Sunday, June 23, 2024



Prime Minister B. Netanyahu this week engaged in increasingly public disputes and arguments with his military brass, his right-wing coalition partners, pushing him for more war and annexations, and with his most powerful supporter, the White House.

In the ninth month of the war, Mr. Netanyahu finds himself further isolated, his pledge of "Total victory" against Hamas are at odds with his military leadership who are calling for de-escalation of the war and a clear plan for the day after. 

According to the Israeli press, a serious but unauthenticated report talked about the death toll among the fighting Israelis, whether members of the IDF or some other special units helping the war efforts. The report says: 

There are till now, well into the ninth month of war, roughly 16.000 Israeli soldiers who got killed in the war, all citizens of Israel with no dual nationalities. 15.936 to be exact according to the report. 

A total of 930 dual French/Israeli nationals fighting along side the army and its special branches.

As well, a staggering 1320 dual citizens US/Israeli who faced the same death losses. 

And about 49 British/Israeli fighters or more, who died with the war and its consequences. Plus few from other different European countries holding dual citizenship, like Italy and Eastern-Europe. 

Now , of course, it is as well a known fact that there are many other nationalities fighting as mercenaries strictly for money, all hired by the IDF, like Indians and Ethiopians and other minor individuals from other countries. 

"We are fighting on several fronts" Mr. Netanyahu finds himself in some difficult spot, and with these well hidden high fatalities numbers, his position and tactics seem quiet untenable and very unrealistic. 

As always, my many thanks to all my good readers.          

Thursday, June 13, 2024



Biden's initiative between stopping the war in Gaza and the end of the world.. Everyone is afraid of the chessboards catching fire!!

Written by: Safwat Omran

The world was surprised that the American President presented an initiative to stop the Israeli war on the Gaza Strip after 8 months of genocide, and the global chessboard was on fire, to the point that media reports revealed that Netanyahu’s office and the Hamas movement did not know about what Biden announced until two hours before the speech, amid expectations of Tel Aviv’s acceptance. The extremist Zionist government took the initiative, which raises the important question: What changed the equation that made Washington seek to end the war without Israel achieving its goals of “displacing the Palestinians, eliminating Hamas, and remaining militarily in the Gaza Strip?”  

Observers believe that the Biden initiative is nothing but a development of the Egyptian initiative, but it came as a result of major changes in the regional and international scene during the past days, most notably perhaps the fear of Russia and China entering the confrontation line with the Israeli entity after the past days revealed the existence of a secret document between the Russian and Chinese armies that includes... : “Agreement to restore justice to the world, and for Gaza to be the first step on the global justice agenda,” which confused the White House’s calculations, as Biden preferred to distance Israel from this global conflagration by launching his initiative to stop the war on Gaza. This comes in conjunction with the West’s failure to achieve change. On the ground in the Ukraine war, after targeting the Russian rear and arming Kiev with long-range missiles, Putin responded by using tactical nuclear weapons, which caused major shifts in the scene.  

The Russian and Chinese armies’ activation of the global justice system will start from Syria, where Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, signed during the past few days an agreement allowing the transfer of Russian nuclear missiles to Tartous, which doubled Washington’s fears of igniting an “Armageddon war” in the Levant. Which is consistent with the narrative of World War III according to the Zionist-Protestant interpretation of the Torah texts, especially since Washington failed to strike the Russian depths after the successful test of the tactical nuclear interceptor missile on the nuclear submarine Virginia, which explains Biden’s eagerness to stop the war in Gaza in order to save Israel from war scenarios. Globalism.  

Observers said that Biden's concern and desire to keep the Russian rifle away from Israel is due to his fears of the possibility of using tactical nuclear weapons from the Syrian port of Tarsus against Israel, which is in line with Anglo-Protestant interpretations of the end of the world, that the second coming and the appearance of the "global savior" will only be to protect... “The State of God... Israel” after a nuclear strike, so Biden’s vision is to protect and isolate Israel from any possible scenario of an open world war, which explains Netanyahu’s immediate acceptance of the White House initiative and amendments because he fears confrontation with the Russians who could activate the joint defense agreement with Syria in Any time for Tel Aviv to find itself fighting Moscow.  

These fears coincide with America’s loss of the elements of deterrence and credibility among the peoples of the Middle East. The floating port that America announced it would build to deliver aid to Gaza was destroyed, with the accompanying damage affecting 4 warships. The Pentagon announced that this was a result of weather conditions, which is not something that happened. It is believable and carries many question marks, as if we are watching a fake Hollywood movie. The air storm scenario is unconvincing and leaves us confused as victims of a fraud. Then came the Houthi attack on the Eisenhower aircraft carrier in the Red Sea, in a precedent that has not happened since World War II. After Washington denied the incident, the Houthis came out with a video of the incident, and this time America was prevented from falsifying reality and prevented from concealing the damage that befell the aircraft carrier, in addition to talking about the presence of American prisoners among those captured by the resistance, which is the file that Biden fears will be revealed to public opinion in 2024 Presidential election.  

