Sunday, January 23, 2022



This week's shameful display in the U.S Senate, is one of the worst in many decades and will surely have long term consequences for every coming election. Jointly every Republican Senate member, joined by two very obstructionist and traitors to their party and president Democrats, voted to uphold an old piece of legislation called filibuster, it is a rule that has been used by minority parties to block and delay any legislation i.e. gun control, elections and anti voters games, and racial issues. 

The two Democrat Senators, Manchin of West Virginia and Sinema of Arizona have given the green light and a clear  signal to the far-right anti Democracy extremism that have besieged American democracy for the past year. The sad fact is, the political and financial forces behind anti voter laws, gerrymandered maps, and attempts at outright election sabotage and denial of loss results, will be emboldened by these senators and their Republican colleagues, they are deliberately taking their disgusting political schemes to new lows for this year's elections and future elections as well. 

Meanwhile, in Texas, record numbers of voters are having their registrations rejected under the State's newly introduced ultra strict rules. Even as the State stubbornly refuses to implement secure on line voter registration. Now the State says they're running out of papers registration forms. Florida with its aspiring fascist Governor is asking for special forces or a specialized militia to regulate and observe the entire election process. Missouri Republicans are debating whether to draw a new legislative map that will favor a majority of Republican seats, while trying to fit all of the Democratic seats and their voters into a single ultra-packed district. More than 500 similar piece of legislation are being passed in all Republican controlled States. 

Sadly, this could be just the tip of the iceberg, many more new bills are set to take place, all in one direction, restrict voting power to mostly minorities and people of color. Of course not all Americans agree or approve of these restrictions favoring strictly white supremacy and white male Evangelical conservatism. Democracy is facing unprecedented threats, even when all these legislators knowingly see the veer into fascism. They believe its  their fascist legal era, their right, and their role to secure it. 

This new Republican strategy, under the auspices of the former president, Donald Trump, and his oligarchy and family, are willing to suppress and silence voters in order to secure their winning, and overturn election results that didn't go their way, they've turned repeated Trump's big lies about the 2020 elections into a litmus test, and an entire strategy for the 2022 elections. They have built bigger and more affluent, dangerous on line disinformation networks. they have passed many negative legislations and put many voting stations directly under their control. 

Make no mistake, this year elections will decide the fate of democracy in this country as we know it. and we will deliberately and purposely join the Somalias and afghanistans of the world. It was surely devastating to see 52 (50Republicans+2 pseudo Dem.) choose to uphold an archaic outdated rule, one used strictly to impede and obstruct civil and voting rights, over preventing American democracy from backsliding into ugly forms of totalitarianism and authoritarianism. 

Every American should resist the attempts to destroy what the country upheld for centuries, and to insure that the citizen's rights, all the citizens, are protected and preserved. 

As always, my many thanks to all, stay safe and well.                             

Thursday, January 13, 2022



It’s Starting to Look a Lot Like Treason

By Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America — Donald Trump, CC BY-SA 2.0,

It’s the time of the year to celebrate in the winter holidays. However, at this time of good cheer and be merry, we are getting confirmation of what many of us suspected. January 6 was treason, and not just because I like the sound of the word. In the very technical sense, it was an attempt to overthrow the government.

I suspected it, from word go. Why? Who was present at the Trump hotel the previous night, and the tours given by representatives. The language used by many Republicans and the refusal to go along into an investigation made this transparent.

Now we got receipts.

The question is what to do with this information at this point?

In an ideal situation, Republican leadership would do more than obstruct, instead, they put their fingers in their ears, and go la, la, la. They would not continue to write fan fiction and misrepresent what happened in far-right, so-called news, spaces. Fox News is hardly alone and should change their name to Fox Fan Fiction at this point.

However, there is a strong minority of the country that is ready for the lies. This is because they want an end to American democracy. They claim otherwise, but democracy demands we allow minorities to vote freely. These are the same people who desire to stop this. This is why electoral laws are shaped to add as many obstacles as possible. This is why cities are centers of degeneracy and electoral fraud in their fevered imagination.

This is why they recoil at critical race theory, a product of law school, and not taught in k-12, no matter what they tell you. The mere idea that we must re-examine American history through a lens of race relations sends them recoiling. Why? This is ideology, that presupposes all that is good with the country is white and Christian. It is an extremely nativist and provincial ideology, that happens to intersect with a global far-right (white supremacy) movement.

