Friday, September 13, 2024


Common interests alliance...
Written by an Iraqi writer.

1- I chose this title for my article, which is the title of a book by (Trita Parzi), an Iranian-American, in which he speaks objectively about the alliance of interests between Iran, America, and Israel, the old and renewed alliance. I am not obsessed with the conspiracy theory, but I believe in analysis based on information and data.

2- Information leaked after Haniyeh’s killing about an American delegation visiting Tehran carrying a decisive message, setting new rules for American-Iranian relations. Among what was leaked was that the delegation informed the Iranians of the following:
A- We must return immediately to the nuclear agreement.
B- It is not permissible to tamper with Israel’s security and American strategies in the region. You can respond to Haniyeh’s killing to relieve your embarrassment, and we are prepared to agree on specific targets to be bombed.
A- We allowed you to expand in the Middle East throughout the past decades because it was not harmful to us, but now you must coordinate with us directly.
D- If these conditions are not adhered to, the price is the downfall of the Iranian regime. All Iranian infrastructure sites will be targeted and taken out of service, which will inevitably lead to the launch of a popular revolution supported by America, and the regime will fall. If it is necessary to overthrow Bashar, we will do so, and the price of overthrowing him will not cost more than one missile targeting him, and the page of the Assad regime will be turned forever.
*The hypothesis that Haniyeh was liquidated by the Iranians has returned again after they announced their new agreements with the Americans. This is not ruled out at all. We also do not know whether the understanding with Iran took place before Haniyeh’s killing and in light of which Haniyeh was sacrificed, or whether it came after it.

3- The head of the Iranian regime received the message and continued negotiating with the Americans about it, which led to his involvement in a new deal with America to preserve his regime and also to ensure a smooth transfer of power to his son upon his death. A smooth transfer will not happen unless America turns a blind eye to this and allows the authorities to suppress the Iranian people, who will inevitably protest against this.

4- The deal entering into force: There are 4 data indicating the deal entering into force, which are:
A- Not responding to Haniyeh’s killing directly or shortly after, after they had repeatedly threatened through their guide.

B- Hezbollah’s weak response and its call for the residents of the south to return, which means a return to the previous rules of the game and the actual end of the escalation with Israel, while keeping some formal plays for local consumption.

C- Khamenei's announcement of returning to nuclear file negotiations!

D- Khamenei’s tweet about his confrontation with the Yazidi front (Sunni countries), this tweet is considered one of the most dangerous tweets issued by a Shiite figure since Sistani’s fatwa establishing the Popular Mobilization Forces, and this is even more dangerous.
He says in this fatwa that he will continue with his original job, which is igniting wars and sedition within the Islamic world, and that he has nothing to do with Israel and America, in exchange for continuing to turn a blind eye to my regional expansion and ensuring that his regime is not targeted.
With this tweet, Khamenei presented new credentials to America!!

5- If the Iranians respond to Israel’s request to secure the borders and control the armament of Syria and the militias in Syria and Lebanon, they will be very happy with this regime that has taken upon itself the destruction of the Arabs and Muslims (Sunnis).

6- The regime will resort to new escalations against the countries of the region to prove to the Americans that it has returned to its old seditious role.
The targeted areas, in my estimation, will be:
A- Iraqi Kurdistan: Because of their Sunnism, the Kurds are classified as one of the sides of the targeted Yazidi front, and the escalation in the files of the Kurds of Iraq and Syria, which are strategically targeted by Turkey, will occupy the region with futile wars that will comfort Israel and discipline the rebels against America from the countries of the region.
B- Jordan: One of the fronts that the axis will work to heat up
(May God protect Jordan, the Kurds, and all countries in the region from the tampering of sectarians).
C- The Gulf: The third Yazidi front (according to the false Khamenei) that will be heated up.

8- The Houthis: They have two missions:
The first is to attack the Gulf and Saudi Arabia in particular and besiege Egypt.
Second: Conducting virtual wars and maneuvers with NATO to test its weapons and capabilities, in preparation for possible larger wars with China or Russia. The maneuvers that the Houthis are conducting with NATO inevitably have side effects, but their benefits are greater. In order for the play not to be revealed, some interests must be sacrificed.

8- Israel: One of the goals of establishing Israel is: managing the political, military and societal balances in the Middle East. Israel has somewhat failed in this mission and has remained completely isolated, while Iran has played roles that have impressed the West by causing strife and fragmenting countries in the Middle East, which Israel has failed to do. I believe there is a re-evaluation of the Israeli and Iranian roles in the Islamic world, and I believe Iran is closer to the West’s mind and interests than Israel.

