Monday, December 23, 2019


I will borrow a thought from J. Bisnoff's insightful book "Fake Politics", In these turbulent times, two of the great threats to our democracy are money in politics and a certain weakening of the power of truth. At it's very essence a democratic system is reliant on the will of the people being the catalyzing force for the direction of the republic, so when there is a price tag on creating a "will of the people" that foundation requirement is eroded.

The fake news machine throughout the world, and more so in the U.S. is becoming a very serious hand, playing several sides of business, politics, elections, even enhancing personal and small town's images for a multitude of benefits and reasons. These are combined networks of 30 or 40 sites that publish fake-news stories. WTOE 5, news in America is a good example.

Some are smaller some are very large like Facebook, but they all share the same tactics for their own profits from two sources, either they get paid from direct ads, or get paid directly from from PR agencies serving big interests, like the tobacco industries, the Canadian oil-pipe line, the oil industries, armament manufacturers coal industries, political sides and big and smaller names ranging from presidents to congress members. Even state local politicians.

Some of these schemes, and even one time stories register over 100.000 comments, and some other did reach the 1 million mark, i.e. The Pope endorsement of D.Trump, or other similar stories on Facebook. More interference with fake-news during election campaigns paid by supporters or the candidates themselves, and or rich big interests and lobbies. That's when these sites peak in numbers while still being connected by shared bank accounts, or owned by one operator. Would we believe that some of these sites including Facebook reached a 16 billion hits !!! 

Before Donald Trump embraced the term "Fake news", it was used to describe downright false stories, from actually fake websites, like the Pope endorsement of Trump for president, but now it's definitely taking new proportions in election interference whereby some big and very big players are in the game.Those shady websites are alive and well, and mushrooming locally and across the world.  They continue to spread total garbage across Facebook and others, to the unsuspecting public.

When we see a Mark Zuckerberg owner of Facebook, several times in private visits to Mr. Trump within the last few months, we suspect something of the sort, or the story targeting Nancy Pelosy diverting 2.4 million $ from social security to cover impeachment costs, Again on Facebook. It received a staggering 24.6 million views on Facebook. Most of these stories are disguised as news, but they're false. It's counterfeit news.

Everywhere in the world, and America as well, people used to live by a shared set of facts, people may disagree on certain policies or their prescriptions, but the facts they could at least agree on. Now in the social media age, disinformation campaigns are specializing in distorting the facts that a society accepts as truth. Russian interference with disinformation campaign in the 2016 presidential election giving a big boost to candidate Trump, was clearly identified and condemned .

The Middle-East nowadays is using lots of these tactics, Lebanon is a very fertile spot to all different sites producing and manipulating fake-news to further divide the population and stop the popular uprising. Israel's Netanyahu several attempts to cling to power, Turkey's Erdogan and British Brexit and lately the election of not too funny B. Johnson, are all well expressed examples of these tactics.

Not one spot in the world will have a fair election or an honest uprising, or fight selfish enrichment by politicians and greedy business conglomerates and the merchants of wars, if these sites big and small are not regulated and better monitored, they are misleading posts period. Using any version suiting their clients and fooling the electoral body by any means possible.We used to call them cheap  rumors, but now it's a serious scientific business, aiming to push rumors on the internet, and make it sound like truth and reality.
                           My usual thanks to all my readers and followers of the blog.                         

Friday, December 13, 2019


Following the surprising and saddening decision of the Trump administration and his State Department secretary's simplistic and naive justifications and explanations, about the Jewish settlements, their illegality according to international law,  plus the ever going apartheid and brutal mistreatment of non Jews in Israel itself and its under illegal occupation territories, and their neighbors in Gaza, Syria and Lebanon, one has to look into the Zionist movement and its strategies, tactics and goals.

In today's Israel, Christianity and Islam have disappeared, Arabs and foreign nationals are not welcome to stay, live or work under any form. Blacks and Asians are totally unwanted and mistreated systematically. Only Jews are considered the legal inheritors of the lands everyone new and called   Palestine, all as promised by Elohim or whoever it was.

Since the latest Israeli major wars in 1967 and 73, Israel like most of its Western ardent defenders faces no real existential threat from anyone, surely not from any Arab state, not from Iran or Saudi or Turkey or any Islamic state. the scene was blown out of proportion by the Israeli war machine led by Zionists. But in Israel there is always this strong attraction to be magnetized to distant, even historical military glory and total supremacy, they stuck themselves with wars, brutality and their machines.

Richard Dawkins introduced one of his books with; "The God of the old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it, a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak, a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser, a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capricious malevolent bully. These words could have been said by any of the Old Testament prophets. But unfortunately this old God lives, prospers and thrives fully in today's Zionist Israel. Among its politicians, soldiers, snipers and policemen, secret services, settlers, judiciary, youths and zealots, they all share this old and ugly God .... all venerate, idolize and adore him, all strive to be him.

World wide, all human groups, throughout history were defined by their progress, and evolution was the future of man, as long as it was progress and not merely a standstill or a degeneration. The human purpose and visions can only be formulated in terms of their evolution achieved by Sapiens in becoming better humans. The idea of humanism would be; human control by human efforts in accordance with evolving human ideals.

If we accept the conclusions of science, that mankind evolved from lower forms, to reach higher ethics within codes of behavior we all share on the basis of sane reason, law, honor, and an inborn sense of basic decency, even when some ascribe it to God's will. Sapiens evolved upwardly in body and brain size, in feeding and defending themselves, in their behavioral complexities, social organization, way better and farther than their simpler antecedents.

We are, by all rules of existence, to make for better societies for all and each. We should have the abilities to understand, judge and act with our own power of choice how to decide between good and evil. Otherwise and to conserve the rise of the history of life, people have a right and duty to crush, stop and put an end to the wrong and dangerous exceptions, who clearly disturb the progress of civilization and humanity.
                                              As always, my many thanks to all my good readers all over.   


Tuesday, December 3, 2019


As the British general elections, scheduled for the 12 of December of this year are coming soon, the game is increasingly played in dirtier ways and being manipulated by various sides for different goals. I'm copying an article by a famous and courageous Israeli columnist and political annalist, Gideon Levy, initially published by Haaretz, a leading Israeli newspaper, the article comes at a crucial time in the game of fake news and manipulating the voters, it's self explanatory.

Corbyn is not an anti-Semite. His real sin is to fight against injustice in the world, including the version Israel perpetrates. The Jewish establishment in Britain and the Israeli propaganda machine have taken out a contract on the leader of the British Labor Party, Jeremy Corbyn, the contract was taken out a long time ago, and it was clear that the closer Corbyn came to being elected prime minister, the harsher the conflict would get.

On Tuesday it reached its climax, in an article by the chief rabbi of Britain, Ephraim Mirvis in the Times, Mirvis decided that the anxiety of British Jews over Corbyn is justified and he is not fit to be prime minister. He called on Jews not to vote for Labor in the coming election on Dec. 12.

Born in South Africa and a graduate of Har Etzion Yeshiva in the settlement of Alon Shvut, Mirvis is the voice of British Jewry. In Capetown, Johannesburg and Har Etzion, he should have learned what apartheid was and why one should fight it, his parents did so, but one doubts that he learned the moral lesson from the regions of disenfranchisement in which he lived in South Africa and the West Bank.

As opposed to the horrid Corbyn, Mirvis sees nothing wrong with the continued occupation; he does not identify with the struggle for Palestinian freedom, and he doesn't sense the similarity between the South Africa of his childhood, Har Etzion of his youth and Israel of 2019. That is the real reason that he rejects Corbyn. The Jews of Britain also want a prime minister who supports Israel, that is who support the occupation. A prime minister who is critical of Israel is to them an exemplar of the new anti-Semitism.

Corbyn is not an anti-semite, he never was. Today any criticism of Israel politics and tactics and brutality is anti-semitism. The Hungarian Victor Orban, the Austrian freedom party and the extreme right in Europe are not the danger to Jews, Corbyn is the enemy. The new and efficient strategy of Israel and the Zionist establishment, brands every seeker of justice as an anti-Semite, and any criticism of Israel as hatred of Jews. Corbyn is a victim of this strategy, which threatens to paralyze and silence Europe with regard to Israel.

British Jewry might not be faking its anxiety, but it is certainly magnifying the danger. There is anti-semitism, though less than what is presented, about half of British Jews are considering fleeing if Corbyn is elected. Let them flee. Are the Jews of Britain conditionally British? to whom is their loyalty. The future of all British Jews is much more secure than the future of any and all Palestinian living under the occupation, and even more secure than that of any Arab living in Israel. Jews are persecuted and are victims of discrimination and racism less so than the Palestinian in Israel. Moreover Islamophobia in Europe is more common than anti-Semitism, but people talk about it less.

Corbyn is indeed a very harsh critic of the occupation, supports the boycott and compares the closure of Gaza with the siege of Stalingrad and Leningrad. These are anti-Israeli positions, but not necessarily anti-Semitic, the Jews of Britain and the entire world are blurring these differences intentionally. One can and should be a harsh critic of Israel without being anti-Semitic.

