Tuesday, August 13, 2024


Oh Muslims, go back to your homelands.
A factual article, by the Kuwaiti Dr. Ahmed Al-Sarraf.
Oh Muslims of France, Belgium, Britain, Germany, and the rest of Europe and America, we are tired of you. Take your “stuff” and leave us, and go back to where you came from. Go back and take your religious schools with you, for perhaps you will get tired of the secularism of our schools. And take your ideas with you, for your homelands need them more. And uproot what you have planted, if you planted anything at all, for the sun of your country needs its shade, and leave us alone.

Leave us, our climate is not suitable for you, our weather is cold and our fog is gloomy. Return to your country's bright sun, your vast deserts, your green plains, and your warm pastures, and leave us with our heavy rains, our deep snows, and our destructive windstorms.

Go away from us, for you hate the shapes of our crosses, you are disturbed by the ringing of our church bells, you are irritated by the robes of our monks, and you are aroused by the rituals of our prayers.

What do you want from us, why don't you leave?! Don't you consider our food haram, our clothes impure and our homes unclean? So why don't you return to halal meat, pure clothes and blessed homes?!

You make fun of us and call us dirty because you think we don't wash ourselves enough! We won't disagree with you and confirm your impressions of us, so why don't you leave so you won't be defiled by our touch?!

You say that we lack “jealousy” and that we do not care about the actions and reputation of our women and girls, and that we tolerate or do not care about issues of honor, and that we do not consider them, but your girls and boys will be influenced by us one day and will become like us, lacking “jealousy,” so why do you not leave us with your girls and boys and your honor and chastity, so that you can protect them and preserve the reputation of your families from pollution and your lives from humiliation?!

You blame us because we turn our cheeks to those who slap us, and that we are submissive and do not know pride. Here too, we will not disagree with you, but do not forget that tolerance is contagious, and one day you and your families will become like us. So why don’t you leave us before the epidemics of tolerance, forgiveness, and love strike you?!

You hate our holidays, you detest looking at our statues and touching our icons, you associate them with polytheism and paganism, you refuse to put Christmas trees in your homes, you do not eat colored Easter eggs, you forbid giving flowers, and you disbelieve in everything that is eaten from the pig or used from its products, so why don’t you return to your sheep and cows, and your herds of camels so that you can graze them and milk them and eat their lawful meat as you desire, and leave us with our “forbidden” livestock, with their meat and their shapes, which are disgusting in your eyes.

You hate secularism in your countries and fight its implementation, but you risk your lives to come to our countries and live under its shadow. Once you settle down, you demand its benefits, full citizenship rights and equal treatment.

You prevent others from establishing places of worship in your homes, and you refuse to build cemeteries for them, but as soon as you set foot in our homelands, you raise your voices demanding that the state build you mosques and give you land for your cemeteries.

You do not like our music, you do not like our arts, you mock our operettas, and you reject our entire culture, but you are desperate to reach our lands, so why did you not stay where you were, and spare yourselves all this hatred and loathing for everything our civilization represents?!

Thank you, and thank you for all your cultural, industrial and scientific contributions. Now, honor us by returning to the Gardens of Eden, from which you came, as it is in greater need of your “knowledge,” for we have had enough.

A good and factual, albeit caricatural address to most of Muslim immigrants, reflecting a sad reality in many countries, more so in Europe, but spread across North America and the Western hemisphere in general as well, who insist on living their narrow faith customs, and criticize almost constantly local people's customs and habits, with brutality in many cases, a sad situation for both, the immigrants and the hosts.
As always, my many thanks to all my good readers.  


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