Monday, June 3, 2024



What is getting clearer at this unique moment, is that Hamas, a small Palestinian movement, defeated not only Israel, but the entire West. All of it. It won on the battlefield, and it won in public opinion. It managed to make spectacular use of its reading of Israeli mentality, and it employed every asset it had with extreme efficiency. It won hearts for the Palestinian cause the world over. It has not been destroyed or dismantled. It kept virtually every captive it took 7months ago. It yielded to no pressure. It remains functional and lethal, in a besieged and bombed to oblivion tiny strip of land.
History will judge the last six months as one of the most genius and unbelievable achievements in all military history. This is beyond unfathomable. By waging this war this way, by not thinking or feeling, Israel made Hamas a legend of resistance that will live in cultural memory for ages. No one believed they could pull this off. But they did. And they changed history forever. Palestine is never returning to the shadows again. Hamas.

Antiestablishment, pro-humanity thinker, writer, and speaker out of Israel.
As always, my many thanks to all my good readers.

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