Monday, February 29, 2016


Few days ago a contact friend , sent me a Facebook short video , depicting a scene in the Palestinian occupied territories , a cruel video , I've tried my best to check the authenticity of this video , but couldn't , all I can say is ; it surely depicts the general mood and behavior , like many similarly filmed and documented incidents , mostly everything about it looks like genuine , albeit  some doubt remains .

Many Israelis and more so young ones say ; " their Talmud , they say finds it easier for them to kill a Palestinian than to kill a snake ."

Nothing in the actual state of Israel exist anymore of the original Jewish spirit , upon which Israel was hypothetically founded !! Its original spirit and dreams of socialism , its kibbutz and collective camps and their collectively living inhabitants , their chants and slogans , that captivated the world youths and ideologues , and the world's cultured elites . Even here in America , many back then, and fewer today , still keep this vision of idealistic life and puritanical look and aspirations , only to be extremely disappointed while watching the current news or visiting the country .

Now only religious fervor and fanaticism , backed by pure original Zionism is prevailing , and is the rule of the land , and the firm indoctrinated belief of its general population , its armed forces and all its politicians . Only religiosity and fanaticism reign . Explaining the general shift of American and Western youths , universities , liberals and intellectuals from all over the world .

Only minorities of ultra conservatives , and very Biblical literalistic Christians , advocates and followers still look to Israel and its behaviors with some sympathy and partial acceptance . Even American Jews do not and cannot understand and stomach these prehistoric barbaric behaviors .

What grew on the ground with the years in Palestine/Israel , is a true reflection of some of the original Zionists , and their direct influence on the whole succeeding movement and country , leading new Neocon politicians like Mr. Netanyahu and others to the actual brutal, aggressive and barbaric nature of governance , with their hegemonic and apartheid policies , indoctrinating with them the whole Israeli youth and future generations .

Many today accept idioms asserting that "all Jews are Israelis , and all Israelis are Zionists." All  Zionists are nowadays Israelis , many Jews are not . No true Jewish person , in my opinion, would intentionally go killing Palestinians , be it Musslems  or Christians , if they were not totally brain washed with ideas of pure self defence , arrogance and superiority against powerful and merciless animals . So where is Zionism going in leading the country , its conscience , or whatever is left of it ??

We as humans are the measure .... we only need to stand tall and high , and live and prove our humanity . Let's still believe that the whole should not be necessarily equal to the sum of some of its parts .

My , as always many thanks for your time and help spreading the word .


Sunday, February 21, 2016


Couple days ago  I , E-mailed some friends an article called  ;" Israel & Syria , plan B is to Balkanise from Yinon to Yaalon. "

One comment was sent from my son Bassel . I thought to blog his short reflections , one other from a good friend and mine .

Bassel; " you know pops , for the first time ever in my life , after reading this article , I actually can agree with the Israeli-minded "plan B",  Now I realize that plan B is greatly in action due to direct actions of Israel and the U.S. and other Western countries who have , for years , played out their different variations of plan  A , and puppeteered  all over Arab countries . But the Arabs have greatly played into this , and it is the Arabs who repeatedly do not get along with each other . Or anyone else who does not  agree with their principles , and continue the fighting amongst each other .
 So why not let them continue their lives in a tribal setting ,  living by their standards and not joining the Western world and the civilized world . Now in the end , this might interfere with Western politics and conquests of ( land , products , trade etc...) , but maybe we do need to let them split from political states , and do their own things . It would destabilize the region , and make it harder for them to be true enemies to the rest of us , and maybe the few of them who make it to the top can re-establish themselves in the global economy and civilization ".

Me ; An excellent short and to the point reply mon ami , I somehow agree !!! You know in our parts , we had a saying that goes like this " Fekhar ye casser ba'adou " , fekhar in Arabic means terra-cotta or pottery , so it comes to " let pottery break pottery " or stupid kill stupid or fekhar break fekhar and itself.

