Saturday, July 23, 2022



D.S.A. or divided States of America, is efficiently replacing U.S.A. it is becoming clearer and more factual, more visible to any observer living within or outside the country since the American civil war and the mid 19th century crisis. The causes are almost the same, the naming and picturing are a bit different. Racism white male supremacy, religious intolerance and literalism, extreme conservatism are all existing and well maintained in all of what we call nowadays "Red States", less so to different degrees and levels in "Blue States". Even economic theories and applications are affected by degrees of redness or blueness of a State rendering them generally poorer or better off. 

Until now most if not all still believe in the power of unity and the Union, and its benefits, plus the fact that each individual State big or small, rich or poor still believe that it could win, influence and impose its ways all over, even on the entire country. Both camps believe and cherish their own models of thinking, behaving and governing.  

Regional alliances are often de facto on the ground, as in the southern and the north-eastern cases, the Biblical belt, the Pacific States, or the Mid-Eastern center right States. But all these are becoming more vulnerable, as the new political, socio economical and religious fervors are all accelerating the divide, the idea of a cessation or some type of separation is playing more loudly than ever in many corners, Texas and Florida are leaders that could initiate something of the sort and drag a few others with them. California could be seen doing something as well from the other political side.

Many other States and their populations believe that should things happen along these lines, they would be better off alone than united. No thinking nor any consideration of how weaker and more vulnerable they would end up being. How dangerous any conflict or dispute among the various new semi independent entities. Some would prefer alliances with foreign countries, rather than internal cooperation between different ideologies among once unified States. Consider who might prefer an alliance with Canada, or Mexico rather than the Southern belt with the Western Pacific States. 

Can the United States avoid its own unravelling and disentangle ?? Can it learn to better compromise and listen to the other, to look at progress as a necessity and not always cling to a past traditional way, or are we doomed to apply internally what for decades and centuries we applied internationally, just a one sided look, a one sided greed and selfishness, a one sided supremacy and obstinacy, unfortunately this time it could turn bad and very detrimental to the country and its people as a whole. 

All futuristic elements of the once vibrant American society, leading and giving examples to the entire world, are now crumbling, collapsing, and being deliberately destroyed. To end it all note; "Americans have finally started killing each other over mayonnaise", with all of what's happening in the country, maybe it is inevitable and irreversible ..... 

What is taking place here can not be said to be purely ideological, it is both much more and much less than ideology, it is the production of effective instruments, working systematically for long years for the formation, accumulation and monopolization of wealth and power, using religion narrowness, white male supremacy, racism, and a false pseudo conservatism, plus some old inherited 18 and 19th century colonialism. 

my thanks to all, as always stay safe and well.                           


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