If the Jews of Britain and their chief rabbi were more honest and courageous, they would ask themselves: Isn't Israel's brutal occupation policy the strongest motive for anti-Semitism today?? There is anti-Semitism, it must be fought, but it must also be recognized that Israel supplies it an abundance of excuses and motives.

The Jews and Israel's true friends should hope that Corbyn is elected. He is a statesman who can change international discourse about the occupation and the struggle against it, he is a ray of hope for a different world and a different Israel, and what more could we want.
                                                 My usual thanks to all for following the blog.                       

Saturday, November 23, 2019


Three major forces are nowadays competing at destroying the Levant, its people, wealth and stability.The U.S., Israel and Iran. I may add a forth, who just lately took advantage of a loophole in the game and imposed itself as a forth player; Russia. The game is destructive as much as funny, as the Iranians believe the Russians will end American and Israeli meddling in Syria, the American/Israeli side believe the Russians will limit Iran's influence in Syria, and the Russians will play the two camps and take over Syria to itself and eventually the entire Levant .

The US State Department, and the Pentagon, concerned mostly in securing the US bases out of which thousands of US troops continue to operate in Iraq, as well as Syria. They have all along kept total silence on the very bloody suppression of young Iraqi protesters against the puppet and very corrupt regime in Baghdad, remaining in power only by playing and bribing both dominant forces reigning in Iraq, the US and Iran.

Ironically, both Washington, with its administration and Tehran and its Ayatollahs are in concert and fair agreement to oppose the demands of the demonstrators for the expulsion of the present Iraqi regime. Both the US and Iran are playing the same cards with the Mahdi administration, both are pursuing practically the same corrupt agenda, while defending their interests and steeling Iraq's oil wealth.

The situation in Lebanon is basically the same, or at least very similar to its Iraqi counterpart in most aspects, the big players are the same ones, the US, Israel and Iran. In Lebanon the scenario of public protest against a very corrupt bunch of political thieves, playing the external cards as well as internal sectarian and ethnic divisions of all religious groups of the Lebanese mosaic under their warlords and their descendants.

Syria had its similarities to both neighbors, and already paid a high price and is still paying in total carnage, desolation, destruction, killings and mass displacement of millions. lately an impression of victory to one side under the absolute tutelage of Russia, contrary to the exclusivity of the America/Iranian in the other two.

While the Trump administration and Israel and their Saudi allies pursue their regional war aims, and suppression over the entire Middle-East, and in the three mentioned countries, Iran Ayatollahs and their local allies and forces strive to suppress social unrest in all three countries by using direct forces or proxies on the ground, suppressing any form of public protest for fear of having them spread across its own borders, a situation that already started and is being harshly repressed.

The US is obviously sacrificing and maybe even purposely destroying two or possibly more of its presumably steady allies, Iraq and Lebanon, Jordan might be the next victim of the same planning, of trying to subdue Iran and kill any chance of independent thinking in any of the Levant mosaics. With a total complicity of Israel, all Arab states, a satisfied Russia, and a bought and threatened Turkey, the game might have a serious chance of success.

After deciding and for various reasons, the Trump administration, and against the declared wishes of Israel's Netanyahu, that an actual war with American troops on the ground is undesirable and not popular in America, and it could be detrimental to Trump's hopes of a second term in office, the game was switched to an economical pressure and sectarian divide tactics to pressure Iran in total submission, resulting in many, indeed many people, from all concerned countries, including the under the brutal illegal occupation Palestinians, who will all pay a very dear price in lives and welfare.

Like the Biblical Samson, who brought down the house upon all the people that were there, the Zionist leadership and their lobbyists, are applying all their pressure on the US political machine to destroy one country after the other, all for their hegemonic dreams, and total vain and egoistical supremacy. The sad part is the US believing them blindly, and maybe not so blindly, but executing to the letter their wishes and narrow selfish interests .
                                          My usual many thanks to all good readers around the world .

Wednesday, November 13, 2019


It is essential in life to look at ourselves, and see ourselves as we actually are, not as we imagine our-selves to be, or even as we perceive and like us to be. Once we achieve that, and only then we can truly observe and understand the complex needs, perplexities and various difficulties of others, putting ourselves in their situations and their tragic lives. We'd have to detach ourselves from our own selfish ego, only then we can reach total objectivity and sincerity .

To achieve levels of compassion, harmonious relations with the other, genuine mutual understanding and interaction, to apply to ourselves some of the historical proverbial commands, "Don't do to others what you don't want them to do to you." An important part of the modern way of thinking and it's literally all over our world, is to reject religions and their different sects and denominations.

Uproot them from our lives and daily habits and thoughts as cheap moralizing, outdated ceremonial rituals, and a total waste of money and time honoring and glorifying some imaginary fictitious deities, everywhere thousands upon thousands of healthy men and women subject themselves regularly, on daily, weekly, and monthly basis, to all sorts of meaningless sacrifices and restrictions, like voluntary fasting, unrealistic and torturous celibacy regiments, wasting their time on purification rituals and time and money consuming pilgrimage, reiterated prayers several times daily and weekly, all for what ??

In our times it's considered by all learned men and women as an exercise in futility, simply out of ignorance and naivety, and mostly to answer invisible characteristics of ourselves. Only in societies governed by strict literal theologies, as in Israel, Lebanon, Syria and Iraq, Iran, Saudi, as well as many new leaderships influencing and playing the heinous religious card for their own benefit. They all play and act their invisible sides for deceiving their counterparts.

Maurice Nicoll, described this invisibility of man superbly ; "We all can see other people's bodies directly, we see their lips moving, their eyes opening and shutting, the lines of their mouths and faces changing, and their bodies expressing themselves in action, but people themselves are invisible. If the invisible side of people were discerned as easily as the visible side, we would all live in a new humanity. But we only live in a humanity of the visible appearance. All our thoughts, emotions, feelings, imagination, reveries, dreams, fantasies etc...are invisible and make part of the realm of the invisible. All that belong to our scheming, planning, plotting, secrets, ambitions, all our hopes, fears, doubts, perplexities, all our affections, speculations, pondering, vacuities, uncertainties, all our desires, longing, appetites, sensations, our likes, dislikes, aversions, attractions, loves and hate,all our compassion, all are themselves invisible, but they constitute nonetheless " Ourselves."

These traits of human visibility and invisibility are difficult things to grasp, they constitute the drama of the visible and the invisible, it is the drama of modern existence and the politics of many entities across the world. Hobbes's description of the life of man as; solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short. Most of our actual spiritual, secular, social or political leaders nowadays, add big time to these attributes, we tend to ignore the other, as well as the better ones.

For when gods and or political leaders fight among themselves, men have to pay the price, even die. Sapiens all over have become in our times more rich in means, and more poor in ends.
                                         My, as always many thanks for your attention.....

Sunday, November 3, 2019


Things are only likely to get from bad to worse, especially if and when most if not all political powers, existing and aspiring, right, left, autocratic dictatorial or fascist, theocratic, secular or anything in between, when they all graduate from the exact same schools of thought, learn and apply the same methodologies, and all aspire to rule by big brother absolute control and total supremacy.

There's no more ideology, philosophy or sane strategy in most of our existing or aspiring leadership programs of our times, just "Power for power's sake, personal benefits and the accumulation of huge vast wealth.

Most nations, their elections or grab of power, are turning into very divided nations, into mostly two major parts, something like two different tribes of a third undeveloped country. Choosing absolute sides of the political spectrum, fighting fiercely and brutally not just to advance their own or their leader's agenda, but to provoke, condemn and defeat the other, eventually annihilate the other.

Charlie Sykes, a famous radio show host said; "Politics has become a bizarre tribal world, in which voters and active participants will tolerate any bizarre behavior, any dishonesty, crudity and cruelty, any blatant lie, because the other side is always worse and an absolute enemy.

In most polls nowadays, the majority of people assume search engines are unbiased, while practically all as Face book, twitter, YouTube, Google and many other national or foreign sites, depend almost solely on algorithms, to personalize information based on what we all watch. They customize all info on earlier data they've collected earlier about us all along the way. More and more our computers monitors, our TVs, our daily habits, goings and visits, are all a kind of a one-way mirrors, reflecting fully our strict interests and instant inclinations, while observers are building their accurate algorithmic tables while watching us simply click !!

This constant and continual brainwashing/observing/monitoring, from all sources, makes us all live in increasingly narrow fixed walled rooms of thought, making it harder and harder to reach or agree on facts, and or any sense of reality, or even some common political logic. Algorithms, numbers and statistics are deciding for us all what to see or not to see, what we need to know or not know, what to decide upon, approve or negate, whom to look for from a variety of leaders and representatives.

While we should resist, or at least make sure all these are not keyed to well set programs, fixed demagogic and political crazy ideologies, let us make sure there's some independence from big brother indoctrination and thought policing of our modern times. Let me use a small example of how fixed we can all be sometimes and during some fazes of our lives, Here in the U.S, 78% of Democrats, and Democratic leaning independents said recently, that colleges and universities have a positive effect on the country and its youths. A majority of Republicans and leaning right American Republicans almost a staggering 60% of them have a negative view of these same institutions of higher learning . Our present day political institutions are only a clear aspect, reflecting these numbers.

