Wednesday, April 13, 2016


---- Ford motor company announced few days back the go ahead with their new auto plant in Mexico , with a 2800 jobs potential , obviously the whole exercise , is about gaining more through cheaper labor , and maximizing share holder's profits and wealth . The $1.6 billion venture to add to the existing 3 full operating plants in Mexico with a total of about 9000 jobs has already vanished from any media coverage or any official and congressional objection .

Such behavior by huge conglomerates and corporations , especially the ones saved few years back by taxpayers money , is not in the interest of America nor its middle classes , on the contrary it is surely hampering the country's economical recovery and comeback . Replacing thousands of American jobs by cheaper ones abroad , plus the benefits of building here in the country and taxation in their states , it should be part of economical strategies of big companies and corporations .

Such acts , ought to be fought by governments at all levels , but mostly it should be resisted at the general population levels . Let's all of us , as many Americans as possible stop visiting dealerships and buying any Ford car or truck for a month , say the month of May or June , and inflict some reasonable losses for that month ,to both Ford and their Dealerships ,  anything like 20% to 50% for the month , and they will all understand the power of the people , and probably reconsider and think twice in the future about their moves affecting thousands of American jobs . Something of the same is taking place in NC, albeit on very different scales and for different reasons.

---- Another example in the same line of behavior , was the Pfizer case , who were still pursuing their plans of moving their head quarters to Ireland by teaming up with Allergan in a $160 billion merger in a "tax dodge" scuffle . Despite an organized media campaign to the effect of possibly backing off from the deal while the saving or evading of  $40 billions in taxes was hardly even mentioned , finally they did back off after public outrage and presidential pressure .

Using the same logic , if all or many Americans abstain from buying Pfizer products , from simple over the counter to higher prescription drugs , most people will save themselves some money and Pfizer will see the effects of some sharp decreases in sales for the month ,they and other similar corporations contemplating similar acts and tactics , will revise their plans and start behaving within American interests , and not just maximizing profitability .

---- The still developing scandal of hiding and laundering money through the Panamanian system , known to everyone by now as the Panama papers , and the same in many tax heaven islands or entities , should be carefully studied and examined by officials from all levels of government , media and tax experts . Not different from what's happening in many world wide democracies , but not the U.S.  Any official , politician or corporate or banking high entity , proven of money  laundering , evading taxes or hiding parts of their wealth , should be prosecuted and made to pay their proper taxes plus maximum fines .

It is the people's responsibility to assist government in not letting these normally immune entities from escaping payments of their full share on moneys made and accumulated while living and benefiting from the country . These are companies and corporates that betray the country and its people , only to insure higher profitability and more financial gains .

My usual appreciations for your time and help spreading the blog .


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