Saturday, November 23, 2019


Three major forces are nowadays competing at destroying the Levant, its people, wealth and stability.The U.S., Israel and Iran. I may add a forth, who just lately took advantage of a loophole in the game and imposed itself as a forth player; Russia. The game is destructive as much as funny, as the Iranians believe the Russians will end American and Israeli meddling in Syria, the American/Israeli side believe the Russians will limit Iran's influence in Syria, and the Russians will play the two camps and take over Syria to itself and eventually the entire Levant .

The US State Department, and the Pentagon, concerned mostly in securing the US bases out of which thousands of US troops continue to operate in Iraq, as well as Syria. They have all along kept total silence on the very bloody suppression of young Iraqi protesters against the puppet and very corrupt regime in Baghdad, remaining in power only by playing and bribing both dominant forces reigning in Iraq, the US and Iran.

Ironically, both Washington, with its administration and Tehran and its Ayatollahs are in concert and fair agreement to oppose the demands of the demonstrators for the expulsion of the present Iraqi regime. Both the US and Iran are playing the same cards with the Mahdi administration, both are pursuing practically the same corrupt agenda, while defending their interests and steeling Iraq's oil wealth.

The situation in Lebanon is basically the same, or at least very similar to its Iraqi counterpart in most aspects, the big players are the same ones, the US, Israel and Iran. In Lebanon the scenario of public protest against a very corrupt bunch of political thieves, playing the external cards as well as internal sectarian and ethnic divisions of all religious groups of the Lebanese mosaic under their warlords and their descendants.

Syria had its similarities to both neighbors, and already paid a high price and is still paying in total carnage, desolation, destruction, killings and mass displacement of millions. lately an impression of victory to one side under the absolute tutelage of Russia, contrary to the exclusivity of the America/Iranian in the other two.

While the Trump administration and Israel and their Saudi allies pursue their regional war aims, and suppression over the entire Middle-East, and in the three mentioned countries, Iran Ayatollahs and their local allies and forces strive to suppress social unrest in all three countries by using direct forces or proxies on the ground, suppressing any form of public protest for fear of having them spread across its own borders, a situation that already started and is being harshly repressed.

The US is obviously sacrificing and maybe even purposely destroying two or possibly more of its presumably steady allies, Iraq and Lebanon, Jordan might be the next victim of the same planning, of trying to subdue Iran and kill any chance of independent thinking in any of the Levant mosaics. With a total complicity of Israel, all Arab states, a satisfied Russia, and a bought and threatened Turkey, the game might have a serious chance of success.

After deciding and for various reasons, the Trump administration, and against the declared wishes of Israel's Netanyahu, that an actual war with American troops on the ground is undesirable and not popular in America, and it could be detrimental to Trump's hopes of a second term in office, the game was switched to an economical pressure and sectarian divide tactics to pressure Iran in total submission, resulting in many, indeed many people, from all concerned countries, including the under the brutal illegal occupation Palestinians, who will all pay a very dear price in lives and welfare.

Like the Biblical Samson, who brought down the house upon all the people that were there, the Zionist leadership and their lobbyists, are applying all their pressure on the US political machine to destroy one country after the other, all for their hegemonic dreams, and total vain and egoistical supremacy. The sad part is the US believing them blindly, and maybe not so blindly, but executing to the letter their wishes and narrow selfish interests .
                                          My usual many thanks to all good readers around the world .

Wednesday, November 13, 2019


It is essential in life to look at ourselves, and see ourselves as we actually are, not as we imagine our-selves to be, or even as we perceive and like us to be. Once we achieve that, and only then we can truly observe and understand the complex needs, perplexities and various difficulties of others, putting ourselves in their situations and their tragic lives. We'd have to detach ourselves from our own selfish ego, only then we can reach total objectivity and sincerity .

To achieve levels of compassion, harmonious relations with the other, genuine mutual understanding and interaction, to apply to ourselves some of the historical proverbial commands, "Don't do to others what you don't want them to do to you." An important part of the modern way of thinking and it's literally all over our world, is to reject religions and their different sects and denominations.

Uproot them from our lives and daily habits and thoughts as cheap moralizing, outdated ceremonial rituals, and a total waste of money and time honoring and glorifying some imaginary fictitious deities, everywhere thousands upon thousands of healthy men and women subject themselves regularly, on daily, weekly, and monthly basis, to all sorts of meaningless sacrifices and restrictions, like voluntary fasting, unrealistic and torturous celibacy regiments, wasting their time on purification rituals and time and money consuming pilgrimage, reiterated prayers several times daily and weekly, all for what ??

In our times it's considered by all learned men and women as an exercise in futility, simply out of ignorance and naivety, and mostly to answer invisible characteristics of ourselves. Only in societies governed by strict literal theologies, as in Israel, Lebanon, Syria and Iraq, Iran, Saudi, as well as many new leaderships influencing and playing the heinous religious card for their own benefit. They all play and act their invisible sides for deceiving their counterparts.

