Saturday, December 20, 2014


Today my comments are addressed to Mr. Obama , the 44th and current president of the United States of America .  Mr.  Obama , as you've been already 6 years the leader of this country with 2 remaining , may I take the opportunity to make few honest remarks , probably shared by many millions here in America and the world .

Your recent move toward Cuba , one has to agree was a master's move , as our policy toward that country and its people , as you describe it yourself was a very outdated and archaic policy . Your adversaries are totally divided and at a loss .

Your health care or Obamacare as it's being labeled , seems to be well on the way to establishing itself as a totally accepted system , with millions of adherents and beneficiaries , again your opponents are practically silenced and forgetting it .

Immigration reforms are still wishy washy and no decisive rulings came out of it , but surely you're having the upper hand , hope you continue the reforms there for a better future of this country and its citizens.  Regulating  Wall Street and the banking system , as well as narrowing the growing huge spread between the extravagantly rich 1or 2 % and the majority of stagnating middle classes  is again lukewarm at best , as you obviously didn't prove to be whom the American people hoped you'd be .

Saving and bailing out big businesses and banks was again a very smart move and a positive one , to the country and your political career , but asking them and the big corporate entities for money and help to contribute to the country's long term educational , and scientific research programs , plus the everlasting  infrastructural problems of our country  and its welfare , was well beyond your scope , and never part of the deal , even though the country and its people would have enjoyed a tremendous boom from an alliance between private big money and government , somehow nothing happened and the country is still lagging behind .

Racial tensions , social problems , imprisonment , police and NSA supremacy and  brutality didn't improve or go anywhere significantly during your reign , even though you symbolized a strong possibility at your initial election .

Finally  your general foreign policy , under very hesitant moves , lead the country to loose some very important U.S. past gains . True , you got the country out of Iraq , but only to get us back in again  , and having to play a sectarian game of helping the Iranian backed Shiia against its counter part Sunny population , a no good game for the U.S. at all .

We totally missed and misused our strength and authority with the Israeli/Palestinian Peace process , and humiliated our system of governance , leading us now again to have to veto an independent state of Palestine within a reasonable time frame , a totally biased position against most countries of the world including our closest allies . We could have achieved way more to both involved parties , and better served our vital interests in the Middle East .

Your indecisiveness  Mr. president with the Syrian Assad regime , and their proven establishing of the Islamic hordes , led to an almost cold war situation with Russia , China , and most Middle-Eastern countries , less evasiveness toward Syria would have brought us lots and lots of recognition .

I sincerely hope that in the coming month or so , and as a great gift to Many struggling Americans , you might offer the poor working classes , and the economy in general a real boost , by using your presidential powers and establish  a 10,10$ or a 10,50$ minimum wage policy , even if the increase is spread over a 4 quarters of an 18 months period , to help accommodate small businesses .

Mr. President , the American people , same as in many parts of the world , are starting to live a serious cognitive revolution  to problems such as steep inequality of wealth distribution , big profits by financial entities and banks , huge corporate powers , and special interests and their big monetary interferences in elections , and in directing our policies and wars . The politics of Israel are becoming more of a steady embarrassment to our integrity and a liability to our interests .

Finally Mr. president , and during your 2 remaining years , many Americans believe that you stand a fair chance of putting the country firmly back on its track , regardless of short term habitual threats and criticism , whether from internal or external friends , allies or their lobbies . You said lately that "We are doing these things because they are the things to do."So keep doing and don't be a political calculating and a picker.You have to finish doing what we started doing 6 years ago internally and externally .

Good luck Mr. President in your remaining term , and by the way Happy holidays for you and your family .   My usual thanks and as well , Happy holidays to all .              

Monday, December 15, 2014

20 , 50 , or 100 YEARS .......

Such  numbers from a historical perspective are minimal and almost meaningless ,  so many conflicts , wars , truces , empires , fascist and brutal dictators , as well as many other events in our world last 5000 years history , lasted 50 or a 100 years , to totally vanish later with hardly any trace at all .

IF I was either an Israeli politician , some Neocon right wing zealot , or an ISIS good old turbaned Sunni jihadi Musslem , I would by now be well entrenched in serious negotiations for a long truce with the other party.  The problem is ; would a 20 or 50 years truce be adequate and fulfilling or should we aim and work our efforts for a 100 years truce .  IT all happened before with both sides .

