Monday, April 23, 2018


Back in time during the G.W. Bush era, when the invasion of many countries were staged, and we ended up in Afghanistan, a short time later in Iraq, later Libya, and now Syria, while the Palestinian saga continues with full blast, back then president Bush top adviser told journalists how his people had no time for "What we call the reality-based community, in which people believe the solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality" Rather "We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality, and while you're studying that reality judiciously, we'll act again, creating another reality and new realities, which you will study as well, and that's how things will sort out in the future." 

This same attitude is adopted and enforced, it continues with our actual administration, the mentality of imperial reality-eroding, and anti-rational discourse forced upon the public . This anti-rational reasoning is being used to further divide the country, and render any discussion between its intellectuals and its rural population, mostly white Christianized people, quiet impossible. As one side aspires to a great and gone past, and the other to a present leading to a different and better future. 

The same goes in many places of the world, Russia, Turkey, all theocracies and surely Israel, they are all living the same majore divide of rational reasoning . Objective reasoning and governing must be interest-free, and neutral, not serving any particular interests, values and desires of the living self proclaimed  emperors .

Actually in America both parties reps and legislators, have been approving openly, and with great largess, the administration's every demand for funding any and all military new adventures, plus our few allies crazy colonial adventures, while both sides of the isle keep hinting and denouncing the president and his administration as very dangerous and aimless. 

Our inhabited world is becoming more coherent, and unified than at any time historically, it shouldn't be allowed to attempt destroying it for the sake of some pseudo-imperial dreams, imperialism or colonialism, or some stupid feelings of superiority, and definitely not for the sake of any one religion or race or nationality .

My usual many thanks to all .                        

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