Wednesday, January 23, 2019


Last year, the Department of Homeland Security in the US. and under direct authoritative command from its secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, and the White House, all admitted they forced the separation of over 3000  children from their parents, at the southern border of the US. and Mexico. But some newly released independent different information, confirming that thousands more children were actually abducted and separated from their parents, thousands more than previously reported by the authorities or the DHS .

Many of these thousands of innocent children are already doomed to permanent separation, as their documents identifying them or their legal parents are incomplete or totally missing. This deliberate ripping apart of families was a solid plan, intentionally crafted by the higher authorities, to create an intentional humanitarian crisis, and inflicting as much damage as possible on all central American families seeking legal refuge, while running away from extreme violent situations in their own countries. Extreme violence, mostly created through the years or directly aided by our own acts and policies, efforts, arms and finances, backing one side against the other .

Some children, and only under pressure, are reunited, albeit after living some very serious cases of abuse, physical assaults and intentional drugging of children. But what about the left over thousands of unidentified children ?? One would wonder what is the real purpose of the exercise and to what ends are these poor children being abducted and kept incarcerated and isolated in camps that remind everyone of the many open air prisons, used by the US. in previous years or even today by our dear allies in Israel.

So yes, what is the final outcome or destiny of these intentionally and forcefully orphaned children. Are we in desperate need of some young men and women totally brainwashed, ready to serve us in the future in big corporate factories, construction companies, our military adventures through private fighting agencies, they could turn into an excellent cheap source of labor, some type of nice modern slavery,  owned and organized by our government, to help controlling our labor force and its costs.

One could even think of more creative solutions, we have a big debt to repay to many of our very wealthy campaign donors and campaign contributors, Sheldon Adelson and his lovely wife would come to mind immediately, the Koch brothers, the Marriott brothers, Paul Singer, Bob Perry, Harold Simmons, Robert Mercer and many many other very wealthy donors and policy influencers to both parties, albeit far more to the GOP candidates for sure.

It's an elite club, that includes top Wall-Street titans, Texas oil tycoons, billionaire corporate and tech executives, and some Evangelical mutual fund managers and creators, of course all big lobbying agencies, and mostly the political ones serving foreign countries and entities, Both Israel, with its AIPAC, and to a lesser extent, Saudi Arabia come to mind with no hesitation .

Needless to say, these emergent power players now wield and exercise an enormous influence over American politics, from the president, his oligarchy, all the way down to his cabinet members, and the entire legislative body. Now wouldn't we offer a nicely groomed young child, well brainwashed for obedience and all types of services, for the cheap price of one $ million, per head to have and own for life, work and serve loyally these older rich people ?? Our new nobility needs and could use a whole cast of servants . 

Wouldn't we buy their willingness to keep donating over and over again and again. What a better solution for these unfortunate and abandoned kids who could live in mansions with their loving newly acquired masters, a real win win situation for all indeed. Even the president would love it.

A lot of Mr. Trump's policies are based on instantaneous, unilateral and spontaneous tweets, interpreted and implemented later by his loyal aids and oligarchy. But here we're talking about a whole new and different ballgame, it was intentionally and forcefully crafted and played with cruelty to children and their parents, with wicked and atrocious ideas for their futures .

My as always many thanks to all .                 


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