Monday, May 13, 2024


This Thursday, Trump’s lawyers will argue before the Supreme Court that presidents should be allowed to commit crimes. They have even claimed that a president could be immune from prosecution for having a political opponent assassinated.

Trump says anything less than total immunity would "incapacitate every future president." Baloney! It would incapacitate him! He’s the only president who's been criminally charged with a criminal conspiracy to overturn the will of American voters.

We all know, a president shouldn’t be above the law. But the Supreme Court has allowed his January 6 trial to be put on hold while they entertain Trump’s outrageous claims.

Donald Trump's desire to turn the U.S. president into a supreme ruler, not bound by the same laws as everyone else. This is a fundamental threat to our democracy, it turns a president into an untouchable dictator, and it's totally unacceptable. 
We can only hope justice delayed will not be justice denied.

We, the American people, must know before casting our ballots whether or not we are voting for a felon.

Robert Reich
Inequality Media Civic Action
Even brutal dictators with an army and secret services under their control wouldn't aspire to such total immunity, at least not publicly and under the law, so would Mr. Trump arrange to kill Stormy Daniels instead of paying a high price for her silence and still getting an immunity ??? 
 My many thanks to all my good readers. 

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