Friday, September 30, 2016


From 5000 miles away, I couldn't but notice and comment,  that less than a day after voting to override the American president's veto  of a sick bill , that would innocently and naively in all appearances serve a specific purpose, a bill that solely serves partisan political purposes and ideologies, gains and ambitions, a bill that would open the way for 9/11  families to sue Saudi Arabia for an alleged official role in the terrorist attacks . Not even taking into consideration a possible involvement of other elements and sides , nor the reopening of the case and its implications and derivatives.

Well !!  less than a day later, all or most of our senior and junior enlightened  members of the Senate and House , are fretting and expressing remorse and regrets over a hastened decision called "JASTA" .  Practically all political leaders and legislators , just of a sudden , want to fix the language of the  "Jasta" bill ,  We've humiliated , in historic ways the president of the country , now we can wake-up and face reality.

Realizing  the way bigger dangers ,to American interests , troops , American designers of policy,  wars and hegemony , American diplomats , even simple citizens , tourists and business people . Not to mention all of our allies across the world starting and finishing with Israel . all a day after .

The U.S.  invented the legal principle of sovereign immunity , to protect itself and its world wide adventures , troops , and adventurers politicians , 15 years after the events of 9/11 , and purely for political spite and narrow gains, our Reps reversed course against the core of the principle , and one country , the rich , or not so rich anymore Saudi Arabia ,

It might open the doors for some Billions of Dollars , for some victims families , and the doors for a National and worldwide  economic inferno and depression , plus thousands upon tens of thousands , of similarly inspired cases internationally , against America , Americans , and most of the allied free world .

Unfortunately , not one senior and enlightened legislator  saw or realized any danger until after signature time . What a pity , when a leading country like the U.S. would let itself be driven by stupidity and short sighted visions, politics, and legislation, and how dangerously we are driving and leading the Nation and the whole world with us. while always pretending and claiming the contrary . Let us not be the open laughter of the world .

As all our elected politicians , focus on meager potential benefits and lobbies , and no one could really legislate on real dangers and downsides to our national interests , or the world's stability , safety and political harmony . American politicians cannot keep pretending innocence and naivety when suitable , and shrewd attitudes and astuteness when advantageous .

Present presidential elections show and saga are only the other side of the same coin clearly in every act and action lately , as it was few weeks ago with the regrettable Brexit  affair , where now every Brit is sorry for , all newly reproduced in our last bit of legislation and counter vetoes .

Who was it who said ;" There is nothing hidden that won't be revealed."  we cannot keep hiding behind pretentious false smiles and keep pretending .

 As usual, my many thanks for your time and help spreading the blog . 



Tuesday, September 20, 2016


Let's all make sure we agree that politics are not engraved in stones , never have been . But primarily, geostrategic and economic interests prevail , and in some limited cases the clear will to expand its territories on  neighboring people and countries .

The U.S. military adventures in the last century , and more so the last few decades have had their toll on American civilian  psych . Whereby direct involvement of young American soldiers is less popular and not Divinely providential any more. Consequently some shifting in tactics and strategies are forming, influencing American behavior in international conflicts . The right to dominate though, will always be a strong pillar of U.S. foreign policy and strategic planning .

The U.S. according to N. Chomsky qualifies as the terrorist superpower, immune to law and civilized norms . Unfortunately or not, it has been the norms internationally as well, superpowers, small regional powers as it is for all U.S. allies to enjoy the same privileges under the tacit protection of the U.S, Israel is by far the most common beneficiary and abuser of these policies . Lately, Saudi Arabia has been taking full advantage as well. Looking at future Iranian hegemonic policies towards the whole area , the U.S. is starting to look differently at its own interests and long terms goals . A U.S. slow and silent shift that is starting seriously to worry and upset Israeli and Saudi leaderships and policy makers.

The Theocratic and clerical regime in Iran, is surely a regrettable and deplorable anomaly to the Iranian people, as any theocracy would be anywhere . But it is totally naive to believe that Iran's internal repressions are much of a concern to any great power , especially the U.S., America and Americans love winners and strength , Iran is showing these traits and is gaining in their geopolitical policies, Russia and America are and will be competing for dominance as super power over regional smaller powers trying to take over .

In fact , the U.S. throughout its history , and more so after WW2 , has been working hard at becoming the rogue superpower, eliminating many competitors along the way . We are lately hearing more voices demanding that many smaller players start taking matters in their own hands , dealing with troublesome neighbors by their own forces , Israel, Saudi, Iraq, Iran and Turkey are only a few to name, and always under the auspices of the U.S. and its exclusive entitlement to resort to "Unilateral use of military power" , it is a cleaner and better way for the U.S. insuring a stronger and more efficient footage in world geopolitics .

The new geopolitical shift and newer strategic goals of 21st century U.S.A. will focus more on remaking and redefining its allies and alliances, manage the risks created by their existences, and acts. Taking greater burdens of their own policies and adventures, and relying less on American military direct interventions by American boots on the ground, and relying on U.S. armaments and strategic coverage .

The nuclear agreement between the world's 5+Germany , led practically by the U.S. with Iran, outraged many parties and individuals, in America and elsewhere . It is leading to the creation , with the tacit approval of the U.S. , to an American sponsored alliance between Israel and the Sunni official States, though not their populations yet. It is showing the world that no permanent position stands in politics.