We all thought originally, that all these free of charges and free of advertising and commercials, and available to all, all over the world, is the innovation of science thrown to us all as a gift, solely because it was a good idea of progress and scientific achievement, we all felt it was more good than harm, but it's now collectively being discovered that it's more perverse and serving ideologies of big fascist brothers, than practically any other tool of modern times, it's exploiting the populations by spreading misinformation and disinformation and fake news, cruelty and prejudice, spreading the non facts that support certain specific points of view, the entire Internet with its tools are playing with our brains grand time.

Finally, to claim that our world is becoming a much safer, better and more equitable and democratic place, Well , let's wait and see. No one in his or her right set of mind can assure anymore or be assertive and positive as to the future of humanity or its institutions.
                          My as always, many thanks for your patience and time. 


Wednesday, October 23, 2019


Lebanese from all walks of life , from all regions of the country, from all religions, something hard to muster in a country like Lebanon, they all have risen collectively and instantaneously, in impressive numbers, not seen for a long time . An unprecedented sense of civility and self imposed correctness hardly observed anywhere in the area or the world .

All with practically the same core of demands, of economical and political reforms, an immediate cessation and an end to the chronic era of official and private corruption and theft of public funds and infrastructure plus public services allocations . All parties and public figures , warlords and politicians are implicated with no exception what so ever, that makes it very hard as there's practically no one side capable of addressing or accusing or pointing a finger to other guilty of corruption or theft, be it a party or individual, everyone at higher echelon is somehow implicated in a form or other.

Some believe the army, which is benefiting lately of some sympathy among most Lebanese, could take over temporarily, do the job and reestablish some real democratic order into the scene, the major problem is always, as has been for decades, the extreme vulnerability of the army, and the danger of it disintegrating on religious and sectarianism pressures from the different Lebanese political factions. That would be a greater drag and jeopardy for Lebanon and the Lebanese people.

As practically all Lebanese political personalities and parties are implicated in aggravating the population to beyond reasonable control, whereby now it looks like a free falling snowball or avalanche, my comments will hit on one aspect of it all , Hezbollah, the fastest ascending Shiite party, originally from the south of Lebanon, and now, totally inspired, funded and directed from Tehran.

Hizbollah attributed to itself through the few past decades, many important and great roles on the local Lebanese scene, starting with liberating Lebanon from the Israeli aggression of the eighties, and again in the first decade of the 21st century, and finally maintaining a considerable destructive power and precision sets of missiles to balance any new aggression by Israel, it gained the role of moderator and less corrupt among most local players, forcing itself into a powerful partnership with some or other political factions, and influencing the fragile local balance between political lordships . Yes Hizbollah is in many instances many of these aspects or all of them , according to its benefits and to the benefits of Iranian and or Syrian wishes and political tactics and interests.

But, I personally, as well as many in Lebanon and the region, still look at the Party of God suspiciously, with little sympathy or love to its agenda, tactics, affiliations and final goals, it is after all a deeply theocratic and religious institution, that was founded on these basis and continues to adhere strictly to a certain view of Islamic religious dogma and fatwas, and the higher theocratic leadership's opinions of Iran. It had always a clergyman at the top echelon, it's an essential part of its dogma and existence, it will not change, ever.

The party, its leadership and cadres will always sanctify and blindly obey Iranian wishes and interests. Will always be inspired by 1400 years of narrow Islamic views, practices and archaic religious wild imagination. No discussions no arguments about any of this. Behaving worse than anyone else in executing and complimenting the dirty work asked of them .

When the Syrian internal conflict started some 10 years ago, the Syrian regime and its various militias found themselves cornered, even defeated by local groups of rural people, mostly Sunni Muslems, who very quickly got infiltrated by all kinds of Islamic jihadist from around the world, heavily funded by many sides including America, Israel and some of their allies. Hizbollah with absolutely no special love or affinity to the Assad regime, his family, oligarchy or his secret services, had to oblige by sending tens of thousands of well armed and trained fighters to fight along side the Syrian and eventually Iranian sides, against whoever was against the Syrian regime, Israel could have taken advantage and attacked, but they refrained and restrained !!! basically all to satisfy Iran's future aspirations, interests, and the party's own Iranian arms delivery routes.

The party of Allah, fought in Syria a very dirty war against many poor and powerless rural areas and their populations, all based on blind sectarian and religious ethnic-cleansing tactics and strategies. Killing, brutalizing and displacing entire populations and villages and areas of the Syrian rural and city core fabric. They all of a sudden became the trusted heroes of the small fraction of the Syrian oligarchy, the Assad clan and its pseudo supposedly saved religious and economical minorities.

From an Arab versus Israeli perspective, Hizbollah is maintaining the same policies of the Assad's, with an undeclared semi truce and a mutual non aggression policy throughout the long and often disputed common borders, Israel is slowly and surely acquiring the Arab territories, like the Golan heights, and the Chab'aa farms in Lebanon, plus its own occupied Palestinian territories, with the others bragging about their deterrent forces. Iran of course is the biggest and major winner till now in the game,smartly exploiting it all, with its crescent from Iran, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon, what a powerful strategic combination !!! all the way to the Mediterranean warm waters. No wonder Israel's Netanyahu and America's Trump are dog like panicky about it all .

No educated or learned person has any doubts,that Hizbollah is the perfect Iranian tool, tactically for Lebanon, eventually to keeping Syria in check and under leach, and subduing this entire portion of the Middle-East, a very efficient tool indeed for Iranian theocracy and Farsi strategic and hegemonic long goals. In fact , and I know many who could be offended by my opinions, I'd say what's the difference between Israeli and Iranian future hegemonic and expansionary visions. This is the reason, I and many, can not and will never tolerate Hizbollah's take-over, even partially of Lebanon, Syria or any part of the very diversified and rich Middle-Eastern fantastic and unique cobweb .
          My usual many thanks to everyone around our small glob......                                     

Sunday, October 13, 2019


Just about to enter our third decade of the 21st century, we live new realities, at least in the political and economical sense, our new breed of aggressive politicians/dictators/fascist/Capitalists, are the new realities of our modern times. Their tactics and demagoguery are almost identical, all using the same umbrella, the same greedy excessive profiteering to achieve personal and national gains, using the full scope of Orwellian "parallel reality" to achieve their purposes and goals. Leaders who are devoid of any philosophy or strategy, only a collage of impoverished vocabulary contradictions and empty rhetoric.

Orwellian "New speak and parallel realities" was a fictional language, it's used today to mirror and satirize what we used to call "Wooden language", or "langue de bois" wherby the object is avoidance of concrete facts and realities, " My theories and strategies are true because they are correct" !!!. The world has only things good,or things evil. Nothing in between. These leader's power lie in giving themselves the ability to say what they want, when they want, regardless of the facts or the reality, they are leaders of their countries and masters of reality.

Most of these leaders are open and clear deceivers, whereby they knowingly know they are lying and deceiving their followers, and masses and the world, few are convinced they have the truth and nothing but the truth, the rest is invariably fake news and blatant media and opposition intentional aggression. Mr. Trump of America is obviously a leader in this domain, and is helping many around the world establish their false reigns, they are all hiding behind his ways , demagoguery, lies and pseudo aggressiveness.

Mr. Trump denies and confirms, he refutes the most prominent scientific opinions, he is against all State Department veterans, and most senior army generals, all for his own ego and parallel convictions and immediate benefits, be it financial or electoral. He appointed some of the most inexperienced people to major key internal and foreign affairs, including his beloved young puppet son in law as the chief architect for one of the most delicate and volatile spots of the world, the Middle-East and its Israeli impossible dilemma.       

Like all dictators nowadays, they work against the advise of all senior professional advisers, as well as cabinet's appointees, who are mostly there to carry specific tasks, of destroying and vilifying the existing and inherited previous departments and legislation. and trying to find meanings and suitable explanations to their leader's erratic tweets and press statements and policies, only reflecting their parallel and singular understanding of realities and weird agendas.

Mr. Netanyahu is already paying a dear price for his autocracy, personal profiteering and crazy dreams of absolute hegemony, plunging his country in a bizarre, to say the least, situation and political impasse. All based on a decade of parallel realities and lies, fake assumptions, dreams and demagoguery. At least , over there it could be a temporarily recess for the Palestinians and their close neighbors.

Syria has been living for decades under the same false parallel realities, and truth denial, pretentious and false aspirations by the ruling Assad regime and his profiteering oligarchy, it all ended in a total massacre and destruction of Syria. Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, now Yemen and Sudan, are all as well as their Latin American banana entities, with great help from the U.S. are all paying a dear price for their illusions, their adventures, and their reliance on the great Allie, with his parallel imaginary realities,  and his fake one way Democracy.

Mr. Putin is interfering with great success in practically every Democratic election that is going on in any spot of the world, with no apparent immediate gain to mother Russia, but surely destroying and giving a bad name to Democracy itself and proving it a failure, and amplifying its social divisions.