 The only sad and unfortunate part of all of this is for someone like me , who came from these parts , lived there and had dreams there , even truly believed at certain times in a possible large and prosperous secular Arab nation , and an Arab open and non religious entity , it's hard for me to just simply accept and live with what's taking place in my old world . But facts are facts , and I'm enough of a pragmatist  to admit realities . Still it's harsh to see one part , my part ,  totally disintegrate and its enemies totally prosper and win .

Bassel ; "yeah ,and I agree to some extent that Israel is not always doing the right thing either , as I totally disagree with their politics and actions against Palestine , and their treatment of Palestinian people and lands . But in the end , non of the other Arabs give any care at all to the Palestinian people or their plight , at the hand of the "enemy " , because they can only see their immediate enemies who are just next to them .... and so the Israelis are somewhat correct when they say that they don't have an immediate threat from Arabs , as Arabs are too busy killing each other and destroying themselves .

Marwan , a good old European friend had this to say ; "  So , there is method to this madness ."

I will add , yes my friend , I now believe there is , and it's been planned and in the making for quiet some times , for many years at least .

My very sincere thanks for reading and helping in spreading the word . 

Friday, February 12, 2016

Mr. OBAMA ..... THE LEVANT .....

Many Americans including myself ,  consider Mr. Obama as a highly intelligent person and president . He  surely , in his two terms as a president , set the tone of politics in many aspects and areas of our lives for decades to come . Not many agree though on all his politics and achievements , but almost everyone agrees on his shrewdness , perceptiveness  and composure .

One area of the Obama's administration weaknesses and an almost total failure , according to most , was his policies and his implementation of these policies  throughout the Middle-East . Where he totally proved the U.S. capable of intervening three times at the wrong places , Iraq , Afghanistan and Libya , not to mention Somalia and Yemen , and totally abstaining from desperately needed positive moves in Syria .  He worsened the ugly inheritance of his predecessor George W. Bush .

As it looks right now , Iraq is being systematically divided , and a de facto pseudo confederation of  ethnic/religious among the three main groups , Shiia , Sunni and Kurds . Libya is still totally in the unknown , while Yemen and Afghanistan the slaughter continues .

Syria with its million dead, injured and tortured beyond human reasoning , and its many millions sent into refuge , is headed slowly and surely in the same direction , with borders being continuously redrawn by many regional and international players , presently the pendulum indicates mostly , an independent Alawite entity , covering most of the coastal areas , and linked to as many possible cities and smaller enclaves in the Syrian interior , the fate of some larger cities like Damascus , Aleppo , Homs , Hamma and Daraa , are to be decided by further warring tactics on all sides .

Both Russia and Iran , Israel and some others , would welcome very much whatever they can achieve geographically , but ultimately even the Alawite enclave might prove satisfactory , then an organized disentanglement of the existing Lebanon , might only add further Shiite lands and strategic demographic importance to this newly founded country . The Shiite crescent from Iran to Baghdad and the Mediterranean costs would be achieved , Russia of course would be the godfather and protector of the new entity , while maintaining its presence both over the sea and in the region .

Israel , as always a major agitator and instigator of this game and a permanent force behind pushing the U.S. into a systematic destruction of most of its Arab neighbors is bound to keep the Golan heights , but is now looking suspiciously into the end results , doubting its long defense reliance  with the U.S. and starting a bizarre outlook toward militaristic Russia , while keeping its eternal lobbying pressures  to increase its annual U.S military package from 3$ billion to 5$ b a year , for the next 5 to 10 years , maybe it's a price for American tax payers to maintain a happy and satisfied fat pseudo ally instead of feeding American  homeless people.

There are the two remaining regional players , Saudi and Turkey , both stubborn carriers of the Sunni flag and slogans , who originally opposed all aspects of this game , and thought of acquiring the whole of Syria , including its Alawite sides , their rewards and compensation price would be the creation of a Sunni enclave in the middle , sharing big parts of both Iraq and Syria , to be placed under a direct tutelage of Turkey and Saudi , governed by a pseudo Islamic/civilian  autocracy/theocracy , and practically linking Turkey by land to Saudi Arabia and the Gulf .