This far-right movement feels under threat as people of color secure political power around the world. They also know that they are no longer dominant, partly due to patterns of migration. One explanation for this is a Jewish plot to replace whites, control the media and business, and of course blood libel. All this is recycled antisemitic tropes Donald Trump is part of this, not exceptional.

What we saw on J6 was treason.

I am not going to sugarcoat it.

This was about keeping a white supremacist in power, and not recognizing the democratic process. There were members of Congress who were part of this. There were members of the cabinet or former members of the cabinet who were involved as well.

I am willing to bet that the former president and his family were up to their necks in this. I have suspected this from the beginning.

The question is will the Justice Department act? Going after foot soldiers is always easy. A former president, cabinet members, and members of Congress get a little more tricky. It is eminently political for starters because this DoJ is Democratic. So yes, this will become political in certain spaces. In fact, it already is.

My, as always, many thanks to all, stay safe and well....

Monday, January 3, 2022


When one is on top of the world, one can afford to be incoherent even weird, and perpetuating lies. Are we discouraged by what is happening in America right now ?? rest assured that it's all by design. And no it's not by Devine design, not even by anyone single religious grouping or religious sect, but there are forces working hard to undermine our democracy, as well as many others around the world, polluting the planet, stoking hatred and planting doubt, and counting seriously on everyone of us to give-up hope. It's easier and more efficient to hit the head or the more influential entity and country and then move to the weaker. And that's exactly what's happening and taking place here in the U.S. 

They want us to believe that the government is always the problem, and never the solution. That the massive wealth gap between the richest one or two percent billionaires and the rest of the population is normal, even healthy, they use prefabricated answers like "these rich people and corporations are the creators of jobs and well being, and good for the economy, so let's cut their taxes, even when they enslave people and millions of workers with barely livable wages." While they amass huge power and colossal fortunes. All a natural extension of "free capitalism, and total lessez fair mentality. Well it's wrong and a big lie.    

They are trying to divide us, from our closest families and friends, even from our neighbors, they are stoking fear by telling us a false story and a big lie of America in which we were perfect from the beginning, and great all the way, while leaving out unpleasant truths about original annihilation of entire populations of natives, ignoring all about slavery, even denying it totally, about colonization and colonialism, racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia, and huge inequality in everything. Even today some aspects of our foreign policies, and our allies and pseudo partner's adventurism all indicate that we are still at it big time when we get a chance. 

Our total fear and our total dismissal of certain modern concepts, like social benefits, health for all, education for all, rebuilding our public structures, schools and airports, strengthening our social securities for all needy and elderly retired citizens. all these and others fall under few satanic descriptions;  socialism, communism, dictatorship, lack of absolute freedom, even the freedom to kill under certain excuses and accommodating laws. We are continuously being brainwashed, and that goes to all ages and strata of the population, and lately to some horrific degrees. Terrifying the masses and planting despair. 

Instead of making it our mission, as the most prosperous nation in history, to remedy inequality, and inform millions of Americans and billions globally about our true history, and our current realities, fight together world wide pandemics and what we can all of us do about it, pointing away from despair and apathy, and petty disputes, apartheid and colonialism where they still exist, but looking forward toward hope, dignity, and making sure that change to a better and more stable future are possible and reachable. Because it is possible and doable, and it always has been. 

Why are our politicians willing to pass with no questions, a 780 billion$ annual budget for the Pentagon, while refusing to even fully discuss less than double that amount for over a 10 years period to revive our infrastructure and some other social benefits. Or crying and denouncing a labor shortage, while it doesn't exist, we are living in our lowest unemployment era in decades, but totally ignoring there's a shortage of decent jobs willing to pay workers a descent living wage. Or ignoring that open gun ownership and carry policies are behind the country's most and ugliest mass killings epidemic, The numbers are frightening . 

We have to start seriously analyzing how far we've come and how far we still have to go. And I'm talking about America, admitting that the same type of problems exist and plague many parts of the world. We all have to respond quickly. The first couple decades of our 21st century were strange and a bit apocalyptic, things are generally going to the worse, we need, all of us to stop, rethink, and consider restarting and doing the work of the 21st century and beyond. 

Thanks to all my good readers, wishing you all a good and calm year ahead, stay safe and well.