Finally, and with the latest pseudo invasion of major parts of Syria, Mr. Erdogan of Turkey, with his big dreams of reviving his Islamic Ottoman caliphate, under his reign of course, The man apart from his foreign ambitions, is jailing all his opposing dissidents, he is destroying books, and purging all cultural aspects since 2016, for a few years now more than 300.000 books have been confiscated and destroyed, including many text books banned for mentioning Pennsylvania where his created alleged rival Gulen is self exiled. The Turkish council for protection of minors from harmful publications knows no rest in declaring books by international renown authors, about rights of boys and girls, as bad influence and automatically banned. A truly great Islamic 1984 new world and its big brother.

No one would in her or his right mind, accept or believe that any authoritarian or absolute dictatorship, whether it's a Trump style or Netanyahu , Putin, Assad or Erdogan , care about the well being or the welfare of his people, or anyone else for that matter, only their families and their loyal entourage and oligarchies for as long as they serve and last. Their wealth and power are the main reason for tolerance. Idiocracy is surely beating all forms of Democracy, and greater times are ahead.
                                           As always , my profound gratitude for your time .....


Thursday, October 3, 2019


Many Americans, from both sides of the political spectrum, and from all sides of the economical scales of society, believe nowadays that facts about Mr. Trump, his many lies and manipulations of his office and official powers as president to serve his own interests are alarming to say the least.

Americans in more numbers, consider that Mr. Trump's manipulation of what Russia did and their direct interference helping him personally win the 2016 presidential elections  unacceptable, they tend to believe that the special prosecutor Robert Muller did not exonerate Trump of his crimes and manipulations. Most Americans condemn Mr. Trump and his aids when they deny all subpoenas by Congress and disrupt all investigations.

To culminate the whole , lately his continued daily panic messages and lies, about anything and everything , finishing it with his blatant coercing of a foreign government and its leader, to give him explicit dirt on a potential Democratic adversary candidate.

It all started with a minor whistle-blower who reported a strange or according to him/her unethical phone call between Mr. Trump and his Ukrainian counterpart, whereby Trump used his power of the presidency to withhold a considerable aid to the Ukrainian military, and inviting a foreign government to interfere in American elections. Then he tried to suppress it all, then again and under pressure he reversed course and admitted the facts, sarcastically and making a joke of it all, trying to delay investigations and possible embarrassing impeachment procedures.

Now he is alluding to the spy who betrayed him , executing him , and talking continuously about a possible coup against himself and his regime. For a while the discussions were split, and some tried to shift the investigations to the Biden side and his son's dealings at the time in Ukraine, nowadays the discussions are back from Biden to Trump , and the question at hand is not if Trump is likely to be impeached , but when, and  whether or not he will be removed from office .

Many from both sides, believe that the entire affair and exercise are more theatrical, since the Senate in its present configuration of a Republican majority will not vote on it, but the whole process rely on speculation and doubtful propaganda, since many Republican Senators, especially if the vote is done behind closed doors might vote to oust Mr. Trump out.

Many Democrats like Biden and Pelosi and the old conservative section of the party, would love it if the whole process and the 2020 election, turn to be a mandate over Trump, shifting away from the new trend of progressive Sanders/ Warren , their middle to the left visions and politics, that could further alienate the Democratic party in the future.

Mr. Trump is obviously hiding plenty, whether from his past businesses or his actual with his family and oligarchy present dealings while in office, his long history of dodging taxes, his potential money laundering for foreign powers, his continuous obstruction of justice, are all above the law, even his constant signing of presidential directives and laws and policies, that no one knows exactly how he personally or his family and oligarchy benefit from .
                                     My usual many thanks for every one's time ....                            

Monday, September 23, 2019

9/11 ... LOOKING THE OTHER WAY .....

Less than two weeks ago, was what we label as the anniversary of the 9/11 carnage and ugly massacre in NY city against some of its huge office buildings and roughly 3000 of their working civilian inhabitants. Plus the US Pentagon in Washington, and presumably a third airplane that crashed in Pennsylvania.

We insist on calling it anniversary even if the word denotes a bit of a happier occasion of what happened that day. But the essential idea remains, of ever convincing ourselves of the reason behind the act, of the one perpetrator, one and only one motive, one method and absolutely nothing else is truly amazing, frightening and very immature .

Why are we, the majority of American people, politicians, media, intellectuals, academia etc...etc... why are we all so afraid of confronting the possibility of a different scenario to the 9/11 massacre, why do we all, without exception officials and civilians, adamantly keep the one and only one story alive and in full thrust, although there's enough and reasonable proof of other different possibilities. Very different theories indeed, with very different perpetrators and very different motives .

There are almost flagrant proof of different execution theories for the multiple NY towers, the Washington Pentagon, even the vanished airliner. Some official organizations in NY and elsewhere have repeatedly and officially asked for a new investigation, a multitude of books including detailed pictures, studies and engineering quotes have disputed even the basic official version of events and the scenarios behind them.

The impact of airplanes against the steel structures, the non finding of aircraft parts at the sites, the amazing implosion and collapse and its preceding several explosions in the towers, the same facts at the Pentagon, all totally ignored, even fought against, ridiculed and smeared, so why are we so comfortable sticking to the one and only one story, presented to us practically on day one, with its weird scenarios, details and motives.

Fixed and well rehearsed methodologies, intentions and motives, while no other story or possibility that could constitute a very different affair, the exact opposite and the dirtiest conspiracy for the 21st century !!! To only serve some hideous and frightening ideals and serve very few entities, backed by Neocons, perpetual war machines and few countries behind them. We have proudly created the perfect enemy for us and our closest allies for the foreseeable future. I can only hope the latest missiles against the Saudi Aramco facilities do not follow the same reasoning, planning and motivation.

Subduing and brain washing the entire American and Western population against an entire segment of the globe's population, only to serve the very few, we are all bathing in our comfortability with the well fed official story, refusing even the possibility of actually looking or reexamining the facts, or any other proven or unproven possible scenario of the reality.

Is reality so hard and cruel to look it straight in the eye ?? Have we reached the age of total complacency and submission to the Orwellian world ?? Where do we go next, I wonder , our total surrender to the official verdict, and our absolute blind trust in big brother's methodology and indoctrination is indeed frightening, and it's only increasing and becoming a real part of our lives.
                                          My, as always, many thanks indeed .....                           

Friday, September 13, 2019


Any situation in life involving humans has basically two sides to it, positive and negative. When things are good they should be seen and recognized as such, even named so, and when things turn  bad we should recognize them to be so, and clearly identify them as bad or ugly or unacceptable .

Pessimism is not appropriate when the situation calls for optimism, and optimism is misplaced when a situation is bad and pessimistic. Even in some seemingly nice events as when science prolong our lives or attempts some basic form of immortality, as the body is doomed to aging, and aging beyond certain limits is miserable and deplorable and generally unwanted. So why would anyone in his or her right mind want to live to 150 years, with the last 50 in deformed states of health and mental deficiencies and deformities .

But death has always been frightening, maybe because of its finality, because of its annihilating tools and effects, the only time that death is not considered so bad, or not bad at all, is when one faces annihilation before death closes in . For example in the case of confirmed terminal illness, or some advanced state of dementia, or a vegetative condition, or even in cases of total loss of hope or decency, of honor and self esteem, of loosing every material good of her or his, loosing their homes and lands, actual death sounds better, even good, or at least agreeable and better than life.

Humans inflict colossal amounts of suffering and death on other humans, it has been an essential part of our long history, and it is still happening in our actual world and times. Racism, apartheid, annihilation, deceit, greed, degradation, betrayals, exploitation, rape and torture, murders and cruel imprisonments are all aspects accompanying our actual lives and times in different stages and localities. We inflict it on others, when we simultaneously deny it on ourselves and close ones.

Death is considered bad not only to the person who dies, but also for many loved ones who survive the person. We are programmed to always keep some optimism about our earthly lives, giving it some meaning from our limited terrestrial perspective, but we're not always so optimistic about it, we always have to keep convincing ourselves with some open windows, and for some, hanging tightly to Divine Godly ropes.

But coping and accepting and handling the vast amounts of suffering and misery in the world while pretending everything is just fine, or putting it all in the hands of a superior will governing our worldly affairs is not a satisfying attitude or answer. Invariably, all religions are carriers of false optimism , and built to falsify human realities.

We all know that it is only a matter of time before all existing humans will face death, although we keep struggling for meaning between birth and death, as well as our pretended attempts to avert and limit life's suffering . It's a major failure in human existence and intelligence.
The human interaction and the mixing of the individual with the collective, helped forge a certain reality, a sort of immortality, whereby " I die, but we do not ". 
                                              My usual gratitude for your time and patience ...                     

Tuesday, September 3, 2019


Historically certain countries around the world boosted their imperialistic ambitions and colonialism by accelerating and inflating their armies budgets, invariably it was always called defense spending, their very offensive armies and strategies are generally called defense forces. 

The U.S. is nowadays a leading example of these policies, in competition only with Israel, both countries have systematically through there history made it a top priority to sanctify their defense armies, troops, and defense departments to degrees whereby any hint of questioning or auditing or criticizing is tantamount to high treason, a crime in itself, even suggesting some justified limits or drawing a ceiling are big no no, liable of destroying a political career, and labeling anyone of being anti defense, and not supporting the troops, destroying the country and being a traitor.

