Tuesday, July 23, 2024



Ten months after the attacks of  OCT.7th, the humanitarian conditions in Gaza and most of the West Bank, plus the south of Lebanon and possibly all of it, have all become extreme, hunger and devastation and massive death are unfolding, and a real threat of regional and beyond war, that may soon spiral out of control, all in real time, right before our eyes.
It is painfully clear how urgently a permanent ceasefire and a long term aftermath blue print for a fair solution to all sides are needed for peace and dignity to reign through the region.
We cannot sit aside, pretending the United-States is incapable of stopping Israel from committing major human rights abuses, like any small insignificant terrorist group. 

Every day of U.S. support for Israel's wars threatens the life of thousands of innocent people, mostly children, their mothers and grand parents, through continued strikes on civilian targets, through deliberate starvation, through a lack of access to clean water, through a lack of medicine and medical supplies, and more, and more. 

We all have a moral obligation to act. Let's demand it from our new possible leaders, let's hope and demand presidential hopeful Kamala Harris, if she could and would be willing to navigate our force and influence in different ways from her predecessors and be able to enforce some solution to the 75 years old occupation and annexations and dehumanization of millions of indigenous residents of these lands.

Let's admit it, Netanyahu's visit to Washington this week, and his address to Congress are both a challenge and an opportunity to the actual administration and to the hopeful new one, it's a test as well, of ethics, of courage, and of global morality and righteousness. "Our common humanity compels us to act" Kamala Harris said . 

The determination to become a successful leader. We'll see how the vice President will do this week and through her presidential bid.  

As always, my many thanks to all my good readers.          

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