The reality is that the genocidal war waged by Israel on the Gaza Strip has made the region ready to explode at any time. The recent border clash between Egyptian forces and the entity’s forces was an expression of border inflammation. Egypt’s response to the martyrdom of one of its soldiers and the killing of a number of members of the Israeli army confirms Egypt’s seriousness. In its threats to cancel the peace treaty and enter into a state of all-out war with the entity, Cairo refused to withdraw live ammunition from its soldiers, and its assurance to the American mediator that a practical military response to the entity’s provocations is not excluded at all, and it may be from several fronts and not from the Egyptian front alone, which means Complete coordination between Egypt and the rest of the parties surrounding the entity, which greatly confused the American scene.  

The visit of Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi to China, in this inflammatory atmosphere, means that Egypt is not far from the Russian-Chinese global justice alliance, and what was announced during this visit in terms of coordination of political and security positions between the two countries is a clear message to the West, especially America, as it was one of the goals of This war forced the Arabs to stop heading east and leave their new alliance with Russia and China, but what happened was that the war hammered a new nail into the coffin of Arab-American relations, and several Arab countries withdrew their gold reserves from the US Federal Bank, and began to abandon the dollar in their international trade. Which means that this war not only strengthened the Arab-Eastern alliance, but also increased its value and importance to both parties!  

International reports confirm that the American initiative came after the occupation army failed in all the opportunities it requested over the course of 8 months of war on Gaza, and the confrontation proved that the Israeli army suffers from a major defect, and only excelled in devastating air raids, and suffered huge losses in the direct confrontation on The ground is in equipment and personnel, and the most dangerous thing is that all of these confrontations are being filmed and broadcast to the world, which also makes the entity’s army lose the myth of deterrence and strength. The heroics presented by the Palestinian resistance in this war were a surprise to the entire world... and gave confidence to the Arab armies that they are capable of defeating Israel. In any single war, without Western American protection, the entity becomes a thing of the past. 

After 8 months, Israel has failed to achieve its goals in the war. Indeed, for the first time, its leadership is threatened with imprisonment as war criminals, and for the first time they are being tried in the International Criminal Court and the International Court of Justice, in addition to On a global popular revolution against the entity and refuting its narrative in favor of the Palestinian narrative in a precedent that had never happened before, and Israel began to suffer from unprecedented international isolation, demonstrations in most countries of the world, 10 countries withdrew their ambassadors from the entity, and the burning of 7 Israeli embassies in different regions of the world. 

The revolution of universities and the revolution of thinkers, politicians and human rights activists who suddenly became a weapon in the back of the West as a result of its bias towards Israel, the recognition of the Palestinian state by 3 European countries, led by Spain, this and others confirm that America never chooses peace, but rather it is imposed on it and forced, and as experts say, America is interfering today. To stop the war because the balance of interests and gains began to shift in its hands. America went to stop the war knowing that it had lost a lot, that the Netanyahu government had ended, and that Biden’s chances of winning a second term were in vain, but it was moving to save what could be saved, as this is a finger-biting war that will be lost by whoever screams first. ...and Biden's initiative is the beginning of the Zionist-American cry.. There will come a day when the heroics that took place behind the scenes and in closed rooms will be told and told.

My usual many thanks to all my good readers.

Monday, June 3, 2024



What is getting clearer at this unique moment, is that Hamas, a small Palestinian movement, defeated not only Israel, but the entire West. All of it. It won on the battlefield, and it won in public opinion. It managed to make spectacular use of its reading of Israeli mentality, and it employed every asset it had with extreme efficiency. It won hearts for the Palestinian cause the world over. It has not been destroyed or dismantled. It kept virtually every captive it took 7months ago. It yielded to no pressure. It remains functional and lethal, in a besieged and bombed to oblivion tiny strip of land.
History will judge the last six months as one of the most genius and unbelievable achievements in all military history. This is beyond unfathomable. By waging this war this way, by not thinking or feeling, Israel made Hamas a legend of resistance that will live in cultural memory for ages. No one believed they could pull this off. But they did. And they changed history forever. Palestine is never returning to the shadows again. Hamas.

Antiestablishment, pro-humanity thinker, writer, and speaker out of Israel.
As always, my many thanks to all my good readers.