In America the political-military-industrial alliance has developed a system to perpetually increase the money flow, and eliminate any type of meaningful auditing or even checking. President Eisenhower warned the nation of the military industrial complex, and the permanent armament industries, always leading to permanent war economy. Thus always creating permanent enemies.

Since WW2, the U.S. as with our dear ally Israel, have been continually involved in one war or intervention or some other form of military adventure, Korea, Vietnam, Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen and Syria are all only the most obvious, and now preparing for some new ones with Venezuela, Cuba and of course Iran.

The U.S. regularly maintains over 800 military installations and full bases across the globe, maned by hundreds of thousands of soldiers and private contractors. all these permanent warfare spots, are backed by fraudulent claims of imminent dangers, attacks and threats to the country and our national security.

In the past few years, CEOs of the top 5 military contractors, earned an average of 20 million $ each annually, their armies of lobbyists and retired active generals and senior military personnel, make similar earnings with every successful sale to the military and the war machine. The U.S. defense spending is truly out of control, current immediate budget for the Defense Department exceeds the one trillion $. 750 billions for the Pentagon, new equipment as in advanced and sometimes failed aircraft,huge and sometimes ineffective battle ships, sophisticated missiles  etc... etc... are exceeding the 250 billion$ mark. Intelligence agencies serving mostly the military outlook plus home land security take a further 150 billion $, the veteran administration and more so after our great adventures, currently uses 200 billion$.

Our last 5 presidents and their administrations including the Trump close advisers, have all kept on increasing defense budgets and armament expenses, every adventure of recent times add few trillions to our over 20 trillions national debt. and no system of audit could penetrate the walls of Pentagon or related agencies. Our major competitors maintain one military installation each round the world, China has one at the horn of Africa, and Russia only very recently acquired air and naval facilities in Syria. Our nuclear arsenal with its treaties that we keep popping in and out of, producing and maintaining them cost American taxpayers over 6 trillion $.

If the U.S. opt to decrease all these expenses and budgets, by a mere 15 to 20 %, and we will still be spending on defense as much as the world combined, we could save ourselves roughly 400 billions $ annually, solving most of our social and economic ugly realities. Unemployment, medical care, social security, education crises, homelessness, gun violence, suicide and drug addiction. plus that it could lead to fixing the enormous faults in wealth distribution and taxation, and our chronic capitalist greed.

We are deliberately, intentionally and willingly pushing the country to a total economical and monetary collapse, we laughed loudly when we thought we imploded the Soviet Union with our armament race back in the eighties, well !! we are doing the same to ourselves now, and we have only ourselves to blame for our continued blindness .
                                                        As always my many thanks to all .                                  

Friday, August 23, 2019


A governing body, be it in Syria , Israel , America or any totalitarian regime or fascist dictatorship gives itself a monopoly on the legitimate use of violence, it invariably uses it according to its strict benefits and purposes, and its political survivability, the longer it reigns the more entrenched it becomes, while it could play the fair way and neutralize each and every side and their reasons for quarrel, by stopping and penalizing the aggressors from every side, thus eliminate the profitability of invading the other for gain .

We have seen this game and its variations and scenarios applied and played in Syria, Israel's occupied and annexed territories and Gaza, and lately here in the U.S. under their respective leaders and administrations. The three have the clear tendencies of using force, violence even excessive brutality for their end results. Racism, and the politics of hate, as well as apartheid and mass transfers of entire populations based on ethnicity or color, are all thriving in the three mentioned countries. Destroying civility and democracy and abusing all human rights not only of these countries but the entire world.

As recent surveys of soldiers and policemen and snipers, ethnic para military militias, white supremacists or various armed settlers, and official secret agencies, even rioters of extreme tendencies, they in their majority often kill, torture and harm with gusto, almost in a state they describe as joy, or ecstasy. They all self convinced themselves with the motto "The best defense is always a good and brutal offence, and vice versa."

Their atrocities are often started and accompanied by tactics of dehumanization such as the use of pejorative names, degrading conditions, inflicting all sorts of humiliations, especially toward the defenseless with cold and cruel jokes and scenes that expose their victims and reclassify them from persons to nonpersons, making it easier and more acceptable to kill them or imprison and torture them.

To say that certain humans have a violent nature is scientifically incorrect, all humans share the same evolutionary degree of a will to become more violent when threatened, the problem in certain societies is the deliberate systematic brainwash and indoctrination of its masses and more so its more vulnerable youths. Wars and civil conflicts, racism and extreme nationalism are not an instinct but an invention.

Nourished to millions of vulnerable minds, only to achieve a certain policy under a particular vision, violence and bestial brutality are learned behavior, and these three societies I'm examining are on a clear path of legitimizing these tactics and methodologies. The enemy is always and invariably the other, we couldn't be the enemy ourselves.

So why are these three countries, their governing regimes, their fanatic combatants and their aggressiveness be so different from all or most civilized countries ?? Again it is the persistent indoctrination and systematic brainwashing of its masses, especially the uneducated and the younger zealots, all under the total endeavor of their psychopath leaders, their families and oligarchies, their own interests and political survival, striving to create a culture of violence, exactly like an infectious disease endemic only to certain specific environments.
                                           As always my profound thanks to all ....                   


Tuesday, August 13, 2019


The past ravaged and cruel one hundred years, the world produced several ideologies, with many ugly consequences, culminating mostly in very high death tolls among mostly innocent individuals and entire groups. Ideologies that were applied in different countries and different continents under many different auspices and brutal enforcement tactics.

I'm going to briefly mention three different ones, whereby each had its full share of violence, racism, hegemony, barbaric brutal mass killings and dehumanization of the other. The three had some form of ideological connection to the others, at least in sharing fascist tactics and a one leader total reign.

The ideologies I'm talking about, are the Marxist socialism especially under Stalin, the Nazi national socialism under Hitler, and the Zionist religious nationalism practically under all Israel's leaders culminating in Mr. Netanyahu. The three share high degrees of free brutality, racial superiority and racism, albeit that in the Marxist model it was always passed as a class struggle, and not as a race battle.

All three made millions pay with their lives, their livelihood and their possessions, and in the case of Zionism millions are still paying .....  The three shared the strong belief that the final aim is for the one group to achieve total victory over the other. Even if the price is total annihilation of the other.

For the Nazis it was races, for the Marxists it was classes, for the Zionists it was total dehumanizing and annihilation to achieve complete transfer of the other and possession of their land. For the Nazis the victor had to be the Aryans, for the Marxists the victors were assumed to be the proletariat, and for the Zionists the winner has to be the Israeli Zionist Jews. For the Nazis the conflict was social evolution, the Marxists saw it as a class struggle, and for the Zionists the target is total annihilation and grabbing of the land.

Combined, the three led to atrocities beyond description, in the many tens of millions of loss of life, individually and collectively, some estimates talk of over a hundred million deaths alone. The ideology of  group against group struggle explain the similar outcomes, tactics and visions  of Nazism-Marxism- Zionism.

It's not difficult to see and understand why our own Mr. Trump and his backers of white supremacist have this absolute infatuation with this type of thinking, behavior and demagogic ideologizing of the three, maybe more so with Zionism. As the political thinker Harold Laski said : "Civilization means above all an unwillingness to inflict unnecessary pain on others." The three ideologies plus many other smaller cases in our present time, of fascistic tendencies, did not and do not believe or adhere to any civilized principle.

                   As always , my many thanks to all .....         

Saturday, August 3, 2019


Mr. Trump, his oligarchy and family, Mr. Netanyahu, his family and his ultra right neocon entourage, the new British Boris Johnson, the ultra right fascist parties of most of Europe, Mr. Orban of Hungary, Mr. Bolsonaro of Brazil, Mr. Erdogan of Turkey, Mr. Assad of Syria, Mr. Putin of Russia, and many other smaller political entities all over, even tiny Lebanon is grooming its future fascist and crazy dictator president in the person of corrupt and opportunistic son in law Mr. Bassil. Of course some old and classical ones like Kim Il Jung of Korea, and the royal Saudi family represented by the new inheritor prince M.B.S. of course all religious theocracies and autocracies.

they all speak the same language, and are friendly and understanding of each other, while blocking our and the world's progress, safety and economy, jeopardizing ourselves and our children's and grand children's future. The mounting evidence of their efforts to obstruct justice, their flagrant disregard for the simplest international law or conventional vision for the planet or its inhabitants, their normalizing of all and any authoritarian tactics in their daily governing and dealings makes it clear that not only their respective countries and citizens will pay the price but everyone around will face one of the gravest existentialist, constitutional and moral crisis of modern times.

When these so called leaders act in morally and ethically corrupt ways, in defiance of every decent norm, it is our role and duty to talk loudly and act to suppress their heinous acts and stop their reign of corruption and deceit, enough is enough, we should all refuse to stand by and watch, and justify the facts, watch the rules of law being ignored, fraud and brutality endanger our future and our entire civilization will slip into a total mode of crisis and chaos.

