Wednesday, July 3, 2024



An Israeli article, from the newspaper "Maariv" specifies the starting point of these events. 

The Israeli paper Maariv published a new article by the writer Jackie Hughey, he said in it:

The call for an invasion of Lebanon and destroying Hezbollah, is like an election slogan.

In his article, Hughey says, that there has been a lot of talk in recent days about the necessity of waging a deep war against Lebanon. He added: sometimes I doubt that those who call for declaring war on Hezbollah and to end it once and for all, Do they truly understand who this organization is and what such a conflict entails, although there are no indication that the security establishment is pushing for war, not even Prime Minister Netanyahu nor Defense Minister Galant, there are some Ministers and a chorus of Tweeters encouraging it. 

He added, All of these people are calling for a comprehensive war - that will cause tremendous human losses- with Hezbollah, similar to what the Israeli army is doing these days in the Gaza strip. But Hezbollah has a much stronger army than Hamas in Gaza. Also, we are in Lebanon, we will not be confronting the party alone, as the resistance axis considers such a war an existential battle, and it also believes that broad Israeli campaign against Hezbollah would destroy the entire camp. 

He added, in Iraq emergency plans have already been completed, and pro-Iranian groups are ready to send tens of thousands of fighters to Lebanon. Recruits may also come from Yemen, as well as Iran. Here the Israeli army may find itself , if it starts a war on Lebanon, facing  a coalition of armies of not very high quality, but with great manpower. 

He continues: In order to destroy Hezbollah, "The IDF will have to reach Beirut on foot, and for this purpose several infantry divisions at their best are needed. The regular and reserve forces of the IDF are not in an ideal position to conduct such a campaign after the war in Gaza, and we have not yet discussed the enormous quantities of ammunitions that will be required. 

He adds, The Israeli economy is already suffering from a recession, and it is expected to enter a state of chaos if a second front ignites with Lebanon. The main lesson we have to learn here is that; although Israel an iron-fisted regional power, it is not an all-powerful power. In simpler words, Israel is not as strong as we thought. We cannot fight all the time, on all fronts, and expect to win, or maintain a high level of vigilance at all times, on regular days as well as on holidays. 

The IDF cannot place a soldier on every citizen and settler, a battalion in preparation in every area, and a division on every front. Even with the technical superiority we enjoy, the enemy has answers. When I hear an Israeli politician or a public opinion leader calling for an invasion of Lebanon, or eliminating Hezbollah, I'm worried about him. You can invade Lebanon, and you can eliminate Hezbollah, but at a very high price, and not at this time, as the Israeli army is working with great intensity on another front. When the Israeli society is bleeding, a little humility won't hurt. 

An interesting article, reflecting the reality on the ground, and not just fulfilling destructive wishful ideologies and superiority colonialism and genocidal and annexation attitudes and policies. 

My many thanks to all.                   

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