Sunday, December 23, 2018


Obviously the last 5000 to 6000 years of Sapiens civilization , men reigning , and striving continually to  practically overpower every other live species , as well as nature , didn't do very well . Wars , biased male created religions , with Gods fully in the image and personality of male humans , and mostly aggressive, brutal and homophobic political and social leaders, who were the leading major force in the formulating and  running of global civilization , and its advancement .

Scientific advancements in Artificial intelligence and biochemistry , robotics and genome  fast emergent advancement are clearly taking over in many fields, and many areas of human life on earth, that on its own will be for sure governing many aspects of our lives and future existence and social habits and behavior . Plus the very rapid proliferation of our wars and very sophisticated armament arsenals .

More than anytime in history are scientific explorations and advancements affecting our social behavior and future well being . Leaving it all to the male specie, to coordinate future life and harmony with Scientology, and avoiding future total destruction, could prove very dangerous and volatile, at least from past, present and future historical perspective and application.

Men are temperamental and aggressive at best , men are impulsive and instantaneous , most of the time, preferring seemingly successful quick tactics rather than solid safer strategies , rendering them unfit in encountering the very serious futuristic huge changes and challenges , in all aspects of our lives , at all levels and strata of our complex modern societies .

Is the answer , at least partially , to give more power , for the tactically and transitionally coordination, of our future , to women and entrust the female specie with such efforts !!! Would it lead and frighten men into a partly loss of their historical lead-on , their continuous dictatorship of all major aspects of life on earth , their affairs and world affairs ?? Maybe it is high time to entrust the world future to female power and judgment , maybe their motherhood survivalist genes and  feelings are safer after all , more compatible to earth's existence, continuity  and survivability , than men's sheer muscles and brutality , and short sighted impulses. Maybe, maybe and maybe , but it surely is worth considering  and discussing seriously .

I know it's not a very pleasant prospect to many of us, men , representing the male homo side of Sapiens , but let's contemplate the fact that historically even major religions denigrated and belittled men and Gods , when Eve could fool both , and oust us out from God's Paradise, contrary to God's wishes , so maybe it's time for humanity to entrust  eve with its future , instead of Adam and his ruining and brutal chauvinistic plans for better survival .

In the hope , to save humanity from annihilation , as it is increasingly looming in our future , especially if we men continue to play with it all , the same way we've been at it for the past few thousands years , the future might surely not be as forgiving as the past .

My as always many thanks to all .....                   

Thursday, December 13, 2018


In times like what we're living nowadays, times where unusual and serious crises, wars, brutality and other clear features of our modern political behaviour, and constant hegemony. When We all have to rely and count on political leaders directing the executive branches of their respective countries, to be patriots but not partisans, sane enough to look for their countries and citizens interests, and not their own or their oligarchies interests, or a special segment of the population .

It is becoming grossly irresponsible to allow deranged or unstable leaders to continue sitting on top of their constituencies and governments, with a free hand and a full manipulative power, joggling poisonous demagogic ideas, laws, tactics and adventures . 

We all know that some of our world wide leaders are not mentally fit , enough to serve their countries and peace and progress in their regions and the world. Generally many people close to them know it well enough, but keep silent for many reasons.

In the American case, our own Mr. Trump is a good example, he was openly described by prominent psychiatrists as a mentally ill and unfit and suffering from at least one serious personality disorder, typically called severe narcissism. One even called him a "Sadist, the essence of evil."

Now to be realistic, Mr. Trump isn't alone or unique in his dangerous thinking and behavior, to name some, I'm going to cite Mr. Putin, Mohammad Bin Salman, Netanyahu, Erdogan, Assad and Kim Jong-Un . They all and always share the same tactics, blaming the world for all their wrongs, and all their brutality, and insane acts. Always denying and accusing everyone else and never themselves for all very vicious acts, wars, killings, apartheid, homophobia and vain brutality . Of course it's a race between civilian politicians, elected legally or not, and military dictators, and religious oligarchies reigning openly or under disguise .

