Thursday, April 13, 2023



As we go through this period of the year, where there's a jam of religious holidays, for all three monotheistic religions and their various different derivatives and sects, I thought of summarizing it all with these few good and insightful words, written and forwarded by a good friend, a subject discussed in too many different books and high intellectual levels and circles, including me , check my blog "A God called Jesus". April 27 2015. it surely reflects my own personal  understandings and beliefs.....   

Jesus and Christ

We say Jesus Christ as if they were one and the same. But Jesus or Yessu is a real person in history while Christ is an article of faith.

Easter prompts one to read and learn more. One school of thought believes that indeed

historically there was a man called Jesus (see attached), he preached to the poor and the sick in Judea. While he did not directly challenge Rome (Give what is to Caesar to Caesar, and what is to God to God) he was critical of the local Judaic establishment and posed a challenge to their

traditional leaders (The Pharisees).  He developed something of a following but was tolerated

until he decided to come to Jerusalem.....Palm Sunday, thus challenging the Pharisees in the heart

of their seat of power, so they decided to get rid of him. Less than a week later he was executed

by crucifixion which was the common Roman method of execution. That is about Jesus the real


But being Christ, son of God, and all the miracles, immaculate conception, rising from the dead

etc....etc....  that is where myth and faith come in. The stories about Jesus were largely built up and

embellished by St. Paul who was a great spinmeister. Together with James (brother of Jesus) Paul developed the stories about Jesus and added the miracles and made a deity out of the man. Paul was also a gifted activist and organizer, and he set about creating from the followers and stories of Jesus an institution which became the Church. Paul was not from Judea, he was a full Roman citizen born in Tarsus (now in Turkey). While Peter promoted the message of Jesus in Judea,

Paul recognized that Rome was the center of power so he worked and organized very hard in Rome. Thus Christianity as an institutionalized Church was formed.

Paul was not one of the 12 Apostles. In the New Testament, the books of the apostles Mark and Luke were written early on and contain very little of miracles and superlative acts. The books of

Matthew and John were written later and contain considerable embellishment.

As always, my profound thanks to all my good readers and friends, stay safe and well. 

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