Saturday, December 20, 2014


Today my comments are addressed to Mr. Obama , the 44th and current president of the United States of America .  Mr.  Obama , as you've been already 6 years the leader of this country with 2 remaining , may I take the opportunity to make few honest remarks , probably shared by many millions here in America and the world .

Your recent move toward Cuba , one has to agree was a master's move , as our policy toward that country and its people , as you describe it yourself was a very outdated and archaic policy . Your adversaries are totally divided and at a loss .

Your health care or Obamacare as it's being labeled , seems to be well on the way to establishing itself as a totally accepted system , with millions of adherents and beneficiaries , again your opponents are practically silenced and forgetting it .

Immigration reforms are still wishy washy and no decisive rulings came out of it , but surely you're having the upper hand , hope you continue the reforms there for a better future of this country and its citizens.  Regulating  Wall Street and the banking system , as well as narrowing the growing huge spread between the extravagantly rich 1or 2 % and the majority of stagnating middle classes  is again lukewarm at best , as you obviously didn't prove to be whom the American people hoped you'd be .

Saving and bailing out big businesses and banks was again a very smart move and a positive one , to the country and your political career , but asking them and the big corporate entities for money and help to contribute to the country's long term educational , and scientific research programs , plus the everlasting  infrastructural problems of our country  and its welfare , was well beyond your scope , and never part of the deal , even though the country and its people would have enjoyed a tremendous boom from an alliance between private big money and government , somehow nothing happened and the country is still lagging behind .

Racial tensions , social problems , imprisonment , police and NSA supremacy and  brutality didn't improve or go anywhere significantly during your reign , even though you symbolized a strong possibility at your initial election .

Finally  your general foreign policy , under very hesitant moves , lead the country to loose some very important U.S. past gains . True , you got the country out of Iraq , but only to get us back in again  , and having to play a sectarian game of helping the Iranian backed Shiia against its counter part Sunny population , a no good game for the U.S. at all .

We totally missed and misused our strength and authority with the Israeli/Palestinian Peace process , and humiliated our system of governance , leading us now again to have to veto an independent state of Palestine within a reasonable time frame , a totally biased position against most countries of the world including our closest allies . We could have achieved way more to both involved parties , and better served our vital interests in the Middle East .

Your indecisiveness  Mr. president with the Syrian Assad regime , and their proven establishing of the Islamic hordes , led to an almost cold war situation with Russia , China , and most Middle-Eastern countries , less evasiveness toward Syria would have brought us lots and lots of recognition .

I sincerely hope that in the coming month or so , and as a great gift to Many struggling Americans , you might offer the poor working classes , and the economy in general a real boost , by using your presidential powers and establish  a 10,10$ or a 10,50$ minimum wage policy , even if the increase is spread over a 4 quarters of an 18 months period , to help accommodate small businesses .

Mr. President , the American people , same as in many parts of the world , are starting to live a serious cognitive revolution  to problems such as steep inequality of wealth distribution , big profits by financial entities and banks , huge corporate powers , and special interests and their big monetary interferences in elections , and in directing our policies and wars . The politics of Israel are becoming more of a steady embarrassment to our integrity and a liability to our interests .

Finally Mr. president , and during your 2 remaining years , many Americans believe that you stand a fair chance of putting the country firmly back on its track , regardless of short term habitual threats and criticism , whether from internal or external friends , allies or their lobbies . You said lately that "We are doing these things because they are the things to do."So keep doing and don't be a political calculating and a picker.You have to finish doing what we started doing 6 years ago internally and externally .

Good luck Mr. President in your remaining term , and by the way Happy holidays for you and your family .   My usual thanks and as well , Happy holidays to all .              

Monday, December 15, 2014

20 , 50 , or 100 YEARS .......

Such  numbers from a historical perspective are minimal and almost meaningless ,  so many conflicts , wars , truces , empires , fascist and brutal dictators , as well as many other events in our world last 5000 years history , lasted 50 or a 100 years , to totally vanish later with hardly any trace at all .

IF I was either an Israeli politician , some Neocon right wing zealot , or an ISIS good old turbaned Sunni jihadi Musslem , I would by now be well entrenched in serious negotiations for a long truce with the other party.  The problem is ; would a 20 or 50 years truce be adequate and fulfilling or should we aim and work our efforts for a 100 years truce .  IT all happened before with both sides .

Both , Sunnis and Jews , would agree to such an arrangement influenced by  their religiosity , beliefs and historicity , a solid commitment from both parties , a win-win situation . I believe historically both religions had more than one well established truce between them , in the times of their coexistence , during the early days of Islam and Muhammad's establishing of his reign .

So in the actual Middle-East , and the Levant , as we are clearly witnessing the beginnings and the Resurrection of an older pattern , whereby It is not just a matter of inventing or discovering new tactics , or political devises , the rapprochement of the two Major forces , Sunni Musslems and Israeli Jews , is starting to take place  slowly and surely .

The interesting part is our underestimating of the speed with which the new rapprochement and the accepting trends , are taking hold . It seems to be coinciding perfectly and synchronized with the rise of religiosity  and fanaticism in most M-E countries and certainly in both camps .

The various combinations heighten the possibilities  but also the dangers . The rate at which people and their leaders , absorb such acceptances is rising fast . It took far more than half a century of total Musslem/Jewish enmity before on the ground circumstances due mostly to Sunni/Shiia historic  hatred and distrust , would allow people to accept and start absorbing such ideas .

The Sunni/Shiia fault line that divided and continue to do so , in several nations within the Middle-East , is proving to be far worse and  more destructive than the Musslem/Jewish divides throughout history , old and new.

Let's agree that both sides , Musslems and Israeli Jews , and for the greater part of the past century , systematically refused to give the other any strategical advantages . Any benefit one gets is seen immediately as a debit on the other side . Widespread distrust  was the reigning situation .

Now that we accept that the Islamisation scenarios of all countries covering the Middle-East map , are here to stay , for some decades at least , and the establishing and governing of the Jewish orthodoxy and their Neocons leaders are here to stay as well , a Sunni/Jewish truce is de rigueur ,and is being contemplated by more than one party , countries as well as  individuals . As I've always firmly believed that only extremists from both sides will be able to ever sign a truce or peace treaty .

Whether it's all for the better or worse is debatable , and what the future of this area of the world hides is to be seen .

My usual many thanks to everyone for your time .        

Sunday, December 7, 2014


IN  the wake of the last few weeks events , in Ferguson , N.Y. , Cleveland  Ohio , and many other spots of the U.S , one is led to think and possibly conclude , if a majority of Americans truly think  and believe that these bodies are credible enough . If these appointed grand juries , are not in many cases out of sink , biased , and clearly nowhere close to fair and within the spirit of the law of the land .

Common sense would lead us to some obvious conclusions ; Assuming that most of these appointed bodies  and committees , of ultimate ruling decisions in some cases , could be biased , or motivated by different rules than just the plain and fair rule of law , as clearly more and more  Americans now believe . Then the possibility of all investigative  committees  and grand juries integrity are at stake .

In some cases corrupt in its ugly sense might be applied , in others biased and ignoring the on the ground truths for ideological and special interests purposes . Our financial system benefited repeatedly and continue to do so , according to most observers . Our lobbying forces whether  political , economical , foreign  or domestic , even though investigated repeatedly , are as powerful and dominant as never before . Some of our prominent politicians would fall under "guilty" but are in fact free to do more and benefit their political agendas and their deep pockets as well as their sponsors .

Are our police and many newly created as well as old security agencies becoming "the untouchables". Are we here in our 21st century America in need of an American Spring ?? A movement to rid us of big brotherhood and its branches , something to prove to ourselves and show the world , that we are still the leading nation within our civilized world .

