Wednesday, August 23, 2017


Steve Bannon is officially out of the White House and back to Breitbart news, with fairly a good image and pride. He vows to "crush the opposition"!!  One would have a major question or comment, who is the opposition according to Mr. Bannon ?? would you please define the opposition as you see it . Mr. Trump has already clearly identified who is to blame, a wide array of non compatible elite, including among others liberals judges, the media, all progressive academia, Muslims, Jews, Latinos, the general immigrant population, and of course any source of criticism locally or internationally .

Actually , just by observing the man, Mr. Trump considers himself already a full winner. Indeed he made it all the way to the highest post in the world, and proved himself a relatively brilliant manager tactician during the whole campaign and the first few months of his presidency.

So why continue this hassle of being president with its risks and possible failures, where he can return to his private glorified life and his multi business affairs with an even more glorified image and name. And all the Trumps can claim to belong to the highest presidency club. A long presidency with all its restrictions, investigations, faux pas, and controversies is not a goal , at least not a winning goal nor a profitable one. Not for him not to his immediate family, they all had enough actually of silly officialdom, its responsibilities and protocols .

Few good deals with whoever pays the most, and gets into the partnership seat with president Trump, will generate enough millions and billions to make all the presidency small ship and futile, at least economically, as the fame and name have been reached already.

accordingly I believe, and I'm not surely the only one, that the Trump clan will rather sooner than later resign their responsibilities of running the politics of the country, its peoples' interests and the world. They will do it themselves and not by being forced by any outside force as many believe. Yes they will all resign with the president himself as the leading conductor.

The president believes that he's above it all, above all the politicians and the rich manipulators, he believes a Mr. Pence is just the right level of person to assume a good and a better presidency that serves the elite's interests and leads America to wherever it should head. Mr. Trump will declare himself an absolute winner, and stage a glorified departure with the highest esteem and pomp ever given to a departing president.

 What a nice win-win situation for him, his family, the GOP embarrassed top tier and elite, his naive    voters who genuinely believed he will fix all their problems in life, the other side will be euphoric for the few days and duration of the ceremonies, stupidly believing they forced him out, only to relive a worse nightmare with less show , under a Mr. Pence presidency flanked by Mr McConnell and Ryan and the usual GOP oligarchy, and the show will go on ....

There is of course the other option, some people take it very seriously, whereby the president could stage and undertake, with the help of many sides from his entourage, some type of a take-over, some sort of a coup d'etat if you will, it could be under many forms and scenarios, a combination of some congressional vote, coupled with some legal constitutional loopholes, possibly involving some of the armed forces, where if the army wouldn't go with it , the police forces might .

We could immerse ourselves in some war with somebody or all, some serious and bloody terrorist attack, all these could come up very timely with the previous scenarios . But I personally believe Mr. Trump would opt for the pull-out and resignation option, trying some variations of the later scenarios could prove very dangerous, and not sure to catch American spirit, it could lead to some very serious consequences for many Americans as well as the presidency itself, the president , his family and his entire oligarchy .

Mr. Trump is for sure not of the style or type of  "win or die", he's by far more lily-livered , he's a survivor, a calculative and possibly a little too pragmatic to undergo such a risky scheme, so winning his situation by smartly pulling out, would present itself like a real winner route for him and his family, proving and insuring his unique ways in further glorifying himself, his ego and clan .

My usual many thanks to all .                              

Wednesday, August 16, 2017


Remember when the senior president Bush said : "Read my lips, no new taxes" and then there were new taxes anyways , it was later called Bush-lips, as it somehow rimes with bullshit . I believe many Americans are coining a newer version nowadays called Trump-shit !! better riming and closer in meaning , and all in a relative short time,  7 months, whether it comes as tweeting or statements or insane press conferences, that stuns everyone including his immediate entourage and staff .

Especially these days after the blunt hate carnage in Charlottesville, Virginia, few days back and the  presidential practically open support of white supremacists, homophobic, ultra right racists. Mr Trump and some blindly supportive voters and fewer each day GOP politicians who insist on smearing , defaming and denigrating every non white supremacist American, every liberal or progressive and every criticizing soul locally or internationally, making them all a fifth column , traitors or endangering  America .

White supremacist terrorists in America are protected more or less from the laws affecting same minded Islamic terrorists. Same in Israel with Israeli brutality. They don't let go of their arrogant rhetoric, only Israel comes near or equal. In most people's books , it's called literally bullshit or crap, donkey dust or as expressed in Australia ; cow confetti .

