Sunday, January 3, 2021



This past year, 2020, has been incredibly difficult, misleading and treacherous for so many, Americans and around the world. Rich and poor, developed or developing, even failed states have paid an extra heavy price compensating for their failed politicians and corruptness. Our hearts go out to those who have lost loved ones, to those who have lost their livelihood, to all those who are still very worried about what comes next.

We are also overwhelmed with gratitude for all the people who continue to work throughout this crisis so that the rest of us have the healthcare, the food, medicine, vaccine and the basic supplies we all need and depend on to maintain, more or less, a normal life. I'm especially thinking of doctors and nurses, workers in healthcare and public safety facilities, of front line workers in grocery stores, super markets, of folks keeping child care centers and K12 schools running so parents can go to work and produce to keep the world spinning. I'm thinking of the frontline workers in pharmacies and factories, food processing sites and everywhere else we turn to get what we need on daily basis. 

I'm thinking of the farmers, and ranchers, of truck drivers and others in food processing facilities and different dairies, of delivery people working hard daily in unprotected areas to make sure we have food to put on our tables. I'm thinking as well of the public servants in states, cities and federal governments who have been dedicating all their times for the past year to respond to this crisis and its effects. 

It's only in times of great challenge like these, that we show our strength and resilience, and prove we are all in this together, who was it who rightly said;" We all do better when we all do better." It has never been more simple and more true. We should all be absolutely motivated to continue working in every way we know, in responding to this crisis and these harsh days, putting working families and small businesses first, and I don't want to sound pessimistic nor unrealistic when I say that the pandemic is going to be with us for a good time, it's going to get worse before getting better, before we can call it quits and back to normal. 

Every country has its own set of problems, political, economical, social, its own elections and dictatorships, secular versus theocratic, power grab, but now is the time to put our stupidities and political greed aside and start the new year with fresh advocacy on behalf of everyone, in all countries. I know we greatly need it here in America, but so does Lebanon, Palestinians and Israeli, Iranians and their neighbors, Venezuelans and so many parts of the world. We are not done fighting our present situation to afford going back to old politics and games as usual, let's attend to our priorities first, let's save ourselves, our children, our countries and economies and our planet, we have time later to go back to our childish and immature games and political partisanship. 

We have so much to do in 2021, we'd have to almost undo everything we did in 2020, and the previous years, that is of course if we honestly believe in saving the rest of the decade and beyond. If we fail intentionally or otherwise we will suffer a very ugly decade or more of our 21st century and our lives. We're going to need to be bold and not cave to fascistic, egoistic right-wing, apartheids voices, and that apply to America and many parts of the world. 

If anything, the entire world today is witnessing new battle grounds in the ever-expansive culture war between left and right, liberals and conservatives, progressives and traditional regressives, it seems to have enveloped modern politics, economics, and social life in many parts of the world, and revived old political ways and tactics unfit for our times.  

                            As always my thanks and wishes for a better and safer year to all, stay safe.                   

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