These investigative bodies and grand juries are formed by people like us , why do they revert into
ideologies and inherited basic instincts rather than applying the strict rule of law  as they clearly should , even our judicial system and all the way up in hierarchy, is proving to be more localized and reflecting local sentiments rather than the unified approved laws of our country's judicial system.

Are the big banks and Wall street , the huge corporate sector , and all special interests the new norms  of ruling and governance ?? The unchallenged forces , the untouchable entities ?? Are our elections eternally rigged to be kept hostage to big money and extravagant interests .

Many doubted  the outcome of the Kennedy assassination investigations , are we today to revise our trust in the 9/11 investigations as well ? the Christie bridge scandal final verdict ?? Once again a young black man is killed , and another one , and another ,  yet somehow , no crime has been committed , could all of our higher appointed investigative bodies be as out of sink and clearly wrong and not suspect higher special influences interferences .

This is not where America ought to be in the 21st century . My usual many thanks to all .


Saturday, November 29, 2014


We can not admire nor excuse the brutal , blind and fanatic leader , who wrecks and  destroys his country and  the fabric of its society and peoples , for love of another world of his own liking and interests . Rulers and regimes  that wreck and sacrifice the very existence of humanity out of hatred for the other .

The thing to be considered nowadays all across the Middle-East , is the fact that the same attitudes reign and hold true for all parties , whether we bring the Assad president and his regime , the ISIS gangs and their rogue leaders in their quest of reinstating their Caliphate , or Netanyahu and his right wing religious neocons with their apartheid treatment of their Arab Israeli citizens or their under occupation Palestinian population . Many other leaders and regimes stand to view .

The notions of  dignity and basic human rights , democracy and rule of law and so on , are systematically reduced and eliminated , and always turned to a deceptive mask for the carrying of day to day tactics and long term goals  of all these thirsty for dominance regimes .The above mentioned regimes , are continuously orchestrating and conducting  "ethnic/religious" conflicts and crimes , sharing a common strategy of indoctrinating their youth , for the creation of a culture of hatred and brutality towards the other .

BE it called a Sunni Islamo-fascist fundamentalism , a Shiia or Jewish fascist fundamentalism . It represent the three sides of the same brutal repression . Requiring International , or at least decisive Western interventions .

IN this aspiring Middle-East  of our actual times , it is impossible for any one person to combine simultaneously three features ;  Conviction and loyalty , or call it " belief " in official ideology , Intelligence , and honesty . If one believe and is intelligent , then he is not honest . If one is intelligent and honest , then one couldn't be a believer . And if one is a believer and honest , then he's far from intelligent .

The Assad regime , the Sunni hordes in Iraq and Syria , and the Israeli religious coalition of neocons , share between them some very similar traits , policies and pseudo concepts whose function are strictly to block dialogue and kill peace  with the other side , and only aim at brutally suppress and annihilate the other . While perpetrating a culture of hatred by propagating horrible individual and collective crimes .

The truth of the situation therefore is ,that  Assad , Netanyahu and Baghdadi , are all the same in the long run  , applying the same tactics and methods to terrorize and dehumanize their subjects , peoples and opponents .

Thank you all for listening . 

Saturday, November 22, 2014


As we claim to cherish and hold so dear our relationship with  Israel , and highly approve of all their acts , methods , tactics and policies , almost to inspirational degrees , whereby so many Americans look forward to go visit and establish a living  of some sort in Israel  and its under occupation  cities  and territories ,  the obvious comes to mind , and one could  ask ;

Why  don't we apply  here in the  U.S. , some of their more successful and proven laws , and security measures and tactics , for instance when a crime occurs , and the criminal is apprehended or killed , why don't we go ahead simultaneously  and demolish and erase  the perpetrator's home , his siblings  and  his  parents as well , maybe  even  his  neighbors  homes .  They  are all guilty of  harboring , inciting  and definitely approving some of his acts , are they not ??

Why  don't we learn , how to go effectively after  the  murderous'  mother and father , brothers and sisters , treat them like dirt , jail  and torture them , deny them their civil rights , as they must have had a hand in their sibling's criminal acts , confiscating whole neighborhoods , villages , destroying  their farm trees , their water wells , isolating them within thick walls , just to teach all and everyone that crime doesn't pay in our civilized societies .

A fair number of Americans , without any doubt , believe that in many areas of the country , black people , are responsible for most crimes and acts of violence , except lately in our schools , Why don't our local governments and local law enforcement  agencies , adopt policies of destroying their homes and confiscating their lands collectively as punishment , and maybe rebuild new houses  for more suitable new immigrants . As in the example of Israelis and their troublesome  Palestinian neighbors .

The practice of collective punishments and house demolishing  in Israel is carried out through  the  courts and the governments , so no worry of illegalities , even if it's banned by all international  laws and ours . In the past we have carried some similar actions against native Americans , blacks and even Japanese , whereby today we have no shortage of anti societal elements in our country ; Arabs , Musslems , blacks , Asians and mostly from India , 5 millions Latino criminals .

No house demolition for Baruch Goldstein who killed 29 Palestinians in a mosque in 1996 , nor  the homes of Israeli men who killed and burned a Palestinian teenager earlier this year , or the shooter of a  31 years old Arab who was shot on his roof-top for being suspected of carrying some bad intentions .

So let's adopt some of these proven to work procedures and policies of collective punishments , and apply them locally for our security . Naturally common sense requires us to adopt these Israeli effective methods  in their entirety and  apply them strictly and only against enemies of peace and harmony , and not its defenders .

Again , as I was lately  asked why am I focusing many of my blogs on the Israeli/Palestinian issues , frankly , because I'm appalled by the happenings and our utter silence , my usual many thanks .   


Saturday, November 15, 2014


Throughout the human race modern history , some 6000 years , man  had always this fantasy of creating  a superior and higher than himself creature , a god  he later called it , an Omni entity that would be responsible for all and everything , that would be our creator , inspirer and our salvage , responsible for the salvation of our actual world and the one after .

Man gave and described his  created gods in the most  desirable and dream-like fantasies , filled  with  terrestrial  pleasures  and wishes , mostly  unobtainable here on earth by the majority  of mortals . Living as well with his wrath , anger and brutality , perfectly reflecting and mirroring ours .

Originally  mythical gods  were  more  civilized , as they  mostly attended to their own affairs , pleasures and brutal  fights and mutual destruction , thus  giving us  men  here on earth  a live example  of how to behave and conduct our lives .

Then  appeared our actual only one  god !!!  The only  and sole creator of everything with his rigid rules and ethics , the Pharaoh Khufu  had a strong hand in shaping the idea , a god that fulfilled  the aspirations of many by force or through the influence of time , spreading into larger areas , and different peoples . Eventually into world wide arrogant dogmas and creeds , rules and ethics . Into hatred , into pseudo love and forgiveness , that never lasted long as human nature was never compatible enough .

This same Omni all and everything  god , managed to steal man's  imagination for centuries , mostly with his brutal ways and behaviors , commanding and asking for the annihilation of everyone not within its grip or sect , contradicting himself in his eternal messages more often than not . Man was always his faithful and blind executor .

Why do we keep at it , and so blindly  and faithfully , whether Pharaonic , Hebraic , Christian or Islamic , it is the same  Omni and ominous one . As expected ,  gods and their disciples flourish mostly in troubled areas , take actual or whatever is left of Syria for an example , where the cultured secular , modern democratic figures of society , were the easiest to beat and eliminate from the game , only the godly religious remained  on all sides , all under a perfect umbrella of politics , Sunni  Musslems majority fighting Shiia Alawite Musslems and some other scared minorities . Iraq , Libya ,Yemen , and  many other hot spots of the world , not excluding the ex Soviet Union  nor Israel and Palestine ,  are all having their godly moments with  all its brutality and blindness .