In the old Bible it says in Ether 3: 15-16 ; All  men were created after the Lord's image, remember how merciful the Lord has been from creation of Adam to present . Now if it all meant to say that : Hitler, Stalin and Pol Pot, Bashar Assad , Netanyahu and Trump are all created in the image of God,  I wouldn't know exactly how and where to place God !! Unless we have different classes of creation some Godly and some not , go figure which is which .  

The idea of self preservation and supremacy played by many Republicans and white alt right is destroying them more than helping at all levels. Spending all their times nowadays with the administration's help in systematically killing and destroying every rule and law of the previous administration , instead of creating their own or the country's good laws, benefiting all Americans on the long run . It's more demolishing than building , Everyone will end up paying for it in time .

Unfortunately, we have a troubled president and administration that surely have no strategy or a minimum of a vision nor any strategic foreign policy, it's all about his and their look and image, who ever doesn't fit with this picture have to go, I suspect Sec. of State  Tillerson  to be from the next badge . No matter how Mr. Trump ends up he considers himself a winner, unfortunately America is the looser, we're delaying saving the soul of the country and its vital interests . Israel comes as a perfect second, now if Mr. Netanyahu is impeached or goes to prison for abusing state funds and personal presents and gifts , would Mr Trump follow ???  

Many GOP legislators are extremely frustrated at a president who's unpredictability and his single minded focus on a Russian profiteering relationship, with its problems and investigations, fearing an erosion of the general public weaker than stronger trust and confidence in the president and his administration. Turmoil at the White House is dominant, so are the frequent changes firings and resignations, including today's dissolving of the business council after multiple CEOs quit.

All are only adding to the distraction of the administration , allowing our closest allies to continue their hegemony and apartheid policies and creating more instability all over the world, and worrying its own local bases , turning us into a huge mockery world wide .

My usual thanks for listening and helping expanding the blog .    

Thursday, August 3, 2017


In 2002 we declared total war against  Alqaeda and the Taliban in Afghanistan, it's still raging till today with no sign of any near ending or any clear victory. In 2003 we invaded Iraq, overthrew Saddam and the Baath regime and sent their army home, the war is still going with American troops acting as advisers, the only practical result we've achieved is to hand Iraq to Iran on a golden plate .

In 2012 we bombarded Libya and brilliantly managed to rid the country from the brutal Gadhafi, it's still is a lawless and totally fragmented ungovernable country that harbor more terrorists and refugees than anywhere else. We meddled in Sudan and gave carte-blanche to our dearest ally, Israel, to play the different factions to its interests, the situation in South Sudan is catastrophic and beyond repair. Standing with our other dear ally, the kingdom of Saudi Arabia, where they rely on American logistical, air superiority, and extensive intelligence is bringing the numbers of killed and injured Yemenis to over 75.000 , more than a million displaced, and the whole population famished and hit by an untouched cholera epidemic .

Of course our great assistance to topple the Syrian regime only strengthened ISIS originally, with our and our allies consent and money. Then fighting them and abandoning all relatively moderate factions only managed to further empower Iran, its allies and their militias and grandly reward Mr. Assad and his oligarchy and regime, and of course Mr. Putin and his ambitions. All after destroying more than half the country , close to 1 million killed or injured, 6 million refugees all over the area and the world, plus some few millions internally displaced, jailed and tortured, we still talk about coalitions, Russian agreements, Israeli plans for steeling the Golan and the south Syrian parts, safe zones, no flying zones , and division of the country , etc... etc...

Historically , we used to fund ravaged places by our interventions, we created words like the "Marshal plan" and other to revamp some of these miserable nations. Unfortunately now we can not fix our health care system , neither reform our tax codes and reach some fair distribution of wealth, we're unable to fund an adequate infrastructure program, neither a descent education for all, while Syrians, Iraqis, Yemenis and many more are desperately looking for help, looking mostly for Chinese rebuilding money and technologies, the new benevolent super power after our and our allies devastating destruction power .

The only positive aspect of this administration , could have evolved from a genuine rapprochement with Russia, resulting in a more peaceful world, but both leaders and their oligarchies and families totally condemned and crushed the possibility by strictly looking for selfish profits to their pockets, and ambitions, as in winning an election or meddling in it for a multitude of reasons . The White-House's credibility is eroding fast and getting worse, surely not any better .

While many Americans and American politicians, truly believe that things and people are somewhat better after our great interventions, well !!  they're not . The pleasure of grandiose and extinct imperialism is over. As we and our closest allies , continue proudly to think, behave and operate like "tercer mundistas", Third worlders arrogant nouveaux riches.      

Are these clear signs of political, emotional and moral immaturity, or is it pure and simple decline. unless we call it politics as usual . One has to seriously ponder upon it .

All my thanks , while asking for your help to spread the word, by any means available, again thanks.