Both , Sunnis and Jews , would agree to such an arrangement influenced by  their religiosity , beliefs and historicity , a solid commitment from both parties , a win-win situation . I believe historically both religions had more than one well established truce between them , in the times of their coexistence , during the early days of Islam and Muhammad's establishing of his reign .

So in the actual Middle-East , and the Levant , as we are clearly witnessing the beginnings and the Resurrection of an older pattern , whereby It is not just a matter of inventing or discovering new tactics , or political devises , the rapprochement of the two Major forces , Sunni Musslems and Israeli Jews , is starting to take place  slowly and surely .

The interesting part is our underestimating of the speed with which the new rapprochement and the accepting trends , are taking hold . It seems to be coinciding perfectly and synchronized with the rise of religiosity  and fanaticism in most M-E countries and certainly in both camps .

The various combinations heighten the possibilities  but also the dangers . The rate at which people and their leaders , absorb such acceptances is rising fast . It took far more than half a century of total Musslem/Jewish enmity before on the ground circumstances due mostly to Sunni/Shiia historic  hatred and distrust , would allow people to accept and start absorbing such ideas .

The Sunni/Shiia fault line that divided and continue to do so , in several nations within the Middle-East , is proving to be far worse and  more destructive than the Musslem/Jewish divides throughout history , old and new.

Let's agree that both sides , Musslems and Israeli Jews , and for the greater part of the past century , systematically refused to give the other any strategical advantages . Any benefit one gets is seen immediately as a debit on the other side . Widespread distrust  was the reigning situation .

Now that we accept that the Islamisation scenarios of all countries covering the Middle-East map , are here to stay , for some decades at least , and the establishing and governing of the Jewish orthodoxy and their Neocons leaders are here to stay as well , a Sunni/Jewish truce is de rigueur ,and is being contemplated by more than one party , countries as well as  individuals . As I've always firmly believed that only extremists from both sides will be able to ever sign a truce or peace treaty .

Whether it's all for the better or worse is debatable , and what the future of this area of the world hides is to be seen .

My usual many thanks to everyone for your time .        

Sunday, December 7, 2014


IN  the wake of the last few weeks events , in Ferguson , N.Y. , Cleveland  Ohio , and many other spots of the U.S , one is led to think and possibly conclude , if a majority of Americans truly think  and believe that these bodies are credible enough . If these appointed grand juries , are not in many cases out of sink , biased , and clearly nowhere close to fair and within the spirit of the law of the land .

Common sense would lead us to some obvious conclusions ; Assuming that most of these appointed bodies  and committees , of ultimate ruling decisions in some cases , could be biased , or motivated by different rules than just the plain and fair rule of law , as clearly more and more  Americans now believe . Then the possibility of all investigative  committees  and grand juries integrity are at stake .

In some cases corrupt in its ugly sense might be applied , in others biased and ignoring the on the ground truths for ideological and special interests purposes . Our financial system benefited repeatedly and continue to do so , according to most observers . Our lobbying forces whether  political , economical , foreign  or domestic , even though investigated repeatedly , are as powerful and dominant as never before . Some of our prominent politicians would fall under "guilty" but are in fact free to do more and benefit their political agendas and their deep pockets as well as their sponsors .

Are our police and many newly created as well as old security agencies becoming "the untouchables". Are we here in our 21st century America in need of an American Spring ?? A movement to rid us of big brotherhood and its branches , something to prove to ourselves and show the world , that we are still the leading nation within our civilized world .

These investigative bodies and grand juries are formed by people like us , why do they revert into
ideologies and inherited basic instincts rather than applying the strict rule of law  as they clearly should , even our judicial system and all the way up in hierarchy, is proving to be more localized and reflecting local sentiments rather than the unified approved laws of our country's judicial system.

Are the big banks and Wall street , the huge corporate sector , and all special interests the new norms  of ruling and governance ?? The unchallenged forces , the untouchable entities ?? Are our elections eternally rigged to be kept hostage to big money and extravagant interests .

Many doubted  the outcome of the Kennedy assassination investigations , are we today to revise our trust in the 9/11 investigations as well ? the Christie bridge scandal final verdict ?? Once again a young black man is killed , and another one , and another ,  yet somehow , no crime has been committed , could all of our higher appointed investigative bodies be as out of sink and clearly wrong and not suspect higher special influences interferences .

This is not where America ought to be in the 21st century . My usual many thanks to all .