They should all be demoted, depresidented and dethroned. And for that the US constitutional amendment known as "the 25th amendment" is a good start, it was ratified back in 1965, following the Kennedy assassination, and was created to provide a mechanism for replacing a political president, or a prime-minister for that matter, who has become incapacitated physically or as is more often the case mentally. In America the 25th amendment's section 4 stipulates that when the vice president and a simple majority of a body of Congress, declares in writing to the leader of Senate, and the speaker of the house, that the president is unable to perform the duties of the office, the vice president immediately becomes acting president .

This type of law exist in various parts of the world, but unfortunately rarely exercised if at all. The entire body of the UN. should legislate a specific mechanism to implement firmer and more applicable rules to enforce a peaceful transition and change of leadership where needed and in blatant cases.

The world cannot and should not be at the mercy of such adventurers, dragging their countries, their populations, their immediate neighbors and regions, and the entire world into their adventures, that could obviously lead to total annihilation of life as we know it. Such discussions are urgently and desperately needed to save many a region under threat of very dangerous conflicts.

Why do some nations produce willingly the worst of what these nations could offer ?? I guess only the future can answer that .   
My usual many thanks to all, for your time .                

Monday, December 3, 2018


Few days after the G20 summit in Buenos Aires , a meeting of roughly 30 of the planet's strongest and richest leaders tried for two days to mellow down some of their huge differences and trade disagreements. Unfortunately no great results or successes were achieved, and the world is still as separated, divided and far from some needed peace and harmony...

Confronting the challenges of the modern world in its entirety, has to go through a liberal way and liberal thinking, contrary to what we are witnessing nowadays in many if not all spots of the world. As a wave of conservative and racist populism is rapidly spreading, only equal to 20th century fascism, whereby both systems, past and present, constitute a clear threat to world stability and endangered future. By encouraging nostalgic fantasies of a gone-by past that is embellished purposely, it ignites nationalist separatism, and is against any real international cooperation and integration, which are vital for humanity's survival on planet earth. Populism is deliberately creating a kind of panic, leading to political and social paralysis .

Economic inequality, social insecurity and human suffering, could only be addressed properly and efficiently, only after a period of adoption of those problems by liberalism and liberal philosophies and liberal political strategies and ideas. Reenacting economic, social, political and cultural means, and reaching a general world-wide consensus and acceptance of these accepted universal norms. Thus ensuring a proper blue-print for humanity and its future existence .

For thousands of years, humanity as a whole, lived and faced continually major existential destructive problems, namely brutal wars, hegemony, famine, spread of deadly diseases. We all believe that all these catastrophic dangers in our day and age could be easily prevented, conquered and forgotten, on the contrary we can add to them a sense of social justice and a fair global wealth distribution.

Historically, humanity in general prayed for gods, prophets and saints, as well as to local tribal, religious or political leaders and kings for help. We now have the ability to succeed in preventing and eliminating these deadly challenges on our own, we don't need to pray to gods and their earthly representatives for help, we only have to be vigilant in choosing and stopping some of our existing crazy impostor leaders, hijacking humanity's well being and security, for their own personal ego and pretentious dreams.

There cannot be any strong-man ruler in the world who fails to see the pattern and opportunities, from Syria's leader, to Mr. Erdogan, Putin or the new European ultra right, or the Iranian and Saudi religious oligarchies,  and of course our great friend Netanyahu applying the same Trump adage, of Israel comes first and only Israel's interests and imperialism count. All Middle-East, Europe, Africa and Latin America, as before them it was the entire South East Asia, are looking for more solid friendships and partnerships, and better support from America and the Western world, from Mr. Trump and other world leaders, but alas nothing serious was achieved in Buenos Aires, not even a common climate change strategy,  only marginalities, and theatrical acts, and leaders dragging their people and countries to doomsday scenarios with them .

 My many thanks to all .