Everything  about our lives , our understanding of mater and mind , of ourselves , is more or less maturing and advancing , except our core religious beliefs and behavior unfortunately . Isn't it high time we  seriously reconsider that old Divine Spark , dating thousands of years back in antiquity . Humanity is getting better, smarter and more accomplished over time , we don't need Sparks to direct and guide our actual times and lives , whether Divine or self made .

My usual  appreciation and thanks for your time with me .   


Saturday, November 8, 2014


We  all  realize  and know  by now  that  the Republican  party  won  the  midterm  elections  for 2014 , won  both  houses  of  congress , secured  many  governing  positions  in  many  States ,  clearly  rendering  them  the  governing  real  power  more  or  less  across  most of  the  country .

Next !!!  what  is  their  real  agenda , their  concrete  strategic  policies  for  the  future  and  advancement  of  the  country .  We  all understand  that  most  if  not  all  campaign  slogans  and  advertisement  efforts  were  simply  tactical  little  games , for  the  sole  purpose  of  igniting  the  electorates .

One  inspired  Republican  aspirant , for  example  was  calling  for  the  abolition  of  the  minimum  wage , in  trying  to  oppose  the  proposed  hike in  minimum  wages  proposed  by  the  administration  and  many  Democrats . Some  other  campaign  advertisements and  slogans  were  not  less  strange  and  unrealistic .  But  most  of  these  , strictly  for  campaign  purposes , proved  to  be  useful as  winning  tools in  a  more  than  ever  divided  country , politically  and  economically , widening  the  margins  between  the  different  American  classes  and  the  few super  rich , individuals  and  corporations .

Some  further  analysis lead  one  to  conclude  that  the  general  traditional  Anglo Saxon  constituency , is  steadily and  stubbornly  drifting  back  into  its  historical  traditional  conservatism , and  these  are  served  best  by  the  Republican propaganda machine .

Let's  admit  though , that  too  many  discouraging  events took  place  affecting  American  lives and  psyche  for  the  past  14 years , terrorism , wars  that  were  unworkable and not winnable , fundamental Islamism  that  is  increasingly threatening  our  way  of  life , some  very  intransigent  allies that are  constantly undermining  our  interests  in  many  regions , a  black president as well  as a possible Musslem according to  many. Policies and adventures demanding higher taxes to fund and cover , and  an  economically harsh meltdown  resulting  in  a diminished market  for  better  paying  jobs  and  positions .

We  all genuinely agree though, that  we  are  steadily  progressing  to  better  state of affairs  and  levels , if  not presently enjoying  the  best times of  the  past  12 years .

When  back  in  1969 , Gen. De Gaull , the  French  super  hero , the  savior  and  creator  of  modern  France , lost office to  a  humiliating  electoral  defeat , the  French  invented  then , the  theory  of  electorate  tiredness , the  people  being  drained , bored and dulled  of  the  actual  state of affairs  , irrelevant of  how  good  or  bad  it  is , the  want  to  change  at  any  coast , with  no  real  rational  explanations , I  believe  something  of  the sort  is taking  place  in  this  country as well .

The  reasons  for  massive  Republican  win over , will be  debated  and  argued  by  many  future  historians . The  main  questions now  remain , are  the  republicans , their  Tea Party  associates , and  some of their very  angry  extreme  right  leaning  newcomers , are all  these  different  legislators  a sufficiently  coherent  force  to  govern , to legislate ,  and  lead  the  country  and  its  future  in  the  right  direction ??  Or  are  we going  to  live  some  further  indecisive  wishy washy  few  years to come ,  filled  with  lots  of  governing  experiments  and  adventurism .

Let's  not  turn our whole political  scene and  future , strictly  into  efforts  of  futility , destruction  of  the  actual president  and  his administration , exorcism and grandiose dreams  of  impeachments or other , but look  into  the real needs of our nation , its youth , and  future needs of infrastructures and stability . Only  then the American peoples can ascertain that a good thing came out of their electoral decisions and the elections results in general.

A not so comfortable political situation and divide America is living nowadays, thanks for your attention .          

Sunday, November 2, 2014


In a recent conversation with  my son , who made his career in  solar energy  and its derivatives , more so in the single house self  sufficiency in generating electricity , by installing  photovoltaic panels  on one's home roof , and connecting  to  the  main common grid , or using rechargeable batteries .

I expressed astonishment as  most  of his latest meetings were with builders and installing companies  in the Northern parts of  the  U.S. , and  the North East more particularly , and asked him to explain  why weren't the southern parts of  the  country  with  their  abundance of  sun power most  of the year , show more obvious interest , compared to a relatively poorer North in sun ray availability.

Mostly he explained , it's due to the facts that Northern states and local governments help and encourage their normal households by subsidies and  tax  relief  programs  for renewable energy  projects . Whereby Southern States in general don't , rendering it harder for people to make the switch .

He  went on  wondering himself ; how come the generally Southern conservatives  don't  show more enthusiasm and interest toward the ideas of energy independence by installing panels on  their roof tops , and reducing classical electricity  generated  mostly  by  fossil  fuels . He thought Southern  conservative populations , would welcome this Independence more than their northern  counterparts .

Reflecting  on the subject , I reached some further conclusions of how , right wing and corporate political hegemony  is taking over the South , slowly and surely , against  all  other considerations , beliefs and benefits .

Solar energy is one clear example of this new state of affairs ,  it's becoming associated with liberalism , the left  and surely is more Democratic and not Republican . Oil cartels , fossil fuel energy corporations and right wing politicians are instilling  some kind of enmity against renewable energy , whereby the motto is that clean energy is almost unethical and against the real American dream , powering your home or hometown by solar is almost  un-American , surely not southern .

Oil and coal are in the same boat  with the blind right to bear arms , and general  Tea Party  ideologies , Republicans  and right wing  conservatives simply follow and let  themselves be influenced  and  brain washed .  Nowhere  else , more  than the south of the U.S. can one witness and live  this mentality and ideology taking hold of people  and electorate , politically , economically  and  socially .   

My as always many thanks to all  for your time . 

Sunday, October 26, 2014


AFP.  occupied  Jerusalem , Palestinians  will  be  effectively  banned  from  riding the  same  buses  as  Israeli  settlers  in  the  West Bank .

The  new  measure  announced  by  defense  minister  Moshe  Yaalon , due  to  go  into  effect  next  month , will  require  Palestinians checking  at  crossing  points , would  have  to  find  separate  transportation  from  these  points on .  The  directive  in  effect ," bans  Palestinian  workers  from  traveling  on  Israeli-run  public  transportation in  the  west  Bank ."  said  Haaretz .

Back  in  time  to  the  sixties , I  didn't  have  the  opportunity of  living  or  visiting  the  south  of  the  United  States ,  and  witness  its  segregation policies . Since  then  the  U.S.  has  made  huge  steps   and  efforts  to  get  the  country  and  its  people  out  of  these  barbaric  methods  of  living .   Unfortunately  our  disciple  over  there , is  reenacting  all   of  these  archaic  beliefs and  methods in  the  21st  century  world .

Maybe  we  ought  to  resurrect  Rosa  Parks  , and  ask  her  to  go  to  these  ill  fated  lands , and  maybe  try  to  put  some  sense  and  modernity in  their  heads .

I  was  honestly  shocked  and  horrified at  the  segregating  news  from  Israel  today , and  couldn't  but  comment , My  thanks  to  all  as  usual .

