Saturday, March 3, 2018


As reported by Haaretz , a leading newspaper in Israel , that the Israeli cabinet ministers are pushing a bill baring Palestinians from petitioning the high-court in some cases. This and other similar procedures and laws, are all in line with a systematic campaign of abuse against the local Palestinians, be it Christians or Musslems, inspired and compared to anti Jewish laws issued in Nazi Germany .

Another related example was the imposition by the Israeli gov. of various restrictions on the bank accounts of Evangelical, Armenian and Roman churchs, on the grounds of non-payments of property taxes. All resulted in the closure of the Church of the holy Sepulcher, a major Christian place of worship in Jerusalem's old city, Christians revere it as the site where Jesus was crucified, and where his tomb is located, and the following resurrection .

The church's closure by all Christian clerical councils in occupied Jerusalem, in protest of Israeli tactics, to tax the church's properties, and widely seen as a sure path to weaken Christian presence in the divided city. The closure lasted three days and it could have gone for longer time, if Israel didn't back-track on its decision to tax the churches properties. The whole episode took the entire world by surprise and awe, the whole world but the US, the US media, nor any US politician, the white house or the administration, none of them uttered one word about the whole episode, even our ambassador to Israel was so very busy preparing for his soon to come move from Tel-Aviv to Jerusalem, and help finance new illegal settlements, instead of advising the State-Department.

What's interesting, as it seems to be of no or very little interest to the US media, no major newspaper nor any TV network or their affiliates and talk shows, not even Fox news, no White House comment or release, no one literally seemed to consider the news worthy of their time or of any interest to the American public. While any wink of some NRA spokesperson, or any of Netanyahu aids, even our good old Monica Lewinsky, would immediately make first page and headline news.

I always took it for granted that the American Evangelical church was blindly backing Israel's Neo Cons politicians, and vulgar tactics and policies, so why are the media and politicians ignoring and not mentioning such Christian related material, even if not very convenient to Israeli tactics. Anything would go but not the Holly Sepulcher.....  Something is very wrong .

According to a statement by the combined religious authorities of the city, and the Palestinian Authority, these new legislations which could be legalized very soon, are nothing but a facade to further confiscation of Palestinian properties and commercial localities owned by Christian Palestinians in Jerusalem, and other Palestinians in different under occupation areas. Against every decent consideration or international law .

IN life, humans should not be both animals and persons, Kant tells us that human beings are always to be treated as ends, and never as means only; in other words, their freedom, rights and dignities, are to be respected. It seems that the entire Middle-East unqualify perfectly, its religiosity from all sides prevent these basic rules . These societies are becoming experts at applying tactics that resembles the scraping of the row oyster from its shell, and stinging its wounds with lemon juice before swallowing them .

In our last few decades, some political experiments, like the Fascist, communist or Nazi ones, the multitude of devastating wars, the fiction works of Orwell, Huxley and others, should have been enough warnings to all human beings in how to treat each other, and how not to depersonalize individuals or whole populations, in fact just the Nazi Holocaust of the Jews by itself should have given the pseudo Muslim hordes, the Syrian regime and the Israeli apartheidchick Zionists enough to seriously rethink their acts and purposes . 
My as always profound thanks for your time .                            

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