Serving in public offices should be regarded as an honor and a public trust, citizens all over look and count on their leaders to put that public trust above their personal profits, and demagogy, and vain ideologies, recently this trust has been breached in many places of the world and at the highest levels of different governments. Even the judicial systems are being systematically compromised and bought at all levels, only to serve the purpose of their leaders, their interests and ideologies.

These new breed of leaders are making a mockery of all principles of civility, compassion or international harmony, and all this corrupt profiteering is only serving their own survival and supremacy, it is directly serving their families, oligarchies, and approving big money, special interests, and the highest political bidders with their lobbying powers.

All over the world, liberals or conservatives, left, center or right, rich, middle or poor, religious, agnostic or atheist, should all be appalled at the blatant abuses of decency and common sense. It is not enough to condemn racism, apartheid, greed, free brutality, barbarism and land grabbing, this will culminate in state violence threatening all their neighbors, regional and international political stability as well as economical well being.
                                    my usual gratitude to all my readers the world over.                            

Tuesday, July 23, 2019


Few days back the Times of Israel published an article criticizing Mr. Trump's latest little tirade against four junior members of Congress. I'm copying verbatim some extracts.

U.S. President D. Trump on Friday falsely claimed a group of four Democratic Congresswomen he has repeatedly attacked this week had referred to Jews as "Evil" Speaking to reporters outside the White-House, the President said of the four women, they can't call our country and our people garbage, they can't be anti-Semitic, they can't talk about evil Jews, which is what they say"Evil Jews"

Non of the women has ever been documented referring to "Evil Jews" continues the article, The President may have been referring to Rep Ilhan Omar tweeting in 2012 during a conflict in the Gaza strip; "Israel has hypnotized the world, may God awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel." Trump was also misrepresenting the use of the word garbage, which Rep Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez did not use to denigrate her country or its people, rather she asked in March about her so called radical socialist agenda, she said ;"We've strayed so far away from what has really made us powerful and just, and good and equitable and productive, and so I think all of these things sound radical compared to where we are. But where we are is no good thing, this idea of 10% better from garbage shouldn't be what we settle for.

As noted by several media outlets, Trump has himself in the past referred to"garbage in our society" and accused his predecessor of turning things to garbage.Trump has in recent days repeatedly accused Omar, Ocasio-Cortez, R.Tlaib, and Ayanna Pressley of being anti-Semitic and hating Israel, and called on the women of color to go back to their home countries, though all are citizens and three were born in the U.S.

When I hear the way they talk about our country, when I hear the anti-Semitic language they use, when I hear the hatred they have for Israel, I tell you I don't believe this is good...... Omar was accused of anti-Semitism in February after she said that American support for Israel was driven by money from the powerful pro Israel lobbying group AIPAC. Later in May, Tlaib sparked a similar fire storm after she claimed her Palestinian ancestors had to suffer for the Jews to have a safe haven in the wake of the Holocaust, end of quote from the Times of Israel.

Now I have an honest question, while I fully endorse the article and fully approve the legitimate criticism, but I repeat why is it OK. and forgivable for an Israeli news paper to criticize openly the U.S. president, his words and tweets, and policies,accuse him of lying, while here in America, States like Texas criminalize and punish citizens for peacefully criticizing the heinous acts of the Israeli State and regime. Senators like Graham and others, even our President himself forbid anyone from any mention or word of criticism toward Israel or its leadership,brutality, inhumanity, theft, apartheid don't belong to Israel, no matter what.

Would anyone please, tell me why here in the U.S.  it is a crime worthy of harsh punishment to mention Israel in any critical form, or Mr. Netanyahu, while their media can say whatever their conscience dictates, rightly or wrongly. Again the article in its entirety is fully justified and correct, although I don't think Mr. Trump approves of its content or wordings. He even tweeted later, " "Amazing how the fake news media became crazed over the chant"send her back" by a packed arena in North Carolina, but is totally calm and accepting of the most vile and disgusting statements made by our four radical left, anti-Semitic Congresswomen.
                    As always,  my many thanks to all my readers across the world .                           

Saturday, July 13, 2019


The entire country nowadays is in dire need of leadership, sane leadership that is. Our current oligarchy,advisers, president and his family, plus of course all lobbyists and influencers, internally and externally, they all play and experiment with our foreign affairs, interests, and military global presence, And internally at our borders, with our education systems, social welfare, and medical entitlements, our taxes are a ripoff, slowly and surely replaced by Americans paying for futile tariffs on their everyday items. And a total mockery of all our judicial establishment.

One major example of our foreign policies blunders would be the blatant repeat of past adventures throughout the world. And mostly across the Middle-East, where it seems we didn't learn anything by our repeated mistakes and consequent failures, where only the exorbitant cost in many trillions of Dollars is practically bankrupting the nation, while killing hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians plus many thousands of our uniformed boys and girls.

My case here is about the Iran war, being strongly advocated, planned and orchestrated by a whole bunch; John Bolton, Mike Pompeo, Jared Kushner, our ambassador to Israel, Netanyahu, AIPAC, and Mohammad Bin Salman. Plus a complete plethora in the Trump administration, they are all rapidly escalating the conflict with Iran, after imposing devastating sanctions and years of oppression exactly like we did in Iraq killing more than a 100k of their children and repeating it all now in Yemen.

Until recently, Iran held up their end of the nuclear agreement, even after and despite Trump's unprovoked decision to renege. And Mr. Trump's continued antagonism has left practically all our traditional allies deeply skeptical of American policy and tactics and objectives.

Military direct action against Iran would inevitably kill very large numbers of civilians, be phenomenally expensive, kill too many of our uniformed men and women, and probably drag for years to come. Bring international condemnation as well as a world-wide total financial collapse, and foster even more hatred toward the United States. Even the Trump hotels and properties will suffer.

 Most experts, civilians and military, believe a war with Iran and its sympathizers would be more devastating and drag longer than the Iraq and Afghanistan wars combined. This is obviously not a war to start now, especially not for the sake of Israel's Netanyahu, nor Saudia's Bin Salman, even not for Mr. trump's reelection bid. It's simply not in our American interest .
                                                 My usual many thanks to all for following. 

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

A MEMO TO Mr. PENCE ............

No Mr. Pence, we don't have the safest and cleanest air and water in the world, as you lately declared, as a matter of fact we don't have the best and most affordable health care in the world, and Mr. Pence we surely don't have the best educational system in the world either, Nor the affordability for it by the majority of our higher level students to go through it and graduate in dignity without a life time debt. 

Mr. Pence , in a few and short words, we literally have non of the best in anything anymore, that used to be in the far past, in your youth, in different times, today the majority of the advanced and industrialized world has or are achieving better records than ourselves, at literally all levels. 

Mr. Pence, what we have instead and a lot of , is hypocrisy, few very rich and a lot of poor, a tremendous military expenditure and a war machine that is eating all our hard earned tax Dollars and savings, but making your boss the president proud while forgiving his dodging and eloping his military services. 

While you and your patron, keep cutting taxes to all rich and very rich individuals and corporate and Wall-Street figures, plus any special interests across the country who knocks on your doors. While continuing your predecessors very costly adventures in more than several spots of the world, While proudly creating new ones . 

Our present cost estimates of our adventures, the continuation of them, and the creating of new permanent wars somewhere, anywhere, is in the tens of trillions of Dollars, too many trillions indeed, in my earlier times, the numbers expressing one trillion was a bit incomprehensible, so are most developing countries of the world, we are proudly trying to buy Palestinian sovereignty, liberty dignity and existence for 50 billions !!!!  go figure.   

Now we look at it all, coldly, and admit simply that we're leaving our kids ten, twenty , or more trillions of Dollars in debts, even Lebanon didn't achieve such a high degree of hypocrisy, they are leaving their kids only a 100 billions of debt. 

Keep going Mr. Pence with your Lord Patron, and all his brilliant advisers, keep creating adventure after adventure , after all it's our motto in life as Americans, keep alienating our allies and trade partners, our neighbors, and far away partners, it surely might bring you two back to power , unless the patron decides to topple you, or simply drop and trade you for a greater adventure warrior or a full fledged credited neocon, just after Bolton anyway,  All for his pleasure and his destructive visions to the country, its people and the entire world, something of a Nero and his beloved Rome, but let's remember ; Nero died and Rome survived.  

I believe you call it Apocalypse, while addressing your beloved congregation, one would think and correctly so, that your Christian morals and beliefs and often your parroted values, would at least, some of the times, put you as a wake up call to many of the atrocities and vulgarities perpetuated by this administration of yours, but no one have seen any sign of compassion or love or understanding of the needy, of the weaker, the poorer, the oppressed or the losers, only arrogance. 

Finally , all I can say in all honesty is; good for you and him, good for your entire oligarchy and your families, especially his, but , as a matter of fact it's far from good for all of us, Americans and world wide citizens. 
                                    My many thanks to all for following....           

Sunday, June 23, 2019


The Middle-East is living these days some dangerous and serious possibilities of renewed total chaos, even after the last couple decades of civil and regional invasions and wars, regime change and various other events of brutality and hegemony. All states and peoples of the entire region suffered dearly as well as the U.S. Europe, maybe the exception was Israel, that helped orchestrate and had a hand in all events, and helped execute some of them .