Saturday, October 25, 2014


The  U.S.  state  department  as  well  as  most  Western  European  Countries , have  always  been  throughout  the  years , very  vigilant  and  efficient  in  recognizing , isolating  and  advising  their  citizens about  and  of danger  zones  of  conflict  or  civil  unrests . Promptly  cautioning  and  advising  Americans  against  travel to  these  high  risk  areas .

As  we  have  been  noticing  for  some time now  and  more  so  lately  , more  U.S.  citizens  are  being  killed or  injured  in  war torn  Israel  and  its  under  occupation  Palestinian  territories ,  not  sparing  lately  teenagers  and  infants , as  well  as  its  toll  of  grown up  tourists  or  volunteer  fighters  and  activists .

Reuters  just  reported  today  the  latest  American  casualty  a  14 years  old  teenager  shot  in  the  head  by  Israeli  forces in  the  Arab  village  of  Silwan . And  few  days  earlier  an  infant  killed  by  allegedly  terrorist  acts .

Too  many  innocent  Americans , are  being  victims  of  blind  brutality  from  all  sides  of  this  conflict .  Some  accidental  , but  many  purposely  shot ,  bulldozed , kidnapped  or  jailed  and tortured  . Our  state department  and  other  agencies  as well ,  know  and  document  these  facts  as  well  as  the  media  in  most  cases .

Why , would  one  wonder , doesn't  the  U.S. and  maybe  the  world , at  least  the  Western  countries , all  concerned  about  the  safety  and  well  being  of  their  citizens , and  in  line  with  all  of our  declared  policies  and  past  acts , designate  Israel  and  the  Palestinian  under  occupation  territories , a  danger  or  cautious  zone , a  high  risk  area ,  issuing  warnings , asking  their  citizens  to  abstain  from  visiting  and  risking  their  lives , or  even  banning  travels  to  these  war  dangerous  areas  all together .

Acts  of  this  nature  helped  previously  preserve  many  American  and  international  lives  in  many  troubled  parts  of  the  world , this  one  is  no  different .  My  usual  gratitude  for  your  time  and  thoughts .   

Wednesday, October 22, 2014


Reading these days  about  the  freed  Ohio  man  Jeffrey  Fowle , being  released  after nearly a six months detention , for  reading  the Bible in  a night club , then  leaving it behind .

His  family said  the  father  of  three  was  simply  on  vacation  when  he  was  detained .      Vacationing  alone , away  from  his  young  three  kids and  wife ,  in  north  Korea  !!!!   Give  me  a  brake .

Do  anyone  need  to  convince  me , that  all  these  crazy  enthusiastic  fools  from  all  religions are  not  the  same ,  they  are  all  fanatics , blindly  proselytizing  their  Gods , prophets  and  religions , while  absolutely refusing  the  other .

Wouldn't  a  crazy  Musslem with  his  beard  and  robe  preaching  in  a  Texas  night  club , bar  or  whore-house , reading  Islamic  verses , and  leaving  his  Kor'an  behind ,  or  for  that  matter  a  fanatic orthodox  Jew ,swinging  his  head  next  to  a  bar  wall , or  even  a  Jehovah disciple  doing  the  same in a  pleasure parlor , be  physically  abused  or  maybe  even  seriously  hurt , and  later  persecuted . Why  do  they  keep  doing  it ??

In  Saudi  Arabia  the  man  would  face  beheading , in  Israel  he  would  be  thrown  in  jail , but  fortunately  for  him  and  the  U.S.  the  North  Koreans  decided  to  release  him , instead  of  using  him  as  a  political  pawn , something  being  played  a  lot  lately  all  over  the  globe .

Wouldn't  such  fanatics  think  themselves  in  direct  similarity  with a  criminally  crazy  Musslem  youths  in  Canada , or  in  the  U.K.  shooting  to  kill  a  soldier , just  to  prove  a  point  in  line  with their  beliefs or  their  dreams . The  degree  and  magnitude  of  the  act  is  just  a  detail , the  core  reason  behind  them  are  always the  same .

As  usual , commenting  on  weird  acts  taking  place  around  us  and  confronting our  sanity .  My  as always  many  thanks  for listening .

Thursday, October 16, 2014


WE  have  lately  been  inundated  with  many  clips , you tubes  and  articles , all  commenting , criticising  or  explaining ,  the  Bill Maher/Reza Aslan/ Ben Affleck/ Sam Harris   several debates , all  in  defence  or  against Islam , specifically  arguing  its  brutal  ways , and  influence  on  Musslems .

My  addition to  these  debates ,  would  be  that  all  religions  with  no  exceptions , were , and  still are  in  some  sense , brutal  and  hegemonic , deep  in  their  core , especially  if  threatened . Islam  is no different ,  a  perfect  replica  and  an exemplary  inheritor  of  many  other  religions , more  so , an almost  perfect  imitator  of  Jewish  ways , doctrines  and  brutality . 

In  trying  to  emulate  and  match  European  Christian  history , and  a  hopeless  striving  to  revive  Islamic glory , through the  conquering  and  colonization  of  many  continents  and  peoples , many  a  Musslem  group , and  a  failed  Musslem  youth  from  all  over the  world , and from  all walks  of  life  are  acting  and  trying  to hide  their  deeply  embedded  crises  of  identity .

It's  helping  fuel  certain , other wise generally  silent  young  people ,  especially  those  who  were  oppressed  and  frustrated  within  their  communities  in  the  last  decades ,  to  reform  and  reincarnate a  lost  distinctiveness ,  a  uniqueness  and  a  certain  particularity if  you  like , replacing  other  forms  of  failed  nationalist  aspirations , and  an  all  embracing  globalization .

A  strict  crises  of  identity .  As  many  or  most  nationalities  in  the  world , in their  strict  or  broader meanings  are  fading  away  and  withering . Giving  way  to  some  global  uniformity  and  cohesion .  We  have  seen  European , American  and  Asian  smaller  groups  and  cohorts  behaving  in  very  similar  brutal  ways , killing  and  hurting  many innocent individuals  and  groups , mostly  under anarchical  ideologies ,  so  how  about  adding  some  hatred - imbibed  religiosity  to  it , under  the  form  of  Islam  or  any  other .

The  mixing  and  inter living  of  many ethnically different  peoples  around  the  world , is  pushing  some , especially  Musslems  and  Jews , to  regroup and  re energize , and  in some cases turning themselves into beastly  cruel  prototypes  of  fanaticism , regularly imitating  European  classical  fascism at  its  worst , and  dreaming  of  reincarnating , preserving  and  living  a  certain  past  in  all its archaic  scenes .

A  defacto  analysis  of  some  brutal scenes of our daily lives . As usual  my  many  thanks to all .

Thursday, October 9, 2014


We  are  living  nowadays -[through  the  political and military movements of  the U.S. , its  European  and western allies , and  our  always assumed  Arab  friends]- , analysis  and  media  articles, serious and not so serious studies , carried  by  different  sources from  all  sides , local  and international .  Israel  is  officially well  kept  aside , whether  it's for their  better protection , or other strategic  later benefits .

One  side  of  these theories  speaks  loudly , about  the  total  involvement of  the  U.S. and its allies , mostly the Arab  and  Turkish , in the  creation and  development , in the funding and training , of  ISIL , ISIS  and  most  of  the other Jihadi groups ,  all for  the  pure  hope  of  toppling  the  Syrian  regime , and  influencing  the  Baghdad  Shiite  political  hegemony to  relinquish  and  share .

