Tuesday, August 25, 2015


The integration of certain secular norms like democracy and other modern aspects of life especially those dealing with freedom and with women issues and gender equalities , surely disturbed a certain inherited equilibrium in most Arab and non Arab countries , around the entirety of the Middle-East , whether through direct invasions ie, American invasion of Iraq , Israeli to Palestine , or via all the pseudo secular dictatorships of the area  in the last few decades .

It is a known fact that most peoples cannot tolerate existing nor conducting their lives in two different systems at the same time . In most Arab Muslim countries life to its smallest everyday detail happen because god wills it , and people are not in any role or position to argue or tamper with the will of god .

In the Middle-East Islam in its two main factions , plays a by far more pervasive role in the life of every individual and all , than any other religion does in any part of the world , only Israel might be a qualified second to this blind obedience to religious dogmas . People in the West in general have difficulty understanding or grasping the extent to which certain religions ie. Islam and Judaism infiltrate and govern all aspects of life in their respective societies .

ISIS , its sisters and all other Musslem salafi groups , are being contested in the Muslim world only for their excessive brutality , short sighted intolerance and free butchery towards Musslems and non Musslem citizens . Only if they were a little more or better tacticians and pragmatists and a little less brutal and sanguinary , they would have won the hearts and minds of most Sunni Musslems ,  not only within the Arab context but the whole world .

Historically Israelites did the same using terrorism to implement ideals and win lands and won the hearts of all  Jewry before during and after 1948 , and are still reviving these methods nowadays .

Unfortunately , I cannot but believe that the future of most of the Middle-East , will not be what we know and lived through  for the past 60 or 70 years , or even today , they will de facto be divided into many entities of different ethnic enclaves , having in most cases bad relations among each other , keeping a semi warlike  situation always followed by short periods of imposed peace .

Proving to the world that different ethnic and different religious groups cannot somehow survive together , at least not in that part of the world . and to say that it's the same god they all believe in , maybe he doesn't want it any other way !!!
My usual many thanks to all for reading and spreading the blog .      

Sunday, August 9, 2015


1-- If history is to repeat itself in the U.S. , and a Republican president is to be elected following a full two terms democrat president in 2016 , their should be no room for worries about hot issues like immigration , a topic that is now preoccupying every media , politician and regular voters .
If repeated history is the motto , a Republican president  would drag the country back into one or more trillion dollar war , cut dramatically taxing the very rich , Wall St. , and the corporations , all resulting in further cuts and reductions in public services and benefits to the poorer and the middle classes, (more than 90% of Americans) ,
America would become less attractive , and immigration from poorer countries like Mexico and Latin America would become less lucrative , thus becoming less of a problem for American politicians , a brilliant solution isn't it ???

2-- Earnings of thousands to one between most CEO's , bankers , traders' bonuses and lobbyists , versus their counterparts , ordinary salary earners , even within the same institutions , should never be the norm .  And if it has to be for whatever free market reasoning , why are we then resisting taxing them appropriately , in line with all of the Western world , for more equitable distribution and betterment of all , one rich candidate for the last presidential paid regularly around 14% in taxes less than half of what many of us pay , strange reasoning indeed !!

3-- Sen. Chuck Schumer , and rep. Eliot Engel and Steve Israel , who all happen to be Jewish , are tilting and leaning loudly to their Israeli affiliations and loyalties , over their assumed Americanism , I'm sure they were instrumental in staging the Congress warm welcomes and stand up applauds for Mr. Netanyahu of Israel . Let's all hope that the three politicians and some more from both sides of the isle , regain independent sanity , and only consider American interests and not anyone else . They are American reps. after all , elected by Americans for America .

4-- Why is Iran nowadays a place of evil , a place where we should not do business with , on the contrary fight them impoverish and destroy them . We used to cherish our friendship with them , work and trade a lot with them , Many Americans were happy to work in Iran as many Iranians lived and learned in the U.S. , all under an as brutal Shah regime as it is now under Islamic oligarchy .

5-- Finally and based on a personal opinion , many of our presidential candidates , but mostly on the Republican side for sure , for the 2016 election year , yes many or most ; perfectly fit the typical "asshole" definition . Is the nation and its media turning into an "asshole" Cherishing body ? Are we seriously looking to elect an asshole for the presidency , to govern our country , destinies and lives ?? and for a long 4 years or possibly 8 ??? didn't we learn anything from old  Bush/Cheney  foolish  adventurism and economical collapses ???

My usual many thanks to all for your patience and time .             

Sunday, August 2, 2015


As much as  one could be feeling sick and getting fed-up by what is happening in the entire Arab world , and its different countries  and entities , there is no denying , that modern Israel , in the midst of all the Middle-Eastern events, is turning as sickening , dangerous , cold and brutal .

The degree of intolerance exercised by Israel toward all its neighbors , close ones and far , is only matched by the vulgar and crazy ISIS and the Syrian regime , it is confirming  Israel as a rogue country of the third world , this Israeli arrogance toward everyone else , including its closest allies , and its insistence on creating and fueling conflicts over the whole area , plus its continual policies of apartheid and crushing the Palestinians under their control , all in an attempt to achieve and materialize an actual transfer of the entire Palestinian masses , acquiring by any means their lands and properties .

These tactics and policies , will only further inflame an eventual religious war or wars between Islamic countries themselves , and united or divided with the Jewish state, leading to many years of continual brutality and savagery . Middle-Eastern peoples in general , including Israelis , are propelling themselves on these paths , purposely kept blind-folded from other better possibilities , on the contrary a systematic energizing of hate , vengeance and the notions of "you're next" leading surely to a real religious war sooner than later , dragging the whole world in it .

As the Israeli machine keep vigorously pressuring and influencing American legislators for an anti deal with Iran , as they did with Iraq some years before , it shows the no limits Israel's semi religious oligarchy is willing to go to , in destroying the area by keeping continual war games alive .

No matter how we hide behind our Internet screens , or we mesmerize ourselves in front of erupting volcano scenes , earth quakes or floodings , even in just watching our own human craze , stubbornness and brutality , we cannot ignore what's happening in the Middle-East , destroying all its heritage and history in sheer brutality under the name of stupid religious differences or conflicting feelings , or hegemonic false superiority .

The many religions , namely Islam and Israeli Judaism  will bring the real doomsday scenarios if we are not very careful , and working to prevent it , all of us , citizens of the world . Lack of tolerance will lead Israel and the whole area to total disasters from all perspectives .

Finally and in regard to our unconditional support of Israel , in right or wrong , the world and the U.S cannot and should not conduct their political process in the twenty-first century with the fear of one state , and their one side minded lobbyists , the world has to decide in cool thinking and steady steps its future according to its own ideals . Preventing annihilation wars is a solid prerequisite of our survival through this century .

If Israelis are willingly  turning their country into a pariah nuclear state , the world has a moral obligation of stopping it , for the world's own safety at least .
 My usual many thanks for listening .