Sunday, June 23, 2024



Prime Minister B. Netanyahu this week engaged in increasingly public disputes and arguments with his military brass, his right-wing coalition partners, pushing him for more war and annexations, and with his most powerful supporter, the White House.

In the ninth month of the war, Mr. Netanyahu finds himself further isolated, his pledge of "Total victory" against Hamas are at odds with his military leadership who are calling for de-escalation of the war and a clear plan for the day after. 

According to the Israeli press, a serious but unauthenticated report talked about the death toll among the fighting Israelis, whether members of the IDF or some other special units helping the war efforts. The report says: 

There are till now, well into the ninth month of war, roughly 16.000 Israeli soldiers who got killed in the war, all citizens of Israel with no dual nationalities. 15.936 to be exact according to the report. 

A total of 930 dual French/Israeli nationals fighting along side the army and its special branches.

As well, a staggering 1320 dual citizens US/Israeli who faced the same death losses. 

And about 49 British/Israeli fighters or more, who died with the war and its consequences. Plus few from other different European countries holding dual citizenship, like Italy and Eastern-Europe. 

Now , of course, it is as well a known fact that there are many other nationalities fighting as mercenaries strictly for money, all hired by the IDF, like Indians and Ethiopians and other minor individuals from other countries. 

"We are fighting on several fronts" Mr. Netanyahu finds himself in some difficult spot, and with these well hidden high fatalities numbers, his position and tactics seem quiet untenable and very unrealistic. 

As always, my many thanks to all my good readers.          

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