Maurice Nicoll, described this invisibility of man superbly ; "We all can see other people's bodies directly, we see their lips moving, their eyes opening and shutting, the lines of their mouths and faces changing, and their bodies expressing themselves in action, but people themselves are invisible. If the invisible side of people were discerned as easily as the visible side, we would all live in a new humanity. But we only live in a humanity of the visible appearance. All our thoughts, emotions, feelings, imagination, reveries, dreams, fantasies etc...are invisible and make part of the realm of the invisible. All that belong to our scheming, planning, plotting, secrets, ambitions, all our hopes, fears, doubts, perplexities, all our affections, speculations, pondering, vacuities, uncertainties, all our desires, longing, appetites, sensations, our likes, dislikes, aversions, attractions, loves and hate,all our compassion, all are themselves invisible, but they constitute nonetheless " Ourselves."

These traits of human visibility and invisibility are difficult things to grasp, they constitute the drama of the visible and the invisible, it is the drama of modern existence and the politics of many entities across the world. Hobbes's description of the life of man as; solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short. Most of our actual spiritual, secular, social or political leaders nowadays, add big time to these attributes, we tend to ignore the other, as well as the better ones.

For when gods and or political leaders fight among themselves, men have to pay the price, even die. Sapiens all over have become in our times more rich in means, and more poor in ends.
                                         My, as always many thanks for your attention.....

Sunday, November 3, 2019


Things are only likely to get from bad to worse, especially if and when most if not all political powers, existing and aspiring, right, left, autocratic dictatorial or fascist, theocratic, secular or anything in between, when they all graduate from the exact same schools of thought, learn and apply the same methodologies, and all aspire to rule by big brother absolute control and total supremacy.

There's no more ideology, philosophy or sane strategy in most of our existing or aspiring leadership programs of our times, just "Power for power's sake, personal benefits and the accumulation of huge vast wealth.

Most nations, their elections or grab of power, are turning into very divided nations, into mostly two major parts, something like two different tribes of a third undeveloped country. Choosing absolute sides of the political spectrum, fighting fiercely and brutally not just to advance their own or their leader's agenda, but to provoke, condemn and defeat the other, eventually annihilate the other.

Charlie Sykes, a famous radio show host said; "Politics has become a bizarre tribal world, in which voters and active participants will tolerate any bizarre behavior, any dishonesty, crudity and cruelty, any blatant lie, because the other side is always worse and an absolute enemy.

In most polls nowadays, the majority of people assume search engines are unbiased, while practically all as Face book, twitter, YouTube, Google and many other national or foreign sites, depend almost solely on algorithms, to personalize information based on what we all watch. They customize all info on earlier data they've collected earlier about us all along the way. More and more our computers monitors, our TVs, our daily habits, goings and visits, are all a kind of a one-way mirrors, reflecting fully our strict interests and instant inclinations, while observers are building their accurate algorithmic tables while watching us simply click !!

This constant and continual brainwashing/observing/monitoring, from all sources, makes us all live in increasingly narrow fixed walled rooms of thought, making it harder and harder to reach or agree on facts, and or any sense of reality, or even some common political logic. Algorithms, numbers and statistics are deciding for us all what to see or not to see, what we need to know or not know, what to decide upon, approve or negate, whom to look for from a variety of leaders and representatives.

While we should resist, or at least make sure all these are not keyed to well set programs, fixed demagogic and political crazy ideologies, let us make sure there's some independence from big brother indoctrination and thought policing of our modern times. Let me use a small example of how fixed we can all be sometimes and during some fazes of our lives, Here in the U.S, 78% of Democrats, and Democratic leaning independents said recently, that colleges and universities have a positive effect on the country and its youths. A majority of Republicans and leaning right American Republicans almost a staggering 60% of them have a negative view of these same institutions of higher learning . Our present day political institutions are only a clear aspect, reflecting these numbers.

We all thought originally, that all these free of charges and free of advertising and commercials, and available to all, all over the world, is the innovation of science thrown to us all as a gift, solely because it was a good idea of progress and scientific achievement, we all felt it was more good than harm, but it's now collectively being discovered that it's more perverse and serving ideologies of big fascist brothers, than practically any other tool of modern times, it's exploiting the populations by spreading misinformation and disinformation and fake news, cruelty and prejudice, spreading the non facts that support certain specific points of view, the entire Internet with its tools are playing with our brains grand time.

Finally, to claim that our world is becoming a much safer, better and more equitable and democratic place, Well , let's wait and see. No one in his or her right set of mind can assure anymore or be assertive and positive as to the future of humanity or its institutions.
                          My as always, many thanks for your patience and time.