Tuesday, November 23, 2021



By Kevin Barrett

Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has been vilified in the Western media for daring to imagine “a world without Israel.”

But according to news reports, Henry Kissinger and sixteen American intelligence agencies agree that in the near future, Israel will no longer exist.

The New York Post quotes Kissinger “word for word”: In 10 years, there will be no more Israel.

Kissinger's statement is flat and unqualified. He is not saying that Israel is in danger, but could be saved if we just gave it additional trillions of dollars and smashed enough of its enemies with our military. He is not saying that if we elect Netanyahu's old friend Mitt Romney, Israel could somehow be salvaged. He is not saying that if we bomb Iran, Israel might survive. He is not offering a way out. He is simply stating a fact: In 2022, Israel will no longer exist.

The US Intelligence Community agrees, though perhaps not on the precise 2022 expiration date. Sixteen US intelligence agencies with a combined budget over USD70 billion have issued an 82-page analysis titled “Preparing for a Post-Israel Middle East.”

The US intelligence report observes that the 700,000 Israeli settlers illegally squatting on land stolen in 1967 - land that the entire world agrees belongs to Palestine, not Israel - are not going to pack up and leave peacefully. Since the world will never accept their ongoing presence on stolen land, Israel is like South Africa in the late 1980s.

The extremist Likud coalition governing Israel, according to the US intelligence report, is increasingly condoning and supporting rampant violence and lawlessness by illegal settlers. The report states that the brutality and criminality of the settlers, and the growing apartheid-style infrastructure including the apartheid wall and the ever-more-draconian system of checkpoints, are indefensible, unsustainable, and out of synch with American values.

The sixteen US intelligence agencies agree that Israel cannot withstand the coming pro-Palestinian juggernaut consisting of the Arab Spring, the Islamic Awakening, and the rise of the Islamic Republic of Iran. In the past, dictatorships in the region kept a lid on the pro-Palestinian aspirations of their people. But those dictatorships began to topple with the fall of the pro-Israel Shah of Iran in 1979 and the establishment of a democratic Islamic Republic, whose government had little choice but to reflect its people's opposition to Israel. The same process - the overthrow of dictators who worked with, or at least tolerated, Israel - is now accelerating throughout the region. The result will be governments that are more democratic, more Islamic, and far less friendly to Israel.

The US intelligence community report says that in light of these realities, the US government simply no longer has the military and financial resources to continue propping up Israel against the wishes of more than a billion of its neighbors. In order to normalize relations with 57 Islamic countries, the report suggests, the US will have to follow its own national interests and pull the plug on Israel.

Interestingly, neither Henry Kissinger nor the authors of the US Intelligence Report give any sign that they are going to mourn the demise of Israel. This is remarkable, given that Kissinger is Jewish and has always been viewed as a friend (if occasionally a tough friend) of Israel, and that all Americans, including those who work for intelligence agencies, have been influenced by the strongly pro-Israel media.


     An interesting analysis by Kevin Barrett, I've copied part of his article for this blog, next blog might include the other part.    As usual, my many thanks to all my readers, keep safe and well.

Saturday, November 13, 2021



For decade after decade we have spent ourselves on short-term consumption and false acts of arrogant imperialism while ignoring many or most of modern economy's long term needs and necessities.

 Billionaires and their political machines and lobbyists have been for the past few years and more so lately out in force, openly and defiantly. Few days back, a known Republican billionaire, who is a traditional fossil fuel tycoon, announced that he would hold a gigantic fundraiser for Senator Joe Manchin, a pseudo Democrat from West Virginia, who has been holding a key vote on president Biden's infra structure bills and his Build Back Better Act, as well as the antiquated filibuster. Corporations, billionaires and their lobbyists are definitely ramping up the pressure on different members of Congress, stalling the Democratic agenda and all of Biden's promises to the American people.   

Few days ago, the House of Representatives passed the infrastructure Investment and jobs act, which congressional insiders call it "BIF", passage of the infrastructure package puts the other part of the act as the Build Back Better Act on thin ice. If and when passed, the bill will allow Medicare cover for vision, hearing and dental benefits, lower prescription medicinal drugs prices, invest in home, community and child care, as well as senior care. Plus making serious investments in combating climate changes. So that our children and grand children can have some hope in their future and a habitable planet. 

But, modern times American politics, the selfishness and hate of so many, resulting in the assault on liberal democracy, experienced lately in America threatens it all. Fascism, Neo-cons, war machines and military industries, big pharma and the fossil fuel barons, are all interfering big time against the majority of Americans. Since this past summer, the plan has been to craft two bills that move together or roughly in parallel, the BIF and the Build Back Better Act, this strategy was designed to hold the Democratic caucus together, and to lure some Republicans to vote for the welfare of the people. 