Unfortunately now we are witnessing through part two, a revival to all types of fanaticism and a renewed form of radicalization, new divides leading to new conflicts and very bloody wars, by the direct involvement of the U.S. against Iran and it's allies in the region, all leading directly and rapidly to a renewed religious sectarianism and turning into a growing radicalization .

Whatever started couple decades ago in more than one spot of the M-E, as internal youthful and peaceful protests, emanating mostly from impoverished and unemployed youth, and poorly managed  economies, plus deteriorating social and environmental conditions and weak executive brutal governments, was quickly exploited by outside forces, and turned into very bloody religious and sectarian conflicts.

The Palestinian territories, Jordan and Yemen, Iraq Libya and Syria, Sudan and Egypt, and now the entire Persian Gulf area are all victims and now are reliving it all again, the world and all players will eventually pay the price of this chaotic scorched adventure, including Israel and the U.S .

Conflict begets more conflicts, leading always to loss of life and destruction, the new American  regimes clearly pushed by Israeli upcoming possible adventure against Iran and its proxies in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and some major chunks of the Shiaa population in all the States of the area, is reviving the Sunni/Shiaa fault line that divides several nations through the M-E, and the new conflict will increasingly take on a sectarian hue, further separating the two major Muslem sects and all main minorities like the Druze, Alawites and growing portions of the Christian communities, empowering all salafists militants and Al Qaida inspired jihadists.

It's all clearly turning into a proxy war for Israel, Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Iran, plus the fully played by all of the above, and against its own interests the U.S of A. and its own neocons and the war machine, adding to it all our own dreams of reelection of our actual administration as well as the Israeli one. The Saudis have their own agendas of a total supremacy of their blind Wahhabi Sunni doctrines, versus the Shiaa and Israeli fiction dreams championed by Iran and Zionist Israel , and some of our everlasting dictators and ascending paramilitary groups and parties.

All these factors and factions are being replayed and revived for the sole benefit of the very few, and to further destroy any serious prospect of peace and a fair revival of the entire area. The risks of igniting a new hugely destructive world conflict for the benefit of few psychopaths selfish individuals who have absolutely no right to drag the entire world into such possibilities.
                                    As always, my profound thanks to all my good readers.                            

Thursday, June 13, 2019


Yes his bankruptcy lawyer and now his envoy to Jerusalem is harming the peace process, with the quick developments of the situation in the Middle East, and more so the Palestinian issue versus the Israeli aggression and deliberate theft of lands and wealth, the failure of PM Netanyahu to form a government and hide his corruption scandals, The American side is working quietly to help him and itself electorally by implementing their agenda of annexations and reallocation of the Palestinian populations.

The deal of the century as the American administration calls it, which is already refused by many concerned parties, including the Palestinians themselves, is considered dead before birth. Haaretz the leading English Israeli newspaper published an editorial commenting on an interview in the NY Times by Mr. Friedman, the Trump appointed American Ambassador to Israel, and known fund raiser for the Israeli settlers of the West bank.  The article goes like this ;

"The remarks by U.S. Ambassador David Friedman last week implying that the U.S. is giving Israel's government the go ahead to unilaterally annex parts of the West Bank, are tantamount to spitting in the face of Palestinians. And they augur ill for anyone who seeks a just solution to the Israeli/Palestinian conflict based on the division of the land and the recognition of both people's right to self determination.

For two years Friedman has been helping draft the "Deal of the century" along with the son in law and senior adviser to president Trump Jared Kushner, and Trump's special representative for international negotiations, Jason Greenblatt. Friedman said in an interview with the NY Times; "Under certain circumstances, I think Israel has the right to retain some, but unlikely all, of the West Bank." He did not specify what those circumstances might be. He also declined to say how the U.S. would respond if PM Netanyahu moved to annex West Bank lands unilaterally , "we really don't have a view until we understand how much, on what terms, why does it make sense," Friedman said.

These statements, which are identified with the position of Israel's annexationists right, destroy Friedman's legitimacy as an honest broker and retroactively justify the Palestinian's apprehension about Trump's peace plan. After such remarks, it's hard to be surprised by the Palestinian suspicions, which are expressed in part by their stated intention to boycott the Bahrain preliminary conference, where the U.S. is expected to disclose the plans economic section.

In the interview Friedman even accused the Obama administration for allowing passage in 2016 of UN security counsel resolution 2334, which states that Israeli settlements violate international law, of giving credence to Palestinian arguments "That the entire West Bank and East Jerusalem belong to them." Certainly Israel's entitled to retain some portion of the West Bank Friedman said.

Friedman is wrong and deceptive, Israel has no such right in international law, because this is occupied territory that cannot be annexed, that was also the position of all U.S. administrations up to now. The retreat from this position is also the reason that five Democratic Senators introduced last week a resolution supporting a two state solution, and opposing the annexation of any part of the West Bank.

The Democrats know what Israel's peace camp knows ; Only a two state solution can guarantee the rights of both peoples. And the unilateral annexation of territories runs contrary to Israel's interests. If the U.S. is sincere about wanting to hold a peace conference with Palestinian participation and to act as an honest broker between the two parties, its representatives must be neutral. Friedman represents the interests of the settlers right, and he does not meet these conditions.

The above article is Haaretz' lead editorial, as published in Hebrew and English newspapers in Israel, I wish some of our Western and American media would be as candid and truthful about the whole issue.                               
                               My usual many thanks to all .         


Monday, June 3, 2019


The question of having moral beliefs at all or not having them, is decided by our will, said W. James. If your heart does not want a world of moral reality, your head will assuredly never make you believe in one. Gods and religions are the first and major negaters and destroyers of free will.

The worst part though, is when humans try to bluff themselves into partial or part time on demand morality, you can not be moral only to white skinned and immoral to other colors, you can not be moral and righteous and fair to Jews, Christians or only to Muslems or factions of them all, while exercising hatred and theft and apartheid and racial superiority toward other religions or races.

What is happening today in our world, in several places, like the American manipulation of politics, social and economical affairs, threats of wars and annihilation, or in Israel against whole segments of the population under their illegal occupation and control, or the ascendance of many fascist and ultra right political groups, all under a curtain of religious, ethnic and patriotic facade, while still claiming by all parties high morality and humanity is a total falsehood and a blatant arrogant lie.

Historically, for the last few thousands of years, all different peoples of the world worked hard at creating their own imaginary deities, they were always enough smart men who obliged and exercised high imagination to shape and institutionalize these Deities and their worldly universal demands, and the people went into the frenzy of pleasing them, men and women, young and old, started subjecting themselves to all sorts of meaningless restrictions, like voluntary fasting, tormenting themselves by celibacy, wasted their time and money on long pilgrimage journeys, created fantastic rituals, reiterated daily and weekly prayers and so forth, even went on invasions and barbaric wars, all in the hope pf pleasing their God, and getting his forgiveness at some future date, as well for a promised other future life in the clouds.

Many, new deep down that it was all for nothing, a hoax, and simply an act out of ignorance and naivety. Even today most intelligent people know the futility of it all, but persist behind a minority to play the game, no sane educated person in our times take the whole story seriously, we even mock fanatics and zealots of all religions for their outdated models, acts and interpretations and fatwas.

Still, in many or most parts of the world religious influence plays a big role in politics, and the daily life of many, manipulating it for all sorts of gains and political grabs and extortion. As a matter of fact, for the last few thousands of years, the Gods didn't fulfill nor achieve much in rewarding or satisfying the human race, nor to show any compassion toward our worldly miseries, wars, famines, natural disasters, or our own cruelty and brutality.

Our wars, adventures and acts of brutality, are qualifying and prove how far we really stand from our presumed Gods and Deities morality, and how far and detached they are from our lives and actual problems here on earth. Still we all continue to play our games of putting gods as the source of our morality, and the inspiration behind our acts.

Whether it's all for electoral purposes power grabs, annexation of other's lands, or even the simple theft of entire populations' wealth and well-being, always at the exorbitant prices of annihilating entire races and populations. 

So let's all collectively admit to our present situation, who we are and what we would like it to be, and how we envision our life together on earth, individually and collectively, let's keep Gods out of it, out of the games of pseudo morals and blind total faith in the abstract and imaginary, only to find excuses and justifications for our own acts, motives and immorality.
                                            As always, my profound thanks to all for following my blogs.                            

Thursday, May 23, 2019


The Webster dictionary defines adventurism as "improvisation or experimentation as in politics, military or foreign affairs in the absence or in defiance of accepted plans, and disregard of accepted standards of behavior".  There's no denying it, the entire world today is living through a major reshuffle of the balance of power and the centres of influence.

The US and some of its presumed allies, militarily and economically practically dominated the geopolitical and economical scene of international politics for the past century. The show is changing as some new or at least reemerging powers are now in ascendance, while some like Europe is in decline as an international influence and their divisions while pursuing their economic independence from the US.

America is plunging into a deeper isolation and chaos following Washington's bizarre policies toward its allies and competitors, plus a very egotistical stand vis-a-vis its interests and economical goals and choices of allies and partners. It's all personal, and not in the interests of the nation or the world.

