Sunday, March 3, 2024



Aaron Bushnell, may he rest in peace.

On social media in America, the moderators are shadow-banning posts and articles that are related to what happened to Aaron. It seems that the media wants to keep this under wraps as much as possible.

But the damage has been done, and the Russians and Chinese will probably not let this go, because it is such a huge event. Because it wasn’t done by the average American citizen, but by a soldier who put on his uniform to serve his country.

For a soldier to protest against the country he is meant to serve goes to such lengths to not even participate but self-immolate himself. He’s basically elevated himself into a symbol of resistance to sections in American society.

The consequences of this will be far reaching in American society. But I want to draw attention to reactions within the Middle East. Because some people feel that he died for people that hated him and the reactions should hopefully put a rest to those words.

Instead of me writing the reactions, why don’t you see it for yourself.

If this had happened in China or in Russia you’d see the Americans celebrating and praising them as heroes, however, when the same is done in America it’s usually brushed under and is forgotten soon.

But the anger doesn’t disappear, the despair doesn’t magically vanish overnight, it’s still there, under the carpet and it bubbles and simmers.

I don’t need to remind you that this wasn’t the first time this happened, it was the second time and I’m not sure what makes people think this won’t happen again.

But for some who think this could be an American spring, I have bad news, I don’t think it will and if there is an American spring, it won’t come from Gaza or Palestine, it’ll come from the American people.

The genocide in Gaza has deeply divided people in America, right down to the bone, the Arab spring on the other hand, the people weren’t divided. They were united against their own government.

The people were on one side and the dictators were on the other side, in regards to America the people are still split and you can clearly see it, with a large section calling Aaron’s action as mentally ill.But, the issue is, it’s a start.The reason they’re trying to stop this from spreading is because this will lead to an Arab spring, they want to stop that from happening. They don’t want to mention what happened, nothing should be said in regards to Aaron, because they want to silently brush it under the table.

It won’t be. You can’t ignore anger, it cannot go away and it needs to be dealt with firsthand. If it isn’t then you find yourselves at the mercy of it later.

Thanks for reading.

This active-duty airman, who sacrificed his life in protest of a brutal and horrific situation , while stating that he couldn't and shouldn't be part of the current ongoing genocide of an entire civilian population, he is being described by the very few who mention him in the mainstream media as a lunatic and crazy eccentric child, as well an anarchist activist and a leftist. I felt I had to bring him back with this short article, and give him some due respect and honor, my thanks to all. 

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