Now that the BIF has passed both the House and Senate, big interests are pressuring politicians to endanger the Build Back Better Act, or even kill it totally if possible, and destroy the Biden's agenda, all in preparation of the mid term elections in 2022, and possibly a Trump come back in 2024. We are even witnessing some people or groups with wishes of economical collapse, or severe crises just to undermine or topple one political party, or win an election and glorify its leaders.

It is up to the American masses and the entire middle classes to keep the pressure on and make sure all these historic acts pass and become a reality and part of our future. As legislation that would help our communities stand and improve. Several powerful politicians, including some Senators are getting set to ram through an astronomical 780 billion Pentagon budget, to fund more weapons, wars and military contractors. 

The U.S is not and should not be built and run by military needs alone, nor its passion to police and shape the world according to its whims, wishes and colonial interests.  It's OK to have a second look at the 780 billion Dollars Pentagon budget, and exercise a policy of less wars and adventures. 

        As always, my profound many thanks to all, stay safe and well.          


Wednesday, November 3, 2021



It's been circulating for years now, and we all sort of know it, with our own medicine, food and drinks labels and expirations, or when we advise someone close, but we keep this little guilt feeling, we keep thinking that maybe we're not being safe enough, maybe we are doing the wrong thing after all, and not playing it safely, maybe we are harming ourselves and our close ones. It's all brain washing and intentionally misguiding us and everyone else world wide, it's all for profit, for greed, for maintaining a mentality of  abundance, all habits and convictions that we all humans cannot afford anymore on our planet. 

We are talking about expiry and out of date medicines, even most canned food and beverages, and certain other products. Everything nowadays is by law labeled with an expiry date, whereby even the wording used in most products are misleading, best before... use before... sell before... freeze before... discard after... while serious research by many experts including some French researchers, including Dr. Christiane Laberge, who concluded lately; Most medicine, if not all keep the same effectiveness 4 years after expiry dates. 

We all somehow know these facts but never express them loudly, because big pharma companies don't like it nor allow it, they brainwashed us all, including official government agencies, through the years to ridicule and ignore such ideas and words. To think that any medicine after its expiry date will automatically turn into some type of deadly poison, Even when we realize how huge of an ecological waste it is, how empty it renders our pockets. 

The U.S. military had over a billion drugs pilled up, and they wanted to know if it was true that it had to be disposed of by the indicated dates, they tested and retested everything, only to get to the conclusion that only one product of them all lost some of its potency and minimally reduced its effectiveness after 4 years. 

Many serious studies, published in many scientific journals, assert that the shelf life dates on all our medicines are imposed by manufacturers to sell as many products as possible and regularly renew their stocks and profits. In fact yogurt products that were analyzed and tasted 57 days after the last authorized consumption date indicated by the manufacturers on the packages, only indicated; Same flavor, same freshness and no health problems by consuming them. 

The same goes for vacuum-packed meats, chicken or fish, that can be safely consumed 15 to 20 days after the displayed expiry dates. As well for dry cakes, vacuum cookies of all kinds, confectionary, chocolates, pulses, pasta, rice, lentils and many other, they can all go for way longer periods than indicated. These products are edible and keep their same flavor 3 to 4 years after their packaging expiry dates. 

Manufacturers and pharmaceuticals are organizing, lobbying and pushing for these food and drugs  waists to increase their profits and continually satisfy their increasingly demanding CEOs and shareholders, the same goes with pills of different uses, it is intentional by their manufacturers, while the only difference is that 3-4 years after expiration, the efficiency is slightly reduced for few of them, around 95% instead of the original 100%. Even antibiotics have exactly the same reduction numbers. 

So before we all throw away our Tylenol, Aspirin, Ibuprofens, Imodium, vitamins and the like, let's make sure we're not only making big pharma richer while throwing away good and efficient stuff. They are only making more money at our expenses. These policies proved so effective, and the consumers so gullible and willing, that it wouldn't be surprising to see them replicate and be applied on other products, your car will expire after 5 years, your TV, your computer, your phone even your cloths will all serve for short, well studied periods. Anything and everything could expire after a short while, and be harmful if not discarded, so be careful and obey the rules. 

In the U.S. we pay the highest prices for medicine, and it was for long years a national demand to reduce and regulate it, at least by allowing Medicare negotiate with pharmaceutical companies, still it was defeated lately in the Senate, by few sold members who obstructed any thought of negotiating , importing or relying on cheaper generic products, just to show us all how powerful these manufacturing entities are. 

         As always , my gratitude to all my good readers, stay safe and well.