Take for instance the relatively new emancipation of the BRIES, Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, where all our reactions to them came in some regime change in Brazil, re empowering the army and the Evangelical right. The Shanghai cooperation organization, the Asian infrastructure bank, the Eurasian union, and all individual Asian power houses, like Japan, South Korea, Taiwan are all seeking more independence from the US. And more so from a present administration that is not offering any type of reassurance or long term alliance of any type.

Strategies to build new replacements to the classic Western/American control of shipping routes and naval domination that are becoming semi obsolete, by the fixed realities of building huge faster and cheaper land roads and adapting new ports in practically all strategic parts of the glob, further weakening the total domination of international trade by the US. The old Western/American military domination of most of the world under the strategy of insuring various countries security is eroding, as its demand of creating continual wars is not economical to the welfare of the West.

The US Dollar as an irreplaceable and unique currency for international trade, exchanges and reserves is being lost slowly and surely. And the banking messaging and control SWIFT system is itself being bypassed and maybe eventually replaced by most of the above mentioned countries. Even by some of our traditionally most trusted European partners, like Germany, France and Great Britain, when dealing with our fictional and delusional tariffs against the world and sanctions against Iran, Russia, China, Turkey, Pakistan, Venezuela and Cuba, plus an array of other small players. Even the Palestinian authority and the UN agencies serving the people got their share of revenge and punishment .

We always had the tendency of dominating the whole show, but the Trump administration pushed the game to new dangerous levels. So instead of the game being America facing the world, the scene is turning into "the world facing America" I don't think it's in our best interests economically, monetarily or militarily to play this game, under the pretense of our presumed total power and supremacy.

We have lost more wars lately in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria, to name a few, that creating new ones in Iran, Venezuela and north Korea are definitely not safe for the country or the world. Unless it's a point to prove our arrogance and ignorance and start again reviving the old adage of the "ugly American".  While a large segment of the American population is evolving politically and socially and globally, some who are headed by pure demagogy and false pretenses, religion, fear and pseudo patriotism remain stubbornly steady.

We are still being played systematically by fascist leaderships, only capable of destruction and poor judgment for their egoistical survival. our only allies left, constitute of some rogue neo fascist crazy leaders, like Netanyahu and MBS. destroying their countries and everyone near them. Another good way to name adventurism is; "It is a willingness to experiment and behave irresponsibly especially to obtain unfair advantages in politics or business, actions or attitudes regarded as reckless or potentially dangerous.
                                         All my thanks to all my good readers and friends.                       

Monday, May 13, 2019


We owe the term "Newspeak" to George Orwell chilling portrait of the totalitarian state; 1984. In recent times, newspeak ideologies and tactics are a sure recurrent and being reinvented and reenacted in many spots around the world. The US is a blatant and obvious example, Israel and all other theocracies like Iran, Saudi and aspiring Turkey, even some smaller entities like Lebanon, they all are headed solidly into the total manipulations of newspeak.

The many ultra right emerging political movements all through Europe, Brazil and India are all using and applying all forms of newspeak language, tactics and ideologies. Governed by an all ultra right machine, including the media, the religious hierarchies, the army and executive branches of government, plus a well greased ultra conservative war vehicle.

All these together rely heavily on religion and religious blindness to spread their power and dominance, always encouraging views such as "All associations and governing bodies not loyal and controlled by the righteous leaders or the elite club and the pious elements are a danger to the state, to their neighbors and selves. In these days Venezuela, Cuba and the under illegal occupation Syrian and Palestinian lands are all justified and fall clearly within these newspeak tactics and language.

These are not truth seeking, but power seeking words and acts, words that take more aim in bringing others down than in raising themselves, and when these acts and arguments fail as invariably sometimes they do, newspeak reverts back to old adage and dogmas of white supremacy, pure faith and blind obedience, plus the very much in use lately "Judeo/Christian" and Western civilization heritage.

The newspeak and its tactics that tend to elevate literal theism, savage capitalism, corporate elitist mentality, perpetual warring, are progressing into very dubious and dangerous political alliances, internally and internationally, and shape them all as the political force, the governing machine, capable of progress and economically viable. All of course at the expense of the majority of the citizenry forming the middle-classes and poorer segments of the population, their social benefits and popular projects.

Unfortunately all religious theocracies, like the Evangelical majority in the US and other parts, the Zionist's Hebraica of Israel, and the Muslem clerics in more than a few places, invariably put themselves readily in the service of these extreme demagogues, and become the leading engines of these political takeover and its new language and false ideologies.

Loyalty to family, Church, country, our values and our way of life, obedience, are all words to hide and camouflage the newspeak language, and its own philosophy, only to automatically classify the adversary. Specific terminology as in fake news, enemies of the people, left liberal, terrorists, Islamists and immigrants are invariably nowadays terms of abuse, lies and synonym of hatred.

These newspeak powers are trying individually and collectively to seriously debunk all social, tolerant and liberal achievement of many decades of the last century and the new one. To destroy every positive human advancement in social, intellectual, scientific and even at all levels of climate change, only to gain power over public and private life.

Should the world return and revisit philosophies of governance where the tight relationship between the theological and the political were the norms, where the political is subservient to the theological and our nations are governed by fanatics commanded by fascism and Godly inspiration, in some places we already have them, as in Vise-president Pence, Secretary Pompeo, Mr. Netanyahu, the Ayatollahs in Iran, Mr. Erdogan in Turkey, and the ultra right movements sprouting all over from Brazil to Europe, and brexit UK to Hungary and Eastern-Europe to most of the Middle-East. All of them aspiring and almost ready to espouse fascism openly or discretely, further enrich the elite, and dream of conquering the world. 

Was it not that the word "Fascism" have been too condemned after world war two, but who knows, in our times the power of newspeak could easily overcome and fascism could become a lovable word again.  Will our politicians come up with some prohibiting legislations to prevent a possible and probable chaotic and very destructive war in  the  Persian  golf !!! I wonder . 
                           Many thanks to all my good readers worldwide.                            

Friday, May 3, 2019


For thousands of years, Sapiens and more so the male side of them, aspired to play actively the role of God here on earth, and to regulate according to their imagination all relations between all men, between all women, and between the two genders, separating them according to men's powers and wishes.

Religions were created and theocracy got elevated, dominating social laws and rules, with all different monotheistic or other denominations and sects. All using the same imagination in enacting or asserting God's attributed desires. One of the major rules attributed to God and adopted by all constitutions and judiciary legislations was and still is murder and the killing of others, intentionally, accidentally individually or collectively.

Exceptions to these as in wars were always exempted, and in our modern times war crimes are defended by all rules and powers behind them, even in the most advanced democracies. But individual crimes are still considered as some of the gravest and most punished by Godly or civil laws. Maybe confirming the famous Stalin words, "The killing of one individual is a grave crime, while the killing of thousands is a statistical affair".

As in the past few months and even years, and more so with every election year here in America, we see the debate about abortion rise and ignite between all types of accusers and defenders, but if we think it correctly, we could reach the decision that the alleged atrocity and the labeling of murder doesn't actually stick, except for the Godly playing pretense.

Different societies in the country, as elsewhere throughout the world, give a living human being his or her legal status, his or her name, his or her social position only after the moment of birth and never before. I still have to see one legislation that admits a 10, 15 or 20 weeks old foetus in her mother's womb any official status or even a name. It is strictly still a matter between the mother, possibly her parents and partner on one side and God and his techniques to instill life in it and make it functional on the other side.

We even in most cases call it "it" and not really he or she. The officialdom doesn't recognize this it entity, at least not until it's born, and out breathing the same combination of oxygen and nitrogen we all do. The central nervous system of any foetus does not begin to evolve or start controlling basic bodily functions until the foetus is at least five months old, before that it has no consciousness.

A foetus that dies of natural causes in his mother's womb, and sometimes killing the mother with it, isn't necessarily caused by God's wrath, or any divine interference, so let's not mix theology with our human evolution and daily life here on earth, moral rules are evolved social rules, and all of it is a human business. So why in God's name do we act so aggressively promulgating the fiction that aborting a foetus is a crime, punishable by the harshest methods imagined by humans and attributed to God.

Wouldn't common sense dictate that we take care of murders and murderers who kill recognized people, individually or en mass, or people under occupation, and even entire populations, and all the atrocities taking place every day, due to planned policies, in so many places of our globe, and leave the judgment and punishment of aborted foetuses to God himself and the mother carrying it. And it could be here in this life, or in the next one as the Almighty might dictate. Why do we have to play his part and judge and condemn in his place, trying to execute ourselves what we assume to be his wishes.

This lie, carried out mostly by men, of forbidding women abortions in some special cases, date back historically to the origins of religions. But was never such a big issue, nowadays and again in election years, it becomes the slogan of most pseudo religious, Godly right wingers, who want to dominate societies and women for their pure domination and running the show and political demagogy. Whereby every other argument would be harshly condemned and put down, even by force, all of course in the name of God and our own interpretation of his institution of justice.
                             My as always many thanks to all my esteemed readers.