More  hidden , American  and  European  agendas , of  coming back  to  dominate the  area  militarily , destroying  its  infrastructure , somehow  annihilating  its  national  existing borders  and  Arabic  heritage , replacing  the whole with  archaic  Wahhabi  Musslem entities , totally  ineffective  against  American , Western and  Israeli's interests , are  always  hinted at . The  Syrian , Arab and Western liberals , Iranian and  Russian  propaganda machines  are  some  of  the  perpetrators  of  this  theory , but  many other individuals and countries  adhere to it as well .

The  other  and  opposing side , claims  a total  ignorance  of  most  of  this , an  almost  absolute denial , as we had it demonstrated by V.P. Biden , the administration and the media's silence , and the  further  demands  of  Turkey  and  Arab  countries  for  apologies , as in  denying  these  facts .

A naive  and  hesitant  approach , and  the  strategically unplanned  involvement , dragging all parties , with  no  clear  vision  for  the  area's  future  and  its  populations , has  been  the  official  position and motto , of  all  allies  regarding  this  situation , leading  to  only  shortsighted  benefits  for  some  parties .

It  has  been  clear , very clear , so far in  the  game , that  many  involved  sides are  playing  strictly to  their  own  tunes  and  advantages , and  not  the  general  war  the  U.S. is  advocating  for whatever reasons of our own , i.e.  Turkey , Saudi Arabia , the  Gulf emirates and  sheikdoms , and of course  as always , our  ever  Omnipresent ally Israel .

Where  do  we all really stand ,  in  our  declared  pure  and  humanitarian  war  against  savagery ,  brutality  and  terrorism , what  are  our  real  goals  and  strategies . Our  leaders , politicians  and  strategists should  answer  these  questions publicly and honestly , so that  the American  people , and  the world populations  , could be assured  of  our  firm  control on a very crazy and  potentially explosive situation .

Many thanks indeed for  your  patience and time , sharing this blog . 

Friday, October 3, 2014


The  undeclared  and  concealed  love  affair , the  arcane  admiration  and  a  resolute  source  of  pride  of  the  Sunni  Musslem  populations  in  general , and  their  youths  more  particularly , toward  I.S.I.S  and  its  self  declared  Islamic State , are  a  persistent  amazing  astonishment .

From  all  walks  of  life ,  from  different  countries  and  continents , educated , westernized  , city  dwellers  or  rural  villagers , all  share  some  or  most  of  these  sentiments , with  these  Islamic  fighters , and their  blind  Islamic  faith  and  goals .

In  all  honesty , I  could  not  contemplate  or  seriously  consider , the  possibility  of  any  significant  or  meaningful  Sunni , Arab or  non  Arab , army  or  group  or  even  a  militia  to  fight  ISIS  fanatics , and  their  Islamic  state , effectively  and  sustainably , let  alone  the  notion  of  eradicating  them  totally  from  both  Syria  and  Iraq .

Let  me  further  clarify , there is  an  undeclared  compatibility and  sharing  of  common  dreams , of  Islamic  Sunni  revival , and  the  reinstatement  of  a  lost  powerful  Caliphate  , something  no  Arab  or  Musslem  country , kingdom or  regime  could  achieve , to the dismay  of  Musslem  populations  all  over . Only  naïve  ISIS fighters , and  their  astonishing  successes , managed  to  partly revive   those  dreams in  many  if  not  most .

We  can  call  it "The  glory  of  Islam", Sunni  Islam  of course , as the Shiite  counterpart  , since  the  creation  of  their  clerical  autocracy  in  Iran , only  fueled more  hate , fear and  jealousy .

In  conclusion , I  couldn't  deny  the  fact , that  there is  a  suppressed  feeling  in  almost every , Sunni  Musslem , that  decries  this  war  of  the  world  against  ISIS  and  their  state .  They  do  not  deny  their  atrocities , barbaric  behaviors and  treatments of others , on the  contrary  it's  condemned  openly , accompanied often with  excuses , as  in  the  necessities  of  the  battle  and the need to scare  their  enemies .

But  hey , Israel's  fanaticism  and  brutality , as well as the Christian  history  are full of  such atrocities and  injustices ,  all  forgiven  and  overlooked , so  why  only  condemn  Sunnis  or  their  dream  fighters .

It's  a  factual  assessment  of  the  situation  on  the  ground , even  if  suppressed , the  world  should  be  aware of  these  facts  before  dragging  us  all into  an  impossible  war . My  usual  many  thanks  for your  time .       

Saturday, September 27, 2014


In  line  with  our  latest  policies  of  suffocating  and  destroying terrorism  in its crazy Islamic self declared states , lots of  news  surfaced  in  our  local  media , and  more so  in  the extreme right media  led by  Fox news  and  the  likes , about  Islamic fanatics and terrorists  who are crossing our  southern  and  northern  borders or , are  just  about  to do so .

Reports of alleged findings  on the ground , left and right along the borders , Musslem rugs , Musslem clothing , and different  Musslem artifacts and paraphernalia . Clearly  indicates how   vulnerable and uncontrollable our borders are . Our  fences  i.e. ; the  white house  fences are as vulnerable and unmanageable as  the borders , as we witnessed  last week , when  the army veteran  Gonzales , jumped the fence , with his knife , and reached the  white house doors . A crazy act of  bravado  and daring desperate madness and depression .

As  the reforms on immigration bills , as many other reforms were pushed till after the  Nov. mid-term  elections , whereby  the  house  gave  itself  an extended two months plus leave , let me  propose a new idea concerning our immigration , and borders security problems .

How about if we apply here at home  the policies of our best and dearest ally in the world . Policies totally approved and voted for by our government .  We start by threatening and in the severest language  showing our most serious intentions to both countries immediately bordering our own , and all other countries whereby any terrorists use to pass through , they will absolutely be held responsible for such acts , and if and when deemed necessary we could retaliate by any means including indiscriminate bombarding and destroying of all targets judged complicit , military and civilian . That ought to put some seriousness and vigilance into their acts .

Now , and for the long term solutions , we'd have to designate all along our borders with both adjacent  neighboring countries , a line inside their territories of about 5 to15 miles deep , and build an erect upstanding , straight wall , for the whole length of the borders and as high as deemed necessary , it's our way to prevent such thugs of infiltrating into ours , it's obviously in our most legitimate defensive needs . No extent of money should be spared for this project , any amount of dollars are unimportant compared to our safety , and if needed we can always ask for financial help from allies including rich Israel . There is though , the one danger of being called as in Israel an apartheid country with its wall , but I'm sure here in the U.S we could easily circumvent and evade that .

It's the safest plan to stop this madness affecting our daily sanity , our way of life and intellect , safely isolating ourselves and ending the dangerous influx of immigrants , terrorists , drug traffickers into our country, It once and for all should be our absolute goal . Once we finish erecting our mighty walls , we could consider reinforcing our fences as well .

A final note about our unfortunate fence jumper and intruder , is that so many of these poor , hardly and badly treated  veterans , casualties of our most futile adventures , are driven to acts of desperate nature to make their cases , or , and in extreme cases , take  the the risk of going to jail , simply to be medically treated , fed and taken care of  for few years .

Finally and sarcastically , did he really have to be named Omar ??  My thanks to you all , for as  usual listening and being patient with my concerns .     

Monday, September 22, 2014


As  the November  elections  are  coming  nearer , most  of  us  get to  receive  more  and  more political  and  election related e-mails , from  organizations and  individuals  representing  both  sides  of  the  isle , all  asking  for  our  help , money and  votes .  In  exactly 6 weeks from  today , we  will have  our  mid-terms elections  for  Senate  and  the  house , where  every  American  will  in  principal at  least , use  her  or  his  best  judgment  to continue  the  march  of  intelligent and  effective  governance , not  driven by affiliations , propaganda  and  blind  partisanship . Simply  the  nation's  best  interests  and  needs .