The U.S. is helping to create a new two fronts, two powerful fronts, in the heart of the Middle-East, with America at its pivoting center, A major shift to many traditional and uncontested alliances , Saudi,Israel,Egypt, the Arab Golf and Turkey, all on one side, vis-a-vis Iran, parts of Iraq and Syria, little Lebanon or parts of it, and possibly a small Kurd enclave as well, all backed by Russia, would form the other opposing side and camp. Monitored by the U.S , it's  a win win situation for the U.S. foreign policies and its superpower dominance.

In conclusion , one has to admit and allude to the  many disagreements between politicians and centers of power within the administration itself and with other strong entities in the U.S., an almost open conflict of interests and ideologies between the White House and the State department on one side and the Pentagon on the other is leading to bizare actions on the ground, and the different lobbying powers of many interested groups and congress , are all still in play, the next president and congress will be pivotal and crucial in making it the policy of the future for America and the world .

My usual many thanks for all your time and patience and help spreading the blog .  


Sunday, September 11, 2016


Initially I had a different topic to share with my readers , but being it Sept. 11, or as we call it 911 , and it is the 15th remembrance day , and the fact that 15 is different from 14 or 17 , I thought it appropriate to touch that ugly day and memory back in time .

A very ugly day and act for sure , and very ugly diabolical motives for whoever orchestrated it , and for whatever reasons they had or thought they have , it was very well planned and executed to  get the world exactly where they originally intended to go .

It did incite us to go and invade Afghanistan , later we tried Somalia then our proudest war ; Iraq. Establish a clash of civilizations , and even considered and contemplated  going for their wealth , and eventually ending up building tall and aggressive walls , big enough to keep every breed of humanity in its own enclave and place .... whether it meant  to outspend ourselves and others on armament , empty ideologies and religious pomp , or reach diabolical strategic goals.

The problem is , that the strategy won and succeeded brilliantly in putting America and the world in a direct and endless conflict with our newest creation ; "Terrorism", in all its forms and shapes . I'm not arguing here who were the biggest winners and who would be the losers !!! and who's using the other for their devious and crooked games and who's not . An essential element for investigating any criminal act of this magnitude or smaller ones in everyday's life .

I have to agree with  MSNBC " Rachel Maddow ", when she reflects that it doesn't matter in the end , it doesn't really matter what we all are trying to prove or unprove , to the sound logic , humanity and politics of each !!! What matters now is the basic and original position of each of us , Americans , Europeans , Arabs or from any part of the world . Whether it's a Midwest American rancher , a worker in a stinking factory or part of a colossal corporation , whether it is a state employee or a soldier in Russia , Syria or Israel . Let's all of us not give it all to the very , very rich military industrialists , financiers and their lackey politicians , lobbyists  and strategists .

So read my words or my lips as George once said , we have to learn how to live in our 21st century pluralistically , realistically and factually , and learn how not to create more hegemony , colonialism and apartheid for the next 200 years under whatever short sighted excuses we convince ourselves with.

Thanks for your time and patience , hopefully next blog will carry us back into the slow and sure shift in conducting American foreign policies , philosophy and actions . Again thank you all .     

Saturday, September 3, 2016


If religion in some minds is a right , then so must be irreligion .  Neither side could or should be imposed  through force . We all have to learn to live our world in its realities , and not through ancient words , archaic concepts and pseudo mysteries , regardless of our religious or irreligious  convictions and entourage .

Can we all live and do without  religions ??  Of course we can , and we should absolutely start relying on ourselves and our own intellect without "the ropes of God " or "the ropes of weakness." All of us , individually and collectively have to start relying on our civility , intelligence , mental capacities and learning abilities . If we don't start now , religions will destroy us and humanity as we know it , as religious myths and modern sciences do not go hand in hand , fanaticism and fervor joined by science will destroy earth and habitat , and that's surely much sooner than later .

Obviously we all know enough and realize , that humanity has no trouble at all living and prospering without Religions and Deities , half the world prove it everyday . We all know that a simpler , lighter , stronger and more peaceful world can be . Surely a more intelligent and more open , pluralistic and tolerant life will ensue and emerge , instead of our ugly religious driven wars and their apartheid like norms .

It's high time we enter and face the real world , and learn how to face our challenges at long last , as all we have blindly done for millennials was  to forcefully join and imitate our parents religions and rituals since early childhood . And later describe it as the best and most intelligent part of our life and intellect . Let's take the first real steps toward true and intelligent independence in life without the hypocrisy .

Honestly , do we need to believe in a Deity or a specific religion to be convinced and behave in such ways where gentleness and compassion are surely superior to violence , cruelty and intolerance ??? and justice being way above injustice ?? and love over hate ??

In conclusion , I want to say that Judaism , Christianity and Islam are the three religions governing my life and my world , and in this world of mine these monotheistic Abrahamic religions matter the most . Shouldn't we seriously start considering doing less with religions in our lives ? possibly one or two religions more than others , but that's obviously impractical and impossible , but surely we can start by eliminating all three Abrahamic religions and their direct affiliates , eliminate many of our worlds ills , and confront our future without these archaic mind infesting hegemonic dogmas .

Let's make our lives with no more of them , let's feel no nostalgia or sorrow about their disappearance let's  start rationalizing realities , let's start learning , adapting and improving our future without the guidance of mute forces from beyond our comprehension , affecting our progress , harmony and survivability and subsistence on our planet .  It's high and due time  the world take civility and rationality as guides for our actual and future lives .

My profound thanks for your patience and help in spreading the blog .