the absolute power and wealth of a filthy rich small minority, their interests, and their corporate reign . The Lebanese, Syrian and Iraqi examples are even more blatant showings of open corruption and theft, leading to the same results.

No wonder these countries hate the non conforming other, and only alienate themselves to similar regimes.  Mr. Trump hates the Chinese and the European examples, the former for its dazzling success, especially economic, and the later for it's rationality, social equilibrium and well being, thus he continuously looks for ways  to punish them.

As always my profound thanks to all, here in the U.S. and across the world.               

Tuesday, March 3, 2020


All religions, and more so the three monotheistic ones held women in a condition of undeclared slavery, made women an afterthought in the creation, labeled her as the author of sin in direct collusion with the devil, deserving a just punishment for affecting the downfall of man.

It all belonged to an exclusive masculine religion, typified in the Hebraic books by an elusive historic grand figure personified in a Moses and later his many and often contradictory prophets, in the new testament it was Peter and Paul following Jesus steps and sermons and teachings And finally, all Muslem interpreters, claiming to follow literally their prophet's sacred words and deeds, through the direct words of God, closed the doors for any new prophets or godly representatives.

All religions falsely claimed that they represent the words of God, their books and their interpreters were women's biggest problem, they were man-made inventions that relegated women as well as other religions adherents to second and third class status. Every self proclaimed theologian of these ancient religions is still desperately trying to chain us to the past, and not address any works for human betterment,

Take our present Corona virus pandemic, I haven't heard one religious figure come up with any rational explanation or solution. They all do not dare to address or challenge the superstition, hypocrisy and sham that always created and ended in barbarism, cruelty, inquisitions, invasions of all others, apartheid, brutality, massacres and annihilation.

Here in the U.S. many states still require a religious test or declaration of belief in God, and in some instances Jesus and the trinity when applying to an official public office or political appointment , Betsy Devos, the secretary of education in the glorified Trump administration, claims that the school and classroom should instill an advocacy of the "Advance of God's kingdom" with assault arms in the hands of teachers and students to protect it all . But not a secular belief grounded on sciences, common sense, equity and justice, love of humanity and compassion, outside of religion.

It is funny though, to observe how every minority , or person of color when addressing any issue, believe they are the true and sole representatives of their communities, the same exactly applies to Christianity, Judaism and Islam, every spokesman believes that he or she do represent the entire community of his constituency, even the entire believers of his or her creed. Israel is a prime and fantastic example, and the Islamic world comes second. 
                            Few words describing the huge influence still exercised by religions and religious figures in our modern societies, and our lives. My usual many thanks to all my good friends across the world.