9- America: Despite the identification and coordination between America and Iran, America does not leave or neglect because it is the most powerful country in the world, and therefore it is necessary to work diligently with it and within it to mitigate the damage.

10- The proposal:

A- The weak point of the Iranian regime is the regular war between it and any country (between two countries), so it goes to support the militias and avoids direct war, because the war of countries will target its facilities and infrastructure, which will allow its people to rise up and attack it.
B- Purchasing missiles and drones is not expensive!!!
C- The Gulf States and Turkey must work with Pakistan and Afghanistan and put their differences aside, as the matter is serious!! And build an alliance from the republics of northeastern Iran, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, to create a balance with Iran. This will be a great alliance if Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan sponsor it!
D- There is no doubt that Israel has a positive role in urging the West to confront Iran, but this policy is not fixed. Do not put all your eggs in the Israeli basket. Israel has specific demands, and if they are met, it will be the closest ally to Iran and its destructive role.
The work of the lobbies opposing the Iranian lobby in America must be strengthened, because this lobby was an important sponsor for building the strategic relationship between America and Iran.

Difficult days are coming and God is our helper... 

 A layman Sunni acceptance of this logic and full conspiracy scheme is gaining ground throughout the wider Middle-East, more people are accepting and expressing it loudly, consequently many political leaders are following, of course nothing on the ground is disproving the theory, not till now at least, only to make the entire situation more tense, volatile and very dangerous....   

As always, my many thanks to all my good readers. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2024


What to remember from the past few weeks operations and the new attacks on the West Bank, the stalling but continuing genocidal acts. Apart from the demonstrative side on both sides, for the past more than 10 months of this conflict, the choreography of all major events, players and armed conflicts had been perfectly executed by all parties. Now remains to see, who is the main orchestrator behind it all directing all players... 

- Netanyahu restores his image with the help of the Pasdaran intelligentsia, diverts attention from the massacres in Gaza, unites Israeli ranks, attacks major parts of the West Bank, continuing Israel's genocide/transfer policies,  repositions himself in the role of the victim vis-à-vis the West, and places himself in the continuity of the myth of the invincibility and invulnerability of Israel (Ben Gurion/Dayan/Sharon). 

It is obvious that the actual Israeli regime and Netanyahu wat to change the actual geography of the region and aggrandize Israel, one further step in the grand Israel scheme, how far will they and he be allowed is not clear, plus was it an original accepted plan by all parties, or just a newer trying possibility exploited by Netanyahu.    

- Tehran restores its image with the help of Biden and Netanyahu, consolidates its (mythical) status as spearhead of the Palestinian cause in place of the Arab countries, makes people forget Saddam Hussein's strike in 1991, screams " divine victory" in front of its flock to unite the Arabiya front and consolidate its presence within the Persian Empire itself (we should probably expect new assassinations?), but above all shows the still recalcitrant Arab countries (much more than to Israel) what could await them in terms of attack with their ballistic and… nuclear program.

- Biden, thanks to this show, establishes himself as a peacemaker with respect to American public opinion and as an ally of Israel, overtaking Trump on the right with a view to the US presidential election, and, who knows, the pseudo escalation/de-escalation  this past week, could serve as the beginning of a global/regional de-escalation through diplomatic channels in the “neither victor nor vanquished” mode. It could even prove useful for a de-escalation of a tight situation in Ukraine, or so every party hopes. 

The only big losers from yesterday's operation are the Palestinians, Lebanese, Syrians, Iraqis and Yemeni people, who are nothing but cannon fodder for the great pleasure of the Netanyahu-Khamenei duo, or the jerky and passionate tango of crypto sadistic rise to extremes at the expense of civilian children, parents and grand parents.

Finally, a question: how many saved children lives, and imprisoned Palestinian saved from torture, rape and systematic dehumanization, how many shelters for Gaza and for the inhabitants of South Lebanon, and now the West Bank, could have been built with all the money that was squandered on bravado and displays of force by the Persian bully-boys and their local minions, versus or in tandem with the creative duo Israeli/American brilliant paths. 

A heck of a short report on the melodramatic and well choreographed situation between Israel and it's neighbors and Iran, a win/win situation to all, well supervised and probably partly inspired by the U.S. and possibly some of it's allies, such a nice play, it will be shameful if one minor part or side spoils it.....

As always, my profound and many thanks to all my good readers.