Sunday, May 15, 2011

How To Post Comments to My Blog

I adjusted my blog settings so that you no longer need to have an account (e.g., gmail) to login, rather, you can select "Name/URL" when asked for a profile and just type in your comment in the text box (no need to provide a URL, just your name).

Actually don't believe it's me who did that, in fact it was my genius better half Nada who keep saving me and my work from tech ignorance on the Internet, hope to hear more of your ideas or comments now that it's easier to publish in the comments box, salamat.

1 comment:

  1. Now I've got it! Your xx paired chromosome "better half" once again saved your xy chromosome male self. Did you know that Goons have the "short y" version of the xy male genotype? Having a short y is actually an advantage until about the age of 43. After that, the short y becomes a major disadvantage. The short y genotype becomes a liability because intelligent females begin to find their behavior unattractive and no longer funny or creative. If an intelligent female finds herself to be in the rather unfortunate position of having married a the short y Goon genotype, then she must develop the skill to use a tool made specially for short y Goons, "The Hook". When used properly and with discrete precision,"The Hook" can effectively disable a Goon before something really unfortunate happens to him, usually something of his own making.
    Salamat My Friend. And bless you dear Nada
