Saturday, April 3, 2021



Radical conservatives have been fighting a full culture war. At stake is what America is to be. Their goal is to radically change America to fit the conservative moral worldview. A threat to more than 65% of Americans, to democracy itself and all that goes with it. Not just in America, but all over the world. Generally American values are fundamentally progressive, centered on equality, human rights, social and economical responsibility and the inclusion of all. Our democracy is in danger, that danger has its roots in money, power, social structure, and history. These are being politicized, compartmentalized, and only certain versions imposed on everyone by dubious tactics and politics.

Wars, hegemony, arms, genocide, apartheid, brutality and wealth inequality have all their cultural aspects, even if culture is not the core of them. We are slowly and surely establishing a full culture of forbidding any form of criticism or even giving an opinion or discussing an issue or an act, we will crush anyone even attempting to discuss or criticize a present regime, an insurrection, or even Israeli politics, tactics, behavior or brutality, it's simply forbidden, period. 

And yes, it is appropriate for people of free will to hold anyone morally responsible for their acts, we have a moral right to blame, criticize and praise people, especially politicians and civil servants. We have the right to hold representatives to account anytime we have enough reasons to doubt their motives, integrity, personal interests and intentions, we accept it to ourselves, and we have the right to give it to others. 

If "cancel culture" is not stopped it will ruin everything that America and the Western world stands for. As in free speech. We were right , and the foreign establishment was wrong, they were wrong on Iraq, they were wrong on Libya, Syria, Somalia, Yemen, Afghanistan, and now they are wrong on Iran, Israel and the entire Middle-East, they are even approaching the entire China future relationship with wrong and arrogant upper language and accusations. Yet despite so many life costing errors and wasted trillions of $, they continue to claim they are more qualified than the people when it comes to deciding if and when we should go to war, or destroy a country with its people. 

In a newly released video, Rep. Ron Johnson, Senator from Wisconsin, said he wasn't worried during the Capitol attack, because the majority-white insurrectionists "love this country" and they couldn't break the law, but if they were black lives matter or anti fascist protestors, Johnston added he would've been very concerned for his safety. This blatant racism from Ron Johnston is surely disgusting in our time and place, and its only purpose is to render the Capitol insurrection as a no big deal affair. 

But one could consequently ask; what if Johnston said something similar of whites and denigrated Jews or Zionist zealots, wouldn't he be labeled immediately an anti Semite and destroyed totally as a politician, US senator, even as a businessman, and everyone would have agreed, but to belittle and trample American blacks or left liberals, or even anti fascists, that's kosher and legitimate, even fair play. Take the State of Georgia latest GOP legislations, practically cancelling black and poorer population votes, then when confronted they whine and shout "Cancel culture". 

On the other hand, where are the video clips that show some of the insurgents of the Capitol on the 6th of Feb. carrying the Israeli flag !!! many saw those on most national TV. Since, they masterfully disappeared, the editors must have been seriously busy editing them out. As no one saw them again, a master gave the orders and POOF !!! It was carried out, Gone. Are we not hypocrites ?? Are we not adding and cancelling whatever and whoever we find inconvenient ??? 

As always my profound thanks to all, stay safe and well.                

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