Americans  can  play a major  role in correcting  a  proven  bad  situation in  this  nation's political  scene , as  both parties  are  steadily  drifting  into  total  partisanship , fanatically  so , even if one  side is  to  present the nation and its  citizens with  a gift like  of a perfect deal , the other side , would automatically  sneer at it , ridicule  and  refuse  even debating it . Forget voting or approving  it . Our legislators today seem more interested in killing bills than discussing or voting them .

We had  this  unprecedented paralysis for  the  past few  years now , and as we could assume the  same  to  continue  or even get worse , by giving the Senate  to  a  GOP  majority , should  we  simply  accept  two  more  years  of  our  lives , our  future and  our  children's future to stagnate and go down  the drain ??  Let us all admit  that  this  gridlock is paralyzing the administration's ability to work and reform , as much as it is rendering our legislative branches powerless  and immobilized .

Shouldn't  we  instead , consider freeing  the  hands  of  this  administration for the  remainder of its mandate , then judge  properly in two years . We could  always  reverse totally or partially most  unwanted  reforms and  legislation by 2017 , if  the majority deems them  unpopular , but why  completely  kill two more years of  our  nations'  life  and progress by simply crippling the government .

two years are not the longest or the most detrimental in any nations life , but to make it a trend for the future by any one side , to paralyze and stagnate  everything in our civil life , is a very dangerous and malicious trend , to say the least . Vice president Biden said yesterday ; The country could " slide back a decade " if Republicans win the  Senate and  more  seats in the house this Nov.

This administration inherited six years ago the worse economical recession of our living days , a war in Iraq and Afghanistan that cost us not billions but trillions , and we are still today questioning the purpose of starting them , we are not enjoying today our absolute best conditions , but no one can deny the steady and sure improvements on both fronts , economical and warring . In two years  we can judge and determine who is to govern us for the next 8 years after 2016 , but let's be fair in giving the one side  its  deserved chances of governance  before we  crucify and cripple .

I'm  not trying to convince anyone I'm right . But honestly , are we not behaving  like  third world war torn countries who only believe in one side takes all , or no one governs . We  the  people of this country, are supposed  to have reached sophistication  and political  maturity to move  things to the correct  constructive bipartisan governance , when facing such obstinacy from blind politicians  of very divided sides , big money, huge corporate interests and their organized  propaganda . Choosing  wisely would be strictly  in our  best  interests  and for our  benefit .

As the future with its further paralysis , stagnation and government shut downs , looks more possible , one has to think things over intelligently . My respect for all different opinions , and  thanks .   

Saturday, September 13, 2014


Today  the  U.S. has  officially  declared  a  state  of  war  against  ISL , and  its  ISIS  militants .  The  Middle-East , the  Arab  and  to  an  extend  the  Islamic  world , are  in  total  chaos  nowadays , few  areas  and  countries  seem  more  stable , while  others  less  or  not  at  all , but surely , all  are  very  vulnerable  and  liable  to  being  swallowed  and  consumed  by  current events .  I  hope  that  the  willing  and  the  able  are  smart  enough  and  fully  aware  of  their  policies  and  actions , and  their  future  effects  for  the  area , and  over its  populations . Otherwise  the  possibility  and  dangers  of  a  world wide  conflict  and  doomsday's  scenarios  will  be  de rigueur .

Whom  are  we  trying  to  save  in Syria  as  well  as  in  Iraq ?  is it  the  Syrian  people  in  general , or  only  certain  factions  and  ethnic minorities , are  we  fighting  to  save  the  Syrian  regime or  its  counterpart  in  Baghdad  , or  their  adversaries , and  if  it's  the  moderate  oppositions  and  revolutionaries  that  are  the  target  of  our  help  and  training , then , who  are  they ? and  why  are we  willingly  handing  them  to  Saudi control ?

How  primordial  is  Saudi , and  its  Gulf  affiliates , in  the  governing  and  ruling  of  these  lucky  groups ? Are we  being  involved  in  facilitating  the  reinstatement  of certain  factions  and  aspects  of  Sunni  dominance  and  governance , simply by  eliminating and  replacing  insubordinate  Sunni  rebels leaders by other more  compliant  ones , or  bringing  them  to  obedience .

Are  Gulf  kingdoms  and  Sheikdoms'  money  and assumed  long  alliances , buying  our  might  and  transforming  our  air  superiority into  their own ,  to apply and  reinforce  their  Islamic/political  agendas  in  Iraq  and  more  so  in  Syria , maybe  even  selling  chunks  of  Iraq  to  its  Shiite  population , satisfying  Iran against  other  concessions ,  Kurdistan  to  its  long  aspiring  Kurds , as well  of  course , to satisfy our  special  interests , and  creating  a  convenient  Wahhabi/Sunni  new  space  in  most  of  Syria-Iraq  and  some  of their  neighbors .

Have  we  already  established  a Geographic  price  to  pay  to  the  Assad  regime and clan , plus   other  minorities  in Syria and Lebanon , so  as  to  accommodate  such  Islamic  new  modern lines  of  divisions , with  our  blessings  and  as  always  Israel's ,  Is  the  Hashemite  king  next  visit  to  the U.S  capital  to  negotiate  his  Independence , disappearance  or  appointment  to  a  greater  role  within  the  Sunni  proposed  world ? all naturally under a clear , controlled  and  approved Saudi umbrella that  follows and  is  under ours  unconditionally .

Let's  all  be  really clear ;  What Is it  that  we  mean  by  officially  stating  ; " we  are  not  in  a  war  with  I.S , only  with  terrorism , or , we  will target  only its  leadership , we  are  looking  only  to  contain  the  Islamic  state , not  to  go  to  total  war  over  its  territories .

All  difficult  questions , to be  eventually  answered  by  our  strategists  and  our  policy  makers in  their  alliances  with  blind  forces  of  supposedly  moderate  Islamic  countries , i.e. Saudi  and  others , that  could  only  lead  to  more  conflicts  of  civilizations , something  the  area  was  hoping  to  get  out  of , and  not  look  to  recreate  and  reinstate .

  Gloomy , but  likely  to  take  place , destroying  the  last  hopes  of  secularization , democratization  and  civility , my  usual  many  thanks .                            

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

MEANWHILE ........

I'm  relaying  segments  of  an  interesting  conversation , depicting  the life of  many citizens  in Syria  who  were  living  and  working  in  towns and cities  that are now under the total and direct control  of  ISIS , and  their self-declared  Caliphate .

The  interlocutor  is  a  cultured  urbane , a  medical  practitioner  and  a  researcher , the  son  of a liberal  Musslem   family  from  the  north/eastern  areas  of  Syria . He  is  addressing  the  new  rising  Islamic  state , that  is  now  the  de facto  sole  power  governing  his  homeland .

The Islamic state is  an  area  as  large  as  the  U.K.  Scotland inclusive ,  and  until  world  politics  decides  differently  it's  expanding  its  territories  and  gaining  militarily over  all  its  enemies , actual  and  pretending  enemies and  rivals . As  well  ,  brutally  enforcing  its  own  version  of  Islamic  social  behaviors   and  rules .  These  are  the  facts  on  the  ground .

What  do  they  want ??  exclaimed  the  doctor ,  what  do  they  want  us  to  do ??  when  we  attend  to  patients  and  needy  people , we  are  condemned  for  taking  sides , and  not  doing  it  according  to  strict  Islamic  observant  rules . If  I  teach  my  students  anything  pertaining  to  modern  chemistry , my research field , we  are  to  be  banned  and  punished , calling  or  attempting  to  contact  any  foreign  organization  or  association , even  for  critical  medical  consultation , is  liable  to  result  in   some  gruesome  scenes  of  Crucifixion  or  even  beheading .