A practical plan to suite all sides , political and economical , including a pipe line for oil from the gulf areas to the Mediterranean shores and Europe , possibly vexing the Russian oil plans , but hey !!  no one can satisfy everyone on everything . Non the less a very bad scenario to the region from a historic perspective .

The U.S. and the Obama administration's inability and unwillingness to move and react promptly gave the Iranian and later the Russians and their clones on the ground a practical total win , that is still in the making , against  many or most people wishes internationally and in the area .  The administration's policies toward the area , are only enforcing the belief of most people and countries of the area and the world that whoever relies and bets on the U.S. is mistaken  and will  fail , while those who take Russia as their protector will win and achieve their goals , a dangerous mantra for the future of our interests  and our image throughout to  world .

Our foreign policies , and our application of force ,in different world crisis and versus countries like Russia , Iran and Israel , all with big agendas of colonialism  and  hegemony , by any means while using any situation to win and extend their powers , rendering the U.S. less than an innocent spectator , is harmful  to our future and our role in international affairs , as well as maintaining stable long term allies .

This administration's behavior toward the Levant , and the Israeli /Palestinian conflict, didn't prove to be the most clairvoyant , nor intelligent to solve and correct situations , on the contrary it completed the total screw up of its predecessors of neocons and Israeli manipulated instruments , albeit using other methods and possibly some innocent good faith .

My usual many thanks for your time  and help spreading the blog .         


Thursday, February 4, 2016


After yesterday's visit , by Mr. Obama to a Baltimore American Islamic mosque , one could not refrain from certain thoughts ,  first , yes there is in America today some sort of open and direct discrimination , mostly against Musslems , and others as well . Against all nonconforming individuals and groups  more or less . Despite the fact that most Americans , 6 out of 10 according to most recent polls , find such behaviors directly contrary to their values , and do not share the opinion that Musslem Americans are different from other ethnic minorities .

I for one , definitely share the opinion and gladly add my name to any anti discrimination count . It is practically identical , or very similar to anti-Semitism . We can not just hate a race or colour because we could be in conflict with its original birth place . Historically we had many cases of doing just that, be it against Germans , Japanese and others , nowadays it's Musslems , or Sikh as our latest round of  innocent victims to ignorance among discriminators . Jews until not too long ago were always the suspicious bunch and not in any high esteem or appreciation .

Now to offend anti discriminationists , I say that if all religions and religious people , manage to keep their doctrines and ridiculous folkloric paraphernalia , as in dresses , hair and beard styling , veils and other devises to cover and hide hair and bodies , loud and showy behavior in public and private living quarters , mostly in neighborhoods generally not very religious or practicing , tolerant and even secular neighbors . We might surely come to much better harmony in our society .

In a sense , it is frequently offensive to many of us , when we have to witness and be submerged in Islamic dress codes applying to both genders ,covering women from head to tow , as when we see a group of Orthodox Jewish men , dressed in special farcical dresses , praying and leaning to a wall at airports , not to mention the ugly habit of displaying huge crosses in mostly Latino and others' cars dashboards and around their necks .

It is true that the melting pot that forms America , should include some social habits and norms as well , an existential problem for Europe while still forming here , as many of us , secular Americans , as well as more conservatives from all denominations get offended seeing  those backward acts and ways , a gross infraction that stubbornly declare only their adherent's religiosity, fanaticism and a stupid and false sense of superiority .

Why does God , the Monotheistic god of the 3 major religions for sure , why does he hate so much women's hair , and historically managed to put various restrictions and constraints on showing it , that will always be an enigma for me .

If we all attempt to reach better melting in our societies , and looking a little less at reviving our archaic religious fervor , expressed mostly in dresses , public praying and religious folklore , then I believe discrimination in general and discriminating against each other would gradually vanish and disappear from most of our lives .

America is leading the world and humanity into the amazing 21st century , let us all participate in this unique experiment , with less show of dresses , folklore and fanaticism .

My thanks as usual for your precious time and help spreading the word .