With  a  cold  smile  he  continues , even  debating  or  opposing  the  Syrian  brutal  and  relentless  regime , in    progressive  and  democratic  ways , makes  one  a  suspicious  undesirable  person , liable  to  harsh  treatment , imprisonment , torture  and  eventual  execution , putting  these  thugs  on  a  par  with  the  regime's  moukhabarat ,  behaving  exactly  in  the  same  heinous  norms and  mentality .

What  do  they  want ?  and  what  is  our  role  under  their  Caliphate ??  Is it  just  to  live  and  imitate  the  prophet  and  his  companions ?  growing  longer  beards , longer  hair  and  shorter  skirts ? Is  it  by  marrying  and  screwing  the  highest  numbers  of  women , in  following  the  example  and  emulating  our  beloved  messenger , is  the  final  goal  to  totally  cover  women's  heads  and  bodies ?  enslave  and  stone  them ?? then live happily ever after .

Most  if  not  all  of  these  traditional  archaic  practices , were  adopted  by  Islam  from  Hebraic  historical  origins anyhow , he  resumes , Jews  mostly  have  grown  out  of  them , except  some  orthodox  parties  in  Israel  and  elsewhere  that  are  very  alike  Musslems  in  maintaining  and  further  submerging  into  thousands  years  old  archaic  customs .

Many  professionals  left  or  were  made  to  leave  behind  their  jobs , posts  , and  families , but  the  problem  is  always , to  go  where ??  and  do  what ?? As  the  other  side  of  Syria  is  as  grim and  brutal , maybe  it's  better  to  sit  still , eat  dates , pray  five  times  a day , and  wait  for  different  and  better  times .

My  interlocutor  is  as  fictional  as  the  situation  over  these  parts  is ,  thanks  for  your  persistence  and  patience .


Wednesday, September 3, 2014


Are  the  recent  major developments  and  problems  of  the  Arab  world , emanating  from  the  Arab  peoples'  nature and  reflective  judgment , or  is  it  due ,  at  least  more so , to  Islam  and  its  inability  to  fulfill  its  own  promises  of  becoming  a  coherent  political , economical  and  social  modus  operandi  and  system  of  governance .

Let  me  prevent  misunderstanding  and  reiterate  that ;  Musslems  throughout  history  had  a  big  hand  in  maintaining  Islam's  literalness  and backwardness .  But  the  religious texts  themselves  are  very  indicative  , commanding  and  requiring ,  of  eternal  reign  and  total  blind  obedience for  all  places  and  times .

The  solid  intertwining  between  the  two , and  for  long  centuries , makes  it  very  hard  to  reach  clear  conclusions  and  answers . I'm  inclined  though  to  believe  , and  state , that  it's  Islam  more  than  Arabism  that  is  the  core  problem , as  Arabs  at  one  end  come  historically  from  very  different  origins  and  sources .  The  southern  deserts  Arabs , the  Middle-Eastern  different  ethnic  groups , the  down  the  Nile  old  original people , the  north western  African  many peoples , and  the  Yemenis ,  just  to  name  some  of  what  constitute  the  Arab  world .

These  peoples  were  traditionally  very  different  in  their  histories , only  Islam  managed , mostly  by  intimidation  and  force , to  impose  and  enforce  the  common  history  since  some  roughly  1400 years  till now . Islam  and  its  Arabic  language   are  the  common  constant  for  all  these  otherwise  different  peoples .

So  based  on  these  facts  and  their  logic ; Islam's  continuous and  unwavering  molding  and  its  formation  of  this  identity , are  the  cause  of  these  movements and  their  results .  Simply  put  Islam  is  living  a  terrible   mental  paralysis , dragging  all  Musslems  with  it , thus  pushing  itself  and  all  its  adherents  to  more  physical  toughness  and  brutality , in  the  hope  of  saving  and  maintaining  its  own  organizational  existence , at the expense of  stagnating its ideology and thoughts .

  Musslems  from  all  walks  of  life , Sunni  and  Shiia  alike , from Arab  and  non  Arab  countries , have  to  wake  up  and  reconcile  with  the  ineptitude  and  incompatibility of  Islamic  texts , sayings  and  stories , and  the  later  works  of  Musslem  dogmatic  explainers , with  civil  modern  requirements  ,  and  the  honest  acceptance  of  all  Musslems  themselves  that  Islam  has  to  be  kept  out  of  civil  governance , the  same  basics  that  were  adopted  by  Christians  in  western  Europe and  the  United States , but  unfortunately , not  by  Zionist  Israel .

If  Musslems  fail , and  cannot  clarify , adopt  and  adapt  to  these  changes , then  I'm  sure  the  future  will  be  very  bleak  for  Islam  itself  and  consequently  Musslems , Arabs  and  non  Arabs .

Who  was  it from  the  American  founding  fathers  that  said " the  separation  of  church  and  state  is  to  save  the  church ."   My  usual  very  warm  thanks  to  all  for  your  time  and  patience .


Friday, August 29, 2014


I  want  to  bring  to  attention today , a  parallel  predicament , taking  place  in  two  different , yet  similar situations , that  are  taking  place  nowadays , under  our  eyes , for  us  all  to  observe , ponder  upon  and  judge .

I'm  referring  here  to ; Americans  enrolling  to  fight  with  and  for  foreign  armies . Roughly  1000 , for  the  IDF  (Israeli army) ,  and  over  a 100 according  to  official  U.S  figures , possibly  up  to  300  according  to  the  Washington  times , who  joined  ISIS (Islamic state fighters) .

Now , and  in all  fairness , wouldn't  a neutral  observer ; decide  that , one  group  is  fighting  for  Sunni  Islamic  principles , and  the  other  fighting  for  Zionist  ideals  and  goals . Both  of  which  are  in fact , working  to  expand , subdue  and  terrorise . Both  armies  are  using  every  means , including  barbaric  methods , to  terrorise  the  under  their  occupation  populations . One by blind  and  indiscriminate  bombardments  of  civilians  from  air , ground  and  sea ,  the other by scary and  barbaric  executions , both  trying  their utmost to frighten  and  demoralize the enemy populations . Our  American  youth  are  enthusiastically  contributing  to  both .

Both  armies  and  their  leaders  are  enjoying  their  immediate  military  superiority and  brutal  destruction  spree , claiming  jubilant  victories  after  every  battle .

Again , and  from  an  unbiased  scrutiny  and  reflection ,  why  would  one  party  of  Americans  be  considered  legal , welcomed  and  almost  hailed , while  the  other  be  criminalized  and  labeled  as  terrorists , unless  we  are  obviously  differentiating  and  favoring  one  religion  over  the  other . And  let's  not  allow  ourselves  to  fall  for  the  trap  argument  that  one  group has captured  and  executed  Americans , and  the  other  didn't . As  the  Musslem  thugs  didn't  kill  or threaten  Americans , not  until the  U.S.  started  their  air strikes and  became  the  de facto  air force  of  all  factions  including  Mr. Assad .  The  Israelis  did  not  spare  innocent  Americans  when  on  the  Palestinian  side , bulldozing  them  to  death , or  jailing ,beating  and  torturing  them .

What  these  ISIS  thugs  are  doing  to  Yazidies , Christians  and  Musslems , is  a  replica  of  what  Zionists  did  to  Musslem  and  Christian  Palestinians  throughout  the  years , and  keep  doing . Were  not  the then  Zionist  military  organisations  the  inspirers  and  teachers ??

Finally  and  to  clarify  absolutely  my  position  , I'd  like  to state  clearly , that  I  believe ; either  or  both  groups ,  are  a  danger  for  our communities , way  of  life  and , our  country .When  these  heavily  indoctrinated , blood  thirsty  youths  make  it  back  home , every  care  should  be  taken  to  keep  them  isolated  and  constantly under  detention  or  surveillance ,  but  the  parallelism  and  comparison  had  to  be  mentioned  and  discussed .

If  we  conduct  our  foreign - policies  in  a  real  fair  unbiased  way , as  we  all  believe  we could and should , we will  achieve  much  better  results  and  respectability  than  what we  are  getting  now .  As  usual  my  many  thanks  to  all  readers .   


Friday, August 22, 2014


How  come , and  why  didn't  anyone  country  in  the  world , nor  individuals  seriously  go  to  the  source  and  criticize  the  Arab  kingdoms , Sheikdoms , and  princedoms , of  the  Gulf ??  Quite  the  contrary , countries  praise   them  and  cherish  their  alliances with  them , protected  them for  long  decades  and  continue  to  do  so .

All  for  their  oil  and  wealth !!!  As  well , individual  people , Arabs  and  Westerners  kept  obedient  and  respectful  silences , as many  of  them  and  their  growing  kids  worked , benefited  and  made  riches  in  these  countries  and  deserts , and  keep  doing  so .

Today  we  wonder about , and  criticize  fanatic  Wahhabi  Musslem  hordes ,  conceived , funded , trained  and  indoctrinated , then  left  to  create  havoc  and  chaos , in  most  of  the  Levant  and  various  parts  of the  Arab  world .  all  for  political  and  ideological  hegemony , and  naïve  pride-related  reasons  that  are  beyond  the  scope  of  this  blog .

The  entirety  of  the  Levant  is  being  systematically  destroyed  and  changed  by  these  hordes  of  barbaric  Islamists  that  carry , think  and  apply , classical  Wahhabism  in  all  it's  historic  origins , and  it's  modern  nowadays  version . They  were  created  by  these  Gulf  countries  and  their  Western  allies , and  are  still  being  funded  and  armed  by  them .

We  all  kept  silent  for  long  years , while  we  were  benefiting , and  we  keep  silent  nowadays,  while  we  cry , shed  tears  and  beg for  sympathy  for  our  dying  populations , whether  Christians,  Yazidies , Musslems  or  any of  the  many  other  ethnic  groups covering  the  area  .

These  medieval  and  archaic Kingdoms , have  waged , and continue  waging  their  by-proxy  war , mainly  to  rid  themselves  of  inobedient   hegemonic  dictators , that  kept  for  decades  annoying both , the  Gulf  rulers  and  their  allies  interests , so  the  Islamisation  of  these  countries  was  a way  to  bring  obedience  and  compliance , to  these  troublesome  bordering  countries . A repeat  of  a  previous  similar  affair  in  Afghanistan . Iran  had  an  indirect  hand in  it , by  supporting  failing  rogue  regimes for  their  own  agendas .  The  Israelis  who  benefited  tremendously , were  and  continue  to  be  encouraged  to  apply  the  same  tactics  over  their  own  occupied  people  and  territories , benefiting  from  an  unequalled  complicity .

The  West  in  general  and  Western-Europe  specifically , are  almost  openly  consenting , as  these  displaced  impoverished and docile populations  from  all  over  the  Levant , Christians  included but  not  necessarily  the  entirety , could  result in a convenient  relocation , filling  their  own  population  and  labor  gap  and  shortages , leading  possibly  to  an  eventual  exchange  and  transfer  with  their  own  very  bothersome  Musslem  communities .

From a  historical  perspective it could eventually  constitute a  win-win  situation  to  all   concerned .  My  usual  many  thanks  for  listening .               

Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Some  readers  and  friends , expressed  lately  their  astonishment  as  to  the  fact , that  I  hardly  mentioned  or  spoke  about  the  new  phenomenon  of  ISIS  or  their  Islamic  caliphate , expanding  to  many  Middle-Eastern  countries  and  regions . Aspiring  to  become  a  nation  ruled  under  strict  Islamic  savagery  and  a  full  system  of  apartheid , toward  all  minorities  and  different  ethnic groups , not  to  mention  Musslems  who  do  not  agree or  blindly surrender and follow .

The  embedded  allusions  in  some  remarks , were  about  a  certain  complicity  between  Sunnis and Sunnism , as  it  happened  some  six  decades  ago , that  I  was  born  to  a  Musslem  father ( a  very  liberal  one , I  have  to  mention )  and  the  fact  that  my  name  "Omar" is  a  typical  characteristic  Sunni  name .

I  have  made  it clear , throughout  my  many  writings , how  I  really  feel  about  these  pseudo  Islamic  thugs , their  intolerable  beastly  crave  for  killing  and  brutality , all  hidden  behind  the  cover  of  musslems  going  back  to  their  roots . Their  hate  of  everything  and  everyone , not  strictly  belonging  to  their  blind  dogmas and  norms  is  unequaled  in  modern  history  except  maybe  in  very  few  cases   i.e. ;  the  Zionists of  Israel , or  the  Khmer- Rouge  in  Kampuchea .

The  real  reason  I  haven't  written  more  about  these people or their  reign , is  mainly  due  to  the  fact , that  still , and  in  all  honesty , I  don't  understand  or  claim  to  grasp this  enigmatic  phenomenon , how  did  they  come  to  be , where  did  they  come  from , where  did  they  train , and  who  really  funded , supervised  and  directed  these  individuals , how  did they acquire all  of  their civil governors . Theories  are  many , but  still  not  clear  nor  fully convincing .

I  cannot  come  to  terms  with  the  idea , that  few  thousands  brain-washed  fanatic  kids , recruited  hastily  from  different Arab and European countries , even from Canada ,  the  U.S.  and  Australia , people  who  cannot in  most  instances  speak the  same language or communicate among  each  other properly ,  all  these  people  who  traveled and  met  separately  in  most  cases , in  the  past  few  years , suddenly  form , train  and  emerge  as  one  of  the  most  formidable  and  unbeatable  armies  of  our  times , conquering  towns , cities , whole  populations  and  regimes , fighting  and  winning  simultaneously  on  many  fronts !!!

They  surely  benefit  from  private/official  Sunni  Arab  money , and  they  are  enjoying  a  general  Sunni  complicity for  sure ,  but  isn't  it  as  well  the  case  of  most  countries  and  powers  of  the  world  ?  America  in  a  sort  of  wait and see  game , Europe's occasional shy criticism  of  ethnic  brutality , Russian  and  Chinese  total  indifference , even  Israelis are keeping  their  utmost silence so as to prove their theory of  the  impossibility of coexistence  between races and  religions, thus  enforcing  their  own racial purity in Israel ,  practically  everyone  is  an  accomplice of  some  sort .

What  are  their  final  plans  and  projects  for  the  area , and  for  how  long  are  they  projected  to  rule , I'm  not  sure and  I cannot  say, but  what  I'm  certain  of ; is  that  the  Sunni  and  Arab world  stands  a  better  chance  of  waking-up , with  the  I.S.  ascent  and  decline , a  chance  to  reform  and  changing  the  course of  existing  religiosity , its  dogmas  and  applications . It  could  be  a  unique  window  for  all  musslems , Sunnis  and  Shiias , Arabs  or  non  Arabs , to  shake  themselves- up , reconcile  with  the  world  and  modernity , and  finally  join  the  21st  century ,  or  face absolute  destruction  and  annihilation , something  their  enemies  revel  in , and  they  are stupidly  and  obstinately  offering  their  enemies  the  pleasures  of  watching  them  self destruct .

A  plague  destroying  what  most  cultured  Arabs   and  intellectuals  hoped  and  looked  for , throughout  the  last  